Dr. Romina Luz Schaller, LL.M. Eur.

born Hermoza Cacsire

Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental and Planning Law
Working Group Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity

Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

phone: ++49 - 341 - 6025 1729

Romina Schaller

Research Interests

International and European Environmental Law

Climate Change Mitigation, in particular focusing on
• Reducing of Emissions from Deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+),
• Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Ecosystem services and sustainable development

Curriculum Vitae

since 2020

Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Environmental and Planning Law


PhD in Law, PhD Title: "Climate protection through forest conservation using the example of the REDD+ mechanism: legal aspects of implementation with special focus on Peru" (Klimaschutz durch Walderhalt - Nationale und internationale rechtliche Instrumente, vor allem REDD+ am Beispiel Peru)
University of Leipzig; Scholarship by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

2018 − 2019

Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Environmental Politics


Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Environmental and Planning Law

12/2011 - 01/2017

Guest Scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Environmental and Planning Law


Research Assistant at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research − UFZ, Department of Environmental and Planning Law

2007 – 2010

LL.M. in Law of European Integration (LL.M. Eur.), University of Leipzig

2000 – 2006

Bachelor in Law and Political Sciences, San Marcos University, Peru


2024 (3)

2023 (1)

  • Abetz, V., Baetcke, L., Ball, C., Bauer, F., Beck, S., Berkel, M., Blome, T., Borchers, M., Brinkmann, T., Bruhn, D., Chi, Y., Dahmen, N., Dittmeyer, R., Dolch, T., Dold, C., Dornheim, M., El Zhobi, J., Fogel, S., Förster, J., Fuchs, S., Gardian, H., Gawel, E., Görl, K., Groth, M., Hamedimastanabad, H., Hampel, U., Harpprecht, C., Herbst, M., Heß, D., Jacob, D., Kalhori, A., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Klassen, T., Köhnke, F., Koop-Jakobsen, K., Korte, K., Kuckshinrichs, W., Li, Z., Markus, T., Mayer, M., Mengis, N., Monnerie, N., O Corcora, T., Oschlies, A., Pardo Parez, L.C., Prats Salvado, E., Pregger, T., Preuschmann, S., Rau, B., Rechid, D., Reusch, T., Rhoden, I., Riehm, J., Roeb, M., Rolletter, M., Sachs, T., Sattler, C., Sauer, J., Schaller, R., Schätzler, K., Schill, E., Schmidt-Hattenberger, C., Schultz, M., Simon, S., Steiner, U., Steuri, B., Stevenson, A., Sun, J., Thoni, T., Thrän, D., Unger, S., Vögele, S., Waczowicz, S., Weihermüller, L., Xiao, M., Yeates, C., Zwickel, P. (2023):
    Netto-Null-2050 Wegweiser - Strategische Handlungsempfehlungen und mögliche Wege für ein CO2-neutrales Deutschland bis 2050, Forschung von 2019 bis 2021 - Version 1.0
    Helmholtz-Klima-Initiative (HI-CAM), Berlin, 208 S.

2022 (2)

2021 (2)

2020 (2)