Thanh Quynh Duong
Thanh Quynh Duong
PhD student
Department of Environmental Microbiology
Helmholtz-Centre for
Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Research interest
Terrestrial landscape provides the storage of water, carbon and nutrients, controlling biogeochemical and hydrological cycles in various different compartments in the Critical Zone (CZ). That is known as the heterogeneous environment where complex interactions between rock, soil, water, air, and living organism make our life possible.
Although these different compartments are connected by fluid flow and matter transport, they are studied separately. In our research, we aim to establish a model system to analyze the dynamic fluxes of carbon and nitrogen in groundwater and explore how they are affected by climate variability and the change of the associated variations of surface condition. My research is as part of integrated projects of the Collaborative Research Centre 1076 AquaDiva and to address the core questions: How deep do surface signals extend in the Critical Zone and how are they transformed as they are transported from the surface to subsurface?
CV / Scientific Career
since 03/2022
PhD student at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Environmental Microbiology, Research Group Biovailability
03/2021 - 02/2022
Research Assistant at the Department of Water Resources, College of Environmental and Natural Resources, Can Tho University, Vietnam.
09/2018 - 12/2020
Master student "Applied Geology", National Central University, Taiwan.
Master thesis at the Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan. Title: 'Numerical modeling of fresh-seawater interaction induced by tidal variation, a case study at NCU TaiCOAST site in Taoyuan, Taiwan'
02/2018 - 08/2018
Research assistant at the Department of Water Resources, College of Environmental and Natural Resources, Can Tho University, Vietnam.
09/2014 - 01/2018
Bachelor student "Water Resources Engineering", Can Tho University, Vietnam