Dr. Jessica Stubenrauch
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental and Planning Law
Working Group Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity (Speaker)
Microplastics Competence Cluster
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: ++49 - 341 - 6025 2455

Research Focus
- Governance research on sustainable land use and climate change adaptation and mitigation, particularly concerning sustainable agriculture and forestry systems
- European und national environmental, agricultural, waste and circular economy law, i.e. nature conservation, soil, forest, water and fertiliser law, Common Agricultural Policy
- International environmental policy and human rights
Curriculum Vitae
since 03/2021
Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Environment and Planning Law, UFZ
03/2018 – 02/2021
Research assistant at University of Rostock and Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy in Leipzig, research project InnoSoilPhos as part of BonaRes
Participation in policy advisory projects on the legal assessment of climate geoengineering and on plastic governance
04/2015 – 02/2018
PhD studies at the University of Rostock, within the framework of the Graduate School of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research and the and Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy in Leipzig
09/2006 – 03/2013
Geography studies, combined with environmental law and political economics at the University of Leipzig
09/2004 – 08/2017
Work in the public administration of the Federal State of Saxony
09/2001 – 09/2004
Study of Taxation and Public Finance, University of Applied Science, Meißen
Current Research Projects
Interdisciplinary project: Regulatory instruments for environmentally sound agricultural landscapes, with Stefan Möckel, Elisabeth Veronika Henn, Michael Strauch and André Wolf.
Interdisciplinary project (project manager): The EU’s agriculture and environment policies and their telecouplings, with Yves Zinngrebe, Heidi Wittmer, Julian Rode and Moritz Hermsdorf
Publications and Presentations
Selected Further Engagement
- Panel member of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform webinar “Nutrients in EU Green Deal policies: from Objectives to Actions”; Brussels, Belgium, 27.11.2020.
- Organisation and panel member of the online conference “Never let a good crisis go to waste. How can the international economy be transformed in a social-ecological way now?”; Evangelische Akademie Bad-Boll, Germany, 20.-22.11.2020.
- Conducting the workshop “Agriculture, Pesticides and Food Safety”, online conference: A more equitable approach to international economic relations. The EU-Mercosur trade agreement in the spotlight (in German), Evangelische Akademie Bad-Boll, Germany, 07.11.2020.
- Moderation of the workshop “Potentials and perspectives of agricultural self-sufficiency”; Congress Future for all. just. ecological. Feasible, Leipzig, Germany ,28.08.2020.
- Moderation of the panel discussion “Climate, Social Justice and Limits to Growth”; Public Private School von Fridays for Future, University of Halle, Germany, 26.11.2019.
- Lecture “Sustainable agriculture - measures for an effective agricultural transition”; Forum of the Leipzig Food Policy Council: After the election - agricultural transition in Saxony, Leipzig, Germany, 12.10.2019.
- Moderation of the workshop “Better understanding and communicating economic instruments for climate protection”, In dialogue: Climate protection and market economy" “; Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), Berlin, Germany, 25.10.2018.