Sonja Knapp


Dr. Sonja Knapp
Working group leader Macroecology and Vegetation Science

Department Community Ecology
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research - UFZ
06120 Halle, Germany
Tel: +49 341 6025 4308

Sonja Knapp

Research interests

Urban Ecology: urban plant biodiversity including the diversity of species, traits, and phylogeny; analysis of the effects of land use and human actions on urban plant biodiversity; linking plant biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban areas

--> Co-chair of specialist group Urban Ecology within GfÖ - The Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Specialist group Urban Ecology at GfÖ

Functional Ecology: Analysis of the functional composition of floras with regard to morphological, anatomical, and phenological traits; using these analyses to understand the processes that shape ecosystems and effects of human actions on these processes

Phyloecology: Analsis of evolutionary relationships between plant species to identify processes of community assembly

Macroecology: Large-scale patterns of plant biodiversity (regional to national) considering climate and land use as drivers of diversity

Current project involvement

PaDRE - Patterns and drivers of regional plant extinctions. Funding: iDiv

iDiv-Flexpool-projects 2023

Comparative urban ecology: developing methods to assess urban social-ecological networks across realms and regions. Funding: DFG

Comparative urban ecology

sGUBIK - Synthesizing Global Urban Biological Invasion Knowledge: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Applications. Funding: iDiv


Functional traits and ecosystem services to support urban planning. Funding: Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA)

"Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future":, Topic 5: "Landscapes of the future – preserving biological diversity, water resources, and ecosystems". Project "Resilient Cities" within Integrated Platform "Sustainability Transformations". Funding: Helmholtz Association

Landscapes of the future

Past project involvement

Rückzugsräume für die Biozönose in Agrarlandschaften: GIS- und fernerkundungsbasierte Erfassung und Bewertung potentieller Refugialflächen und Gewässerrandstreifen. (Refuges for species communities in agricultural landscapes: GIS- and remote-sensing based monitoring and assessment of potential refuge sites) Funding: BMI

German Biodiversity Assessment (Faktencheck Artenvielfalt); "Urban Areas" chapter. Funding: BMBF

German Biodiversity Assessment, Urban Areas

Helmholtz Climate Initiative, "Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change/ Urban Systems". Funding: Helmholtz Association

Helmholtz Climate Initiative

A glimpse on our street tree research within the Helmholtz Climate Initiative

UrBioNet (Urban Biodiversity Network) "Patterns & Traits Working Group". Funding: National Science Foundation, USA


sUrBioCity - Deciphering Drivers of Urban Biodiversity across Multiple Scales. Funding: iDiv


Land use conflicts (Integrated Project in Topic 1 "Land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem services: sustaining human livelihoods" of the project oriented funding of the Helmholtz Association - POF III, 2014-2020). Funding: Helmholtz Association

Land Use Conflicts

Work package 2

Urban transformations (Integrated Project in Topic 1 "Land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem services: sustaining human livelihoods" of the project oriented funding of the Helmholtz Association - POF III, 2014-2020). Funding: Helmholtz Association

  Urban Transformations

Citizen Science-project "Recording the flora and fauna of protected areas in the city of Halle (Saale)". Funding: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ and City of Halle (Saale)

Book about the flora and fauna of Halle's protected areas (in German) at "Natur + Text"

Natural Capital Germany - TEEB DE, "Ecosystem services in cities – Protecting health and enhancing quality of life". Funding: BMBF and BfN

Natural Capital Germany - TEEB-DE

Dynamics of Coupled Human and Natural Systems program for the Twin Cities Household Ecosystem Project and Cedar Creek Long-Term Ecological Research (DEB-0620652). Funding: National Science Foundation, USA

Impacts of climate change on ecological patterns and processes (Cluster 2 in Topic 1 "Land Use Options - Strategies and Adaptation to Global Change" of the project oriented funding of the Helmholtz Association - POF II, 2009-2013). Funding: Helmholtz Association

RAME - Research Association Mining and Environment in Vietnam, Sub-project on plant-based methods for the sustainable recultivation of mining sites and the treatment of waste water, 2008-2011. Funding: BMBF

Editorial activities

Publications: Papers in ISI-listed journals

Li, D., Potgieter, L.J., Aronson, M.F.J., Axmanová, I., Baiser, B., Carboni, M., Celesti-Grapow, L., Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Lacerda de Matos, A.C., Lososová, Z., Montaño-Centellas, F.A., Pyšek, P., Richardson, D.M., Trotta, L.B., Zenni, R.D., Cilliers, S.S., Clarkson, B.D., Davis, A.J.S., Dolan, R.W., Dyderski, M.K., Essl, F., Gaoue, O.G., Gui, J., Géron, C., Heringer, G., Hui, C., Khuroo, A.A., Klotz, S., Kotanen, P.M., Kreft, H., La Sorte, F.A., Lembrechts, J.J., Lenzner, B., Lepczyk, C.A., MacIvor, J.S., Martínez-Garza, C., Mori, A.S., Nilon, C.H., Pergl, J., Siebert, S., Tretyakova, A.S., Tsang, T.P.N., Uchida, K., van Kleunen, M., Vilà, M., Wang, H.-F., Weigelt, P., Werner, P., Williams, N.S.G., Winter, M., Cadotte, M.W. (accepted) GUBIC: the global urban biological invasions compendium for plants. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.

Golivets, M., Knapp, S., Essl, F., Lenzner, B., Latombe, G., Leung, B., Kühn, I. (2024) Future changes in key plant traits across Central Europe vary with biogeographical status, woodiness, and habitat type. Science of the Total Environment 907, 167954.

Published online

Hahs A.K. & Fournier B., Aronson M.F.J., Nilon C.H., Herrera-Montes A., Salisbury A., Threlfall C.G., Rega-Brodsky C.C., Lepczyk C.A., La Sorte F.A., MacGregor-Fors I., MacIvor J.S., Jung K., Piana M.R., Williams N.S.G, Knapp S., Vergnes A., Acevedo A.A., Gainsbury A.M., Rainho A., Hamer A.J., Shwartz A., Voigt C.C., Lewanzik D., Lowenstein D.M., O'Brien D., Tommasi D., Pineda E., Carpenter E.S., Belskaya E., Lövei G., Makinson J.C., Coleman J., Sadler J.P., Shroyer J., Shapiro J.T., Baldock K.C.R., Ksiazek-Mikenas K., Matteson K.C., Barrett K., Siles L., Aguirre L.F., Orlando Armesto L., Zalewski M., Herrera-Montes M.I., Obrist M.K., Tonietto R.K., Gagné S.A., Hinners S.J., Latty T., Surasinghe T.D., Sattler T., Magura T., Ulrich W., Elek Z., Castañeda-Oviedo J., Torrado R., and Kotze D.J. & Moretti M. (2023) Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide. Nature Communications 14, 4751.

Published online - Open Access

Hahs A.K. & Fournier B., Aronson M.F.J, Nilon C.H., Herrera-Montes A., Salisbury A., Threlfall C.G., Rega-Brodsky C.C., Lepczyk C.A., La Sorte F.A., MacGregor-Fors I., MacIvor J.S., Jung K., Piana M.R., Williams N.S.G., Knapp S., Acevedo A.A., Gainsbury A.M, Rainho A., Hamer A.J., Shwartz A., Voigt C.C., Lewanzik D., Lowenstein D.M., O'Brien D., Tommasi D., Pineda E., Carpenter E.S., Belskaya E., Lövei G., Makinson J.C., Castañeda-Oviedo J., Coleman J., Sadler J.P., Shroyer J., Shapiro J.T., Baldock K.C.R., Ksiazek-Mikenas K., Matteson K.C., Barrett K., Siles L., Aguirre L.F., Orlando Armesto L., Zalewski M., Herrera-Montes M.I., Obrist M.K., Tonietto R.K., Torrado R., Gagné S.A., Hinners S.J., Latty T., Surasinghe T.D., Sattler T., Magura T., Ulrich W., Elek Z., and Kotze D.J. & Moretti M. (2023) Datasets: Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide (1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Published online - Open Access

Wellmann, T., Andersson, E., Knapp, S., Lausch, A., Palliwoda, J., Priess, J., Scheuer, S., Haase, D. (2023) Reinforcing nature-based solutions through tools providing social-ecological-technological integration. Ambio 52, 489-507.

Published online - Open Access

Knapp, S., von der Lippe, M., Kowarik, I. (2022) Interactions of functional traits with native status and ecosystem novelty explain the establishment of plant species within urban ecosystems. Evidence from Berlin, Germany. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 790340. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.790340

Published online

Rega-Brodsky, C.C., Aronson, M.F.J., Piana, M.R., Carpenter, E.-S., Hahs, A.K., Herrera-Montes, A., Knapp, S., Kotze, D.J., Lepczyk, C.A., Moretti, M., Salisbury, A.B., Williams, N.S.G., Jung, K., Katti, M., MacGregor-Fors, I., MacIvor, J.S., La Sorte, F.A., Sheel, V., Threfall, C.G., Nilon, C.H. (2022) Urban biodiversity: State of the science and future directions. Urban Ecosystems 25, 1083-1096.

Published online

Swan, C.M., Brown, B., Borowy, D., Cavender-Bares, J., Jeliazkov, A., Knapp, S., Lososová, Z., Padullés Cubino, J., Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C., Sol, D. (2021) A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems. Ecosphere 12 (7) e03650

Published online - Open Access

Milanović, M., Kühn, I., Pysek, P., Knapp, S. (2021) Functional diversity changes in native and alien urban flora over three centuries. Biological Invasions 23, 2337–2353

Published online - Open Access

Knapp, S., Aronson, M.F.J., Carpenter, E., Herrera-Montes, A., Jung, K., Kotze, D.J., La Sorte, F.A., Lepczyk, C.A., MacGregor-Fors, I., MacIvor, J.S., Moretti, M., Nilon, C.H., Piana, M.R., Rega-Brodsky, C.C., Salisbury, A., Threlfall, C.G., Trisos, C., Williams, N.S.G., Hahs, A.K. (2021) A Research Agenda for Urban Biodiversity in the Global Extinction Crisis. BioScience 71 (3), 268–279. doi:

Published online - Editor's Choice

Marselle, M.R., Hartig, T., Cox, D.T.C., de Bell, S., Knapp, S., Lindley, S., Triguero-Mas, M., Böhning-Gaese, K., Braubach, M., Cook, P.A., de Vries, S., Heintz-Buschart, A. Hofmann, M., Irvine, K.N., Kabisch, N., Kolek, F., Kraemer, R., Markevych, I., Martens, D., Müller, R., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Potts, J.M., Stadler, J., Walton, S., Warber, S.L., Bonn, A. (2021) Pathways linking biodiversity to human health: A conceptual framework. Environment International 150, 106420

Published online

Padullés Cubino, J., Borowy, D., Knapp, S., Lososová, Z., Ricotta, C., Siebert, S., Cavender-Bares, J., Sol, D., Jeliazkov, A., Swan, C. (2021) Contrasting impacts of cultivated exotics on the functional diversity of domestic gardens in three regions with different aridity. Ecosystems 24, 875–890

Reprint - Open Access

Published online - Open Access

Wellmann, T., Lausch, A., Andersson, E., Knapp, S., Cortinovis, C., Jache, J., Scheuer, S., Kremer, P., Mascarenhas, A., Kraemer, R., Haase, A., Schug, F., Haase, D. (2020) Remote sensing in urban planning: Contributions towards ecologically sound policies? Landscape and Urban Planning 204, 103921

Reprint - Open Access

Published online - Open Access

Milanović, M., Knapp, S., Pyšek, P., Kühn, I. (2020) Trait–environment relationships of plant species at different stages of the introduction process. NeoBiota 58, 55-74; doi: 10.3897/neobiota.58.51655

Published online

Hanisch, M., Schweiger, O., Cord, A. F., Volk, M., Knapp, S. (2020) Plant functional traits shape multiple ecosystem services, their trade-offs and synergies in grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (8), 1535-1550

Reprint - Open Access

Published Online - Open Access

Cavender-Bares, J., Padullés Cubino, J., Pearse, W. D., Hobbie, S. E., Lange, A. J., Knapp, S., Nelson, K. C. (2020) Horticultural availability and homeowner preferences drive plant diversity and composition in urban yards. Ecological Applications, 30 (4), e02082

Published Online

Kondratyeva, A., Knapp, S., Durka, W., Kühn, I., Vallet, J., Machon, N., Martin, G., Motard, E., Grandcolas, E., Pavoine, S. (2020) Urbanization effects on biodiversity revealed by a two-scale analysis of species functional uniqueness versus redundancy. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8:73; doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00073

Reprint - Open Access

Published online - Open Access

Part of Research Topic "Patterns and Drivers of Urban Biodiversity"

Schwarz, N., Hoffmann, F., Knapp, S., Strauch, M. (2020) Synergies or trade-offs? Optimizing a virtual urban region to foster plant species richness, climate regulation and compactness under varying landscape composition. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8: 16; doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00016

Reprint - Open Access

Published online - Open Access

Milanović, M., Knapp, S., Pyšek, P. & Kühn, I. (2020) Linking traits of invasive plants with ecosystem services and disservices. Ecosystem Services 42, 101072

Published online

Knapp, S., Schmauck, S., Zehnsdorf, A. (2019) Biodiversity impact of green roofs and constructed wetlands as progressive eco-technologies in urban areas. Sustainability 11, 5846; doi:10.3390/su11205846

Reprint - Open Access

Part of Special Issue "Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Urban Development" - Open Access

Volke, V., Knapp, S., Roloff, A. (2019) Survey of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in a central European urban area and exploration of its possible environmental drivers. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 40, 165-173

Published online

Lausch, A., Bastian O., Klotz, S., Leitão, P.J., Jung, A., Rocchini, D., Schaepman, M.E., Skidmore, A.K., Tischendorf, L. & Knapp, S. (2018) Understanding and assessing vegetation health by in-situ species and remote sensing approaches. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9, 1799-1809


Published online

Lausch, A., Borg, E., Bumberger, J., Dietrich, P., Heurich, M., Huth, A., Jung, A., Klenke, R., Knapp, S., Mollenhauer, H., Paasche, H., Paulheim, H., Pause, M., Schweitzer, C., Schmulius, C., Settele, J., Skidmore, A.K., Wegmann, M., Zacharias, S., Kirsten, T. & Schaepman, M.E. (2018) Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: Requirements for a Scalable Multi-Source Forest Health Monitoring Network Based on Data Science Approaches. Remote Sensing 10, 1120; doi:10.3390/rs10071120


Published online

Part of Special Issue "Remote Sensing of Forest Health"

Wellmann, T., Haase, D., Knapp, S., Salbach, C., Selsam, P., Lausch, A. (2018) Urban land use intensity assessment: The potential of spatio-temporal spectral traits with remote sensing. Ecological Indicators 85, 190-203


Published online

Schwarz, N., Moretti, M., Bugalho, M., Davies, Z., Haase, D., Hack, J., Hof, A., Melero, Y., Pett. T., Knapp, S. (2017) Understanding biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships in urban areas: a comprehensive literature review. Ecosystem Services 27, 161-171


Published online

Short summary in German on ESP-DE

Knapp, S., Winter, M., Klotz, S. (2017) Increasing species richness, but decreasing phylogenetic richness and divergence over a 320 year period of urbanization. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54 (4), 1152-1160


Published online

Included in Journal of Applied Ecology's "Urban Ecosystems" Virtual Issue


UFZ-press release 26.04.2017

Stadler, J., Klotz, S., Brandl, R. & Knapp, S. (2017) Species richness and phylogenetic structure in plant communities: 20 years of succession. Web Ecology 17, 37-46

Published online - open access


Banzhaf, E., Kabisch, S., Knapp, S., Rink, D., Wolff, M., Kindler, A. (2017) Integrated Research on Land-Use Changes in the Face of Urban Transformations – an Analytic Framework for Further Studies. Land Use Policy 60, 403-407


Published online

Knapp, S., Schweiger, O., Kraberg, A., Asmus, H., Asmus, R., Brey, T., Frickenhaus, S., Gutt, J., Kühn, I., Liess, M., Musche, M., Pörtner, H.-O., Seppelt, R., Klotz, S. & Krause, G. (2017) Do drivers of biodiversity change differ in importance across marine and terrestrial systems - or is it just different research communities' perspectives? Science of the Total Environment 574, 191-203.


Published online, open access

Summary article on Earth System Knowledge Platform (German only)

Kabisch, N., Frantzeskaki, N., Pauleit, S., Naumann, S., Davis, M., Artmann, M., Haase, D., Knapp, S., Korn, H., Stadler, J., Zaunberger, K., Bonn, A. (2016) Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas - perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers and opportunities for action. Ecology and Society, 21 (2): 39


Published online

Knapp, S., Stadler, J., Harpke, A. & Klotz, S. (2016) Dispersal traits as indicators of vegetation dynamics in long-term old-field succession. Ecological Indicators, 65, 44-54 (doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.10.003)


Part of special issue "The value of long-term ecosystem research (LTER)"

Jaganmohan, M., Knapp, S., Buchmann, C.M. & Schwarz, N. (2016) The bigger, the better? The influence of urban green space design on cooling effects for residential areas. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45, 134-145


Published online

Wang H.-F., Qureshi, S., Knapp, S., Friedman, C.R. & Hubacek, K. (2015) A basic assessment of residential plant diversity and its ecosystem services and disservices in Beijing, China. Applied Geography 64, 121-131.

Knapp, S., Wittig, R. (2012) An analysis of temporal homogenisation and differentiation in Central European village floras. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13, 319-327 (  


Knapp, S., Kühn, I. (2012) Origin matters: Widely distributed native and non-native species benefit from different functional traits. Ecology Letters, 15, 696-703 (doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01787.x)  


Knapp, S., Dinsmore, L., Fissore, C., Hobbie, S. E., Jakobsdottir, I., Kattge, J., King, J., Klotz, S., McFadden, J. P. & Cavender-Bares, J. (2012) Phylogenetic and functional characteristics of household yard floras and their changes along an urbanization gradient. Ecology, 93, S83-S98 (doi: 


Research Highlight in Nature

Special Issue "Integrating Ecology and Phylogenetics" featured by US National Science Foundation

Beck J., Ballesteros-Mejia L., Buchmann C.M., Dengler J., Fritz S., Gruber B., Hof C., Jansen F., Knapp S., Kreft H., Schneider A-K., Winter M., Dormann C.F. (2012) What’s on the horizon of macroecology? Ecography, 35, 673-683 (doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2012.07364.x)  


Bräuniger, C., Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Klotz, S. (2010) Testing taxonomic and landscape surrogates for biodiversity in an urban setting. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97, 283-295 (doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.07.001)  


Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Stolle, J. & Klotz, S. (2010) Changes in the functional composition of a Central European urban flora over three centuries. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 12, 235-244 (doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2009.11.001) 


Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Bakker, J.P., Kleyer, M., Klotz, S., Ozinga, W.A., Poschlod, P., Thompson, K., Thuiller, W. & Römermann, C. (2009) How species traits and affinity to urban land use control large-scale species frequency. Diversity and Distributions, 15, 533-546 (doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2009.00561.x)


Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Wittig, R., Ozinga, W.A., Poschlod, P. & Klotz, S. (2008) Urbanization causes shifts in species' trait state frequencies. Preslia 80, 375-388 


Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Schweiger, O. & Klotz, S. (2008) Challenging urban species diversity: contrasting phylogenetic patterns across plant functional groups in Germany. Ecology Letters 11, 1054-1064 (doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01217.x) 


Also see the interview with "Deutschlandfunk" (in German only)

Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Mosbrugger, V. & Klotz, S (2008) Do protected areas in urban and rural landscapes differ in species diversity? Biodiversity and Conservation 17, 1595-1612 (doi: 10.1007/s10531-008-9369-5) 


Please also mind the erratum to this article

Publications: Papers in journals not listed in ISI

Knapp, S. (2018) Grün in der Stadt: Potenziale zum Erhalt der Biodiversität. Die Gemeinde SH 3/2018, 70-71 ("Green cities: The potential to protect biodiversity")


Volke, V., Knapp, S. & Roloff, A. (2018) Eschentriebsterben in Leipzig. TASPO Baumzeitung 01/2018, 40-42 ("Ash dieback in Leipzig")


Knapp, S. (2015) Die Stadt der Zukunft - grün, vielfältig, lebenswert? FORUM der Geoökologie 26 (3), 41-43 ("The city of the future - green, diverse, worth living?")  


Knapp, S. (2014) Die Stadt brummt. Vom Wert der Stadtnatur für Pflanzen und Bienen. Allgemeine Deutsche Imkerzeitung / Die Biene / Imkerfreund, 1/2014, 18-19 ("The city is buzzing. On the value of urban nature for plants and bees")


Knapp, S., Gerth, A. & Klotz, S. (2012) Sustainable recultivation and wastewater treatment in Vietnamese coal mining. World of Mining - Surface & Underground 64, 253-261 (bilingual: German, English)


Knapp, S. (2008) Vielfalt vor der Haustür. Biodiversität in der Stadt. Forum der Geoökologie 19 (3), 28-31 ("Diversity next door. Biodiversity in town")


Knapp, S., Kühn, I., Mosbrugger, V. & Klotz, S. (2006) Artenvielfalt in Schutzgebieten der Stadt Halle (Saale) und des Saalkreises - ein Stadt-Land-Vergleich. (Species diversity in the protected areas of Halle and Saalkreis, Central Germany - a comparison of city and countryside) Geobotanische Kolloquien 20, 21-30. Frankfurt am Main


Hoechstetter, S., Wahr, J., Knapp, S., Klotz, S., Uhl, D., Thiv, M. & Mosbrugger, V. (2005) Muster der Biodiversität von Gefäßpflanzen in Baden-Württemberg - eine geostatistische Analyse abiotischer Einflussfaktoren (Biodiversity patterns of vascular plants in Baden-Wuerttemberg (SW-Germany) - a geostatistical analysis of abiotic factors). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie), Nr.676 

Other publications: Books, book chapters, reports, etc.

Haase, D., Keil, P., Mascarenhas, A., Kaiser; J., Albert, C., Mayer, F., Fischer, L. K., Strohbach, M. W., Egerer, M., Bartz, R., Knapp, S., Kramer-Schadt, S., Straka, T., Rhein, B., Wellmann, T. (2024) Urbane Räume. In: Wirth, C., Bruelheide, H., Farwig, N., Marx, J. M., Settele, J. (Hrsg.) Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. oekom science, München. ISBN: 978-3-98726-095-7, E-ISBN: 978-3-98726-336-1,

Published online, open access

Knapp, S., Zipperer, W. (2023) Patterns and drivers of plant biodiversity in urban and urbanizing landscapes. In: Nilon, C.H., Aronson, M.F.J. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Urban Biodiversity. Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York. pp. 205-218.

Book's table of content online

Yang, J., Knapp, S., Zipperer, W. (2023) Managing vegetation for urban biodiversity. In: Nilon, C.H., Aronson, M.F.J. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Urban Biodiversity. Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York. pp. 320-332.

Book's table of content online

Knapp, S., Dushkova, D. (2023) Straßenbäume im Klimawandel: Ein Beispiel für die Gestaltung resilienter grüner Infrastrukturen mithilfe der Biodiversität und partizipativer Prozesse. ("Street trees in a changing climate: An example for designing resilient green infrastructure by applying biodiversity and co-productive processes") In: Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Banzhaf, E. (Eds.) Die Resiliente Stadt - Konzepte, Konflikte, Lösungen. ("The resilient city - Concepts, conflicts, solutions") Springer Spektrum, Berlin. S. 181-197. ISBN 978-3-662-66915-0, ISBN 978-3-662-66916-7 (eBook),

Available online

Moeller, L., Knapp, S., Schmauck, S., Otto, P., Schlosser, D., Wick, L.Y., Georgi, A., Friesen, J., Ueberham, M., Trabitzsch, R., Wollschläger, N., Schlink, U., Hofmann, D., Müller, R.A., Mackenzie, K. (2023) Gründächer im urbanen Raum und ihre Ökosystemleistungen. ("Green roofs in urban areas and their ecosystem services"). In: Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Banzhaf, E. (Hrsg.) Die Resiliente Stadt - Konzepte, Konflikte, Lösungen. ("The resilient city - Concepts, conflicts, solutions"). Springer Spektrum, Berlin. S. 165-180. ISBN 978-3-662-66915-0, ISBN 978-3-662-66916-7 (eBook),

Available online

Knapp, S., MacIvor, J.S. (2023) Nature-based solutions and biodiversity: synergies, trade-offs, and ways forward. In: McPhearson, T., Kabisch, N., Frantzeskaki, N. (Eds.): Nature-Based Solutions for Cities. Edgar Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Northampton. ISBN 978 1 80037 675 5 (cased), ISBN 978 1 80037 676 2 (eBook). pp. 83-103.

Available online

Knapp, S. (2023) Biodiversität, Klimawandel und Gesundheit. ("Biodiversity, climate change, and health") - In: Nikendei, C., Bugaj, T. J., Cranz, A., Herrmann, A., Tabatabai, J. (Hrsg.) Heidelberger Standards der Klimamedizin. Wissen und Handlungsstrategien für den medizinischen Alltag und die medizinische Lehre im Klimawandel. HeiCuMed, Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg. 1. Auflage. ISBN 978-3-00-074681-9

Heidelberg Clinical Standards - Klimamedizin

Isermeyer, F., Teutsch, G., Ammer, C., Bauhus, J., Böckmann, T., Bolte, A., Farwig, N., Hafner, A., Höltermann, A., Kasal, B., Knapp, S., Ordon, F., Pröbstle, P., Klemmt, H.J., Richter, K., Schraml, U., Wirth, C., Wolperdinger, M. (2021) Stärkung der Wald- und Holzforschung in Deutschland: Abschlussbericht der Arbeitsgruppe. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, Braunschweig, Leipzig, 60 S. ("Strengthening forest- and timber-research in Germany: Final working group report")

Knapp, S., Klotz, S., Fachbereich Umwelt der Stadt Halle (Eds.) (2020) Geschützte Natur in Halle (Saale). Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt. Natur + Text, Rangsdorf. 448 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-942062-43-5 ("Protected areas in the city of Halle (Saale). An inventory of animal and plant species")

Book about the flora and fauna of Halle's protected areas (in German) at "Natur + Text"

Knapp, S. (2020) Wie steht es um die Biodiversität der Städte? ("What's the state of urban biodiversity?") - In: Kandarr, J., Jorzik, O., Klinghammer, P., Spreen, D. (Eds.), Biodiversität im Meer und an Land. Vom Wert biologischer Vielfalt, Potsdam : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 113-115.  Available online

Knapp, S. (2020) Unsere Städte: neue Spielfelder der Evolution? ("Our cities - playgrounds of evolution?") - In: Kandarr, J., Jorzik, O., Klinghammer, P., Spreen, D. (Eds.), Biodiversität im Meer und an Land. Vom Wert biologischer Vielfalt, Potsdam : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 116-118.   Available online

Both publications are part of the special section on biological diversity at land and sea of the Earth System Knowledge Platform - ESKP Available online

Knapp, S. (2019) The Link Between Diversity, Ecosystem Functions, and Ecosystem Services. In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C.: Atlas of Ecosystem Services. Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses. pp. 13-15. Springer, Cham

Knapp, S., Jaganmohan, M., Schwarz, N. (2019) Climate Regulation by Diverse Urban Green Spaces: Risks and Opportunities Related to Climate and Land Use Change. In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C.: Atlas of Ecosystem Services. Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses. pp. 167-172. Springer, Cham

Knapp, S., Winter, M., Zehnsdorf, A., Kühn, I. (2019) How Good Are Bad Species? In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C.: Atlas of Ecosystem Services. Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses. pp. 215-223. Springer, Cham

Published online: Atlas of Ecosystem Services. Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses

Knapp, S., Kraberg, A., Frickenhaus, S., Klotz, S., Schweiger, O., Krause, G. (2018) Linking Biodiversity Research Communities. In: Krause, G. (Ed.) Building Bridges at the Science-Stakeholder Interface. Towards Knowledge Exchange in Earth System Science.  Springer International Publishing AG, p. 39-45

Published as E-Book at

Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Zehnsdorf, A. (2018) Reflections. In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (Eds.) (2018) Urban Transformations - Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 375 - 379

Knapp, S., Koch, F. (2018) Part III. Quality of life and ecosystem services : outline. In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (Eds.) Urban transformations - Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 233 - 234

Knapp, S., Haase, D., Klotz, S., Schwarz, N. (2018) Do Urban Biodiversity and Urban Ecosystem Services Go Hand in Hand, or Do We Just Hope It Is That Easy? In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (Eds.) (2018) Urban Transformations - Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 301 - 312

Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Zehnsdorf, A. (2018) Introduction: Urban Transformations - Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience. In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (Eds.) (2018) Urban Transformations - Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. xvii - xxviii

Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (Eds.) (2018) Urban Transformations - Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 384 pp.

See online at

Knapp, S., Klotz, S. (2017) Stadtnatur. In: Marx, A. (Ed.), Klimaanpassung in Forschung und Politik. p. 215-236. Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden.

See online (in German) at

Knapp, S., Keil, A., Keil, P., Reidl, K., Rink, D., Schemel, H.-J. (2016) Naturerleben, Naturerfahrung und Umweltbildung. In: Kowarik, I., Bartz, R., Brenck, M. (Eds.) Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB DE: Ökosystemleistungen in der Stadt – Gesundheit schützen und Lebensqualität erhöhen, p. 146 – 169. TU Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ. Berlin, Leipzig.

See online (in German) at TEEB DE

Fischer, F., Schneider, H., Fröhle, K., Knapp, S., Locher, R., Reidl, K., Rink, D., Schwarze-Rodrian, M. (2016) Natur und Wirtschaft. In: Kowarik, I., Bartz, R., Brenck, M. (Eds.) Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB DE: Ökosystemleistungen in der Stadt – Gesundheit schützen und Lebensqualität erhöhen, p. 203 – 215. TU Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ. Berlin, Leipzig. 

See online (in German) at TEEB DE

Knapp, S. (2014) The Urban Garden: A Centre of Interactions Between People and Biodiversity. In: Kabisch, N., Larondelle, N., Reeve, A., Artmann, M. (Editors) Human-Environmental Interactions in Cities: Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Land Use Planning and Green Infrastructure, p. 82-99, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne.  

See online at

Knapp, S. (2010) Plant biodiversity in urbanized areas. Plant functional traits in space and time, plant rarity and phylogenetic diversity. Vieweg + Teubner, GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-8348-0923-0 (PhD thesis)

See online at