Dalmatian Plot

The cytometric fingerprint is converted to an image in which the subcommunities are represented by black blots (optional grey level blots) on a white background. The dissimilarity of the cytometric fingerprints is calculated based on image comparison.

An instruction manual for performing the Dalmatian plot procedure including ready-to-use macros for ImageJ and R can be downloaded here .


Original publication:

Bombach P, Hübschmann T, Fetzer I, Kleinsteuber S, Geyer R, Harms H, Müller S. Resolution of natural microbial community dynamics by community fingerprinting, flow cytometry and trend interpretation analysis. In: Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology: ‘High Resolution Microbial Single Cell Analytics’ Guest Ed: Susann Müller, Thomas Bley; Springer Berlin (2011) 124; 151-181.