Former Team Members
Dr. Ines Omann
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental Politics
Working Group Governance & Institutions
Working Group Energy
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
D-04318 Leipzig

Research interests
My research centres around the themes of sustainability transitions, quality of life research, scenario development, trandisciplinary research and sustainability in general. In addition I am working as moderator and facilitator in public participation processes and workshops around the above mentioned themes, based on the "art of hosting".
Curriculum Vitae
since 5/2014
Senior researcher at the Helmholtz Research Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig
2004 - 2014
Senior researcher at the Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Vienna; since autumn 2004 one of eight partners of the company. Head of the group ‘sustainable strategies and quality of life’
10/2002 - 04/2003
Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
01 - 09/2002,
05/2003 - 02/2004
Scholarship holder of a doctoral scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Science
12/1999 - 07/2001
Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
11/2000 - 05/2004
Independent Research fellow at the Sustainable Europe Research Institute
02 - 12/1999
Research fellow at the Wuppertal Institute, Division for Material Flows and Structural Change
03/1998 - 06/2003
Lector at the Department of Economics at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
02/1998 - 01/1999
Research fellow at the Joanneum Research GmbH, Institute for Technology and Regional Policy, Graz, Austria
03/1998 - 02/2004
Doctoral studies in Ecological Economics at the Karl-Franzens University Graz (6 months at the University of Leeds, UK); doctorate in Economics with distinction
1990 - 1997
Master studies of Environmental Systems Sciences and Economics at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria; Masters degree in Economics with distinction
Completed Projects
via SERI (UFZ as project partner):
InContext – Individuals in Context:
Supportive Environments for Sustainable Living
GeNECA – Fair sustainable development
based on the capability approach (coordination)
Teaching Experiences
Since 1997 I am teaching courses in sustainable development, ecological economics, environmental economics, multi-criteria analysis, participatory methods, quality of life research, integrated sustainability assessment, sustainability transition on different universities, such as University of Graz, University of Applied Life Sciences Vienna, University of Vienna, University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna, University of Luxembourg, UAB Barcelona.
Journal articles (selection)
Spangenberg, J.H., Omann, I., Hinterberger, F. (2002). Sustainable growth criteria minimum benchmarks and scenarios for employment and the environment. In: Ecological Economics, 42(3), 429-443.
Bockermann, A., Meyer, B., Omann, I., Spangenberg, J.H. (2005). Modelling sustainability. Comparing an econometric (PANTA RHEI) and a systems dynamics model (SuE). In: Journal of Policy Modelling, 27(2), 189-210.
Bohunovsky, L., Madlener, R., Omann, I., Bruckner, M., Stagl, S. (2007). Lokale Energiesysteme der Zukunft. Integrierte Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von lokalen Energieszenarien. In: Ökologisch Wirtschaften, 2/2007, 47-50.
Kowalski, K., Stagl, S., Madlener, R., Omann, I. (2009). Sustainable energy futures: Methodological challenges in combining scenarios and participatory multi-criteria analysis. In: European Journal of Operational Research 197(3), 1063-1074.
Rauschmayer, F., Berghöfer, A., Omann, I., Zikos, D. (2009). Examining Processes or/and Outcomes? Evaluation Concepts in European Governance of Natural Resources. In: Environmental Policy and Governance. 19(3), 159-173.
Omann, I., Stocker, A., Jaeger, J. (2009). Climate change as a threat to biodiversity: An application of the DPSIR approach. In: Ecological Economics. 69(1), 24-31.
Stocker, A., Omann, I., Jäger, J. (2012). The socio-economic modelling of the ALARM scenarios with GINFORS – results and analysis for selected European countries. In: Global Ecology and Biogeography 21(1), 36-49.
Bohunovsky, L., Omann, I., Jäger, J. (2011). Participatory scenario development for integrated sustainability assessment. Regional Environmental Change 11(2), 271-284.
Rauschmayer, F., Omann, I. (2012). Transition to Sustainability: Not Only Big, But Deep. GAIA 21/4, 266-268.
Books and bookchapters
Bockermann, A., Meyer, B., Omann, I., Spangenberg, J.H. (2001). Modelling Sustainability – European and German Approaches. In: M. Matthies, H. Malchow & J. Kriz (eds.), Integrative Systems Approaches to Natural and Social Sciences - Systems Science 2000. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Kastenhofer, K., Omann, I., Stagl, S., Steininger, K. (2003). Science policy for transdisciplinary research. In: UNESCO (ed.). Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An Insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Paris; London: Imprint (online version).
Jaeger, J.,Bohunovsky, L., Hinterberger, F., Giljum, S., Omann, I., Schnepf, D. (2007). Was verträgt unsere Erde noch? Wege in die Nachhaltigkeit. Fischer Verlag.
Hinterberger, F., Hutterer, H., Omann, I., Freytag, E. (eds.) (2009). Welches Wachstum ist nachhaltig? Ein Argumentarium. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag.
Omann I, Rauschmayer F. (2011). Transition towards sustainable development: Which tensions emerge? How do deal with them? In: Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs, and Well-Being, Rauschmayer, F., Omann, I. and Frühmann, J. (eds.). Routledge: London.
Rauschmayer F, Omann I, Frühmann J (eds). (2011). Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs, and Well-Being. Routledge: London.
Rauschmayer F, Omann I, Frühmann J. (2011). Needs, capabilities, and quality of life. Re-conceptualizing Sustainable Development. In: Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs, and Well-Being, Rauschmayer, F., Omann, I. and Frühmann, J. (eds). Routledge: London.
Omann, I., Bohunovsky, L., Jäger, J. (2010). Partizipative Szenarienentwicklung als Teil integrierter Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung. In: Steurer, R. and Trattnigg, R. (eds). Nachhaltigkeit regieren. Oekom: München.
Omann, I., Hinterberger, F., Hutterer. H. (2012). Konsum und Lebensqualität im Lichte der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung. In: Büchele, H., Pelinka, A. (eds.). Qualitatives Wirtschaftswachstum – eine Herausforderung für die Welt. Innsbruck University Press. Forest Management.
Omann, I., Wesely, J. (2013). A Social Perspective on Adaptation in Forest Management. In: Lucas-Borja, M. E. (ed). Forest Management of Mediterranean Forests under the New Context of Climate Change: Building Alternatives for the Coming Future. At press.
Rauschmayer, F., Omann, I. (2014). Well-being in Sustainability Transitions: Making Use of Needs. In: Müller, M.L., O'Brien, K. (eds). Sustainability and the Good Life. Studies in Environmental Humanities. Rodopi, Oslo.