Dr. Moritz Reese

Head of the Department for Environmental & Planning Law

Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental and Planning Law

Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

phone: +49-341-6025 1987


Portrait Reese

Fields of research

European constitutional law/particularly environmental competencies, European environmental law, water law, waste law and resources management law, public environmental services, spatial and urban planning law, climate change and climate adaptation

Curriculum Vitae (excerpt)

since 2008

Lawyer and Senior Researcher at the UFZ, Department Environmental and Planning Law


Post doctoral research scholarship awarded by the German Scientific Association; title of the project: “Combining flexibility and effectiveness in cooperative multilevel lawmaking”


Environmental policy consultant at the German Advisory Council for the Environment (SRU) and within the network of European Environmental Advisory Councils (EEAC)


Research assistant and lecturer at the institute for environmental law, faculty of law of the University of Hamburg

Current positions and activities

  • Lecturer in environmental law at the legal faculty of the Free University of Berlin
  • Chairman of the European Enviornmental Law Forum (eelf.info)
  • Co-Editor of the Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law (JEEPL, Martinus Nijhoff/Brill-Publishers)
  • Co-Chair of the Governance Section of the Centre for Advanced Water Research (CAWR)
  • Editorial Board Member of the Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (German Journal for Environmental Law)

Current projects at UFZ

Future Challenges in Environmental Law Commissioned by the German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt – UBA)

KomUR − Network of Competence on Future Challenges of Enviornmental Law, funded by the German Federal Ministy for Education and Research

Comparative Commentaries on European Environmental Law (CCEL) with Chris Backes, Helle Tegner Anker and Jasper van Kempen (Eds.), with Edgar Elgar Publishers.

Leipzger BlauGrün (Leipzig BlueGreen), Blue-green infrastructure development in Leipzig sample city quarters. Subproject 5: Legal, organisational and fiscal aspects.  https://www.ufz.de/leipzigerblaugruen/

Completed projects at UFZ

Integrated Urban Catchment Governance – Organizational, Legal and Fiscal Foundations for Sustainable Management of Waste- and Rainwater in the Wuxi Region/China

CLAIM: Comparative law analysis on instruments for sustainable land management

InfraWass: Institutions of sustainable governance for long term infrastructures in the field of water supply and wastewater treatment in Europe under conditions of climatic and demographic change (Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

SynKon: Synergies and conflicts in adapting to climate change (funded by the German Environmental Agency)

Climate adaptation law: The need for legal actions for adaptation to the results of climate change − analysis, amendment and new development of legal instruments (commissioned by the German Environmental Agency, 10/2008-03/2010

Publications (selection)

publications Dr. Moritz Reese