Dr. Andreas Musolff
Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 6025 1983

Research Topics
- Targeted data acquisition for water quantity and water quality in landcapes
- Data-driven approaches to assess water quality and quantity dynamics on catchment scale
- Utilization of Concentration-Discharge relationships
- Concepts for SMART (scalable, mechanistic, of adapted complexity, reproducible and transferable) model of coupled water quantity and water quality
Curriculum vitae
UFZ Supervision Award for high quality supervision of PhDs in a productive and inspiring working atmosphere
Since 2018
Member of the managing board of the Hydrogeology division within in the German Geological Society (FH-DGGV)
Member of the advisory council of the Hydrogeology division within in the German Geological Society (FH-DGGV)
Dr. Sc. nat., University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Center of Hydrogeology and Geothermal Energy, Thesis: Micropollutants in urban receiving waters
since 04/2009
Scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Hydrogeology
Ph.D. student, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Hydrogeology
Project manager for environmental information system software and database development, CORE2 Consult GmbH, Greifswald, Germany
Technical assistant for GIS development and databases, Zoological Institute and Museum, University of Greifswald, Germany
Project manager for GIS applications and GIS software, gen-i-sys Geodatenservice, Informationssysteme und Neue Medien GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
Diploma Geology, University of Greifswald, Germany, Thesis: GIS supported estimation of the water balance and groundwater recharge
- 2025 (2)
- 2024 (8)
- 2023 (7)
- 2022 (14)
- 2021 (10)
- 2020 (5)
- 2019 (3)
- 2018 (6)
- 2017 (6)
- 2016 (4)
- 2015 (2)
- 2014 (1)
- 2013 (1)
- 2012 (2)
- 2011 (2)
- 2010 (2)
- 2009 (5)
- 2007 (1)
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2025 (2)
- Basso, S., Musolff, A., de Wit, H.A. (2025):
More frequent runoff and connected sources in headwaters promote browning of northern freshwaters
Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 12 (1), 51 - 56 10.1021/acs.estlett.4c00939 - Ledesma, J.L.J., Musolff, A., Sponseller, R., Lupon, A., Peñarroya, X., Jativa, C., Bernal, S. (2025):
The Riparian Zone controls headwater hydrology and biogeochemistry, doesn't It? Reassessing linkages across European ecoregions
Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 39 (2), e2024GB008250 10.1029/2024gb008250
2024 (8)
- Borriero, A., Musolff, A., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.H., Lutz, S.R., Nguyen, V.T. (2024):
The value of instream stable water isotope and nitrate concentration data for calibrating a travel time-based water quality model
Hydrol. Process. 38 (5), e15154 10.1002/hyp.15154 - Borriero, A., Nguyen, V.T., Lutz, S.R., Fleckenstein, J.H., Musolff, A., Kumar, R. (2024):
Can the young water fraction reduce predictive uncertainty in water transit time estimations?
J. Hydrol. 645, Part B , art. 132238 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132238 - Knapp, J.L.A., Musolff, A. (2024):
Concentration-discharge relationships revisited: overused but underutilised?
Hydrol. Process. 38 (11), e15328 10.1002/hyp.15328 - Musolff, A. (2024):
High frequency dataset for event-scale concentration-discharge analysis in a forested headwater 01/2018-08/2023
HydroShare 10.4211/hs.9be43573ba754ec1b3650ce233fc99de - Musolff, A., Tarasova, L., Rinke, K., Ledesma, J.L.J. (2024):
Forest dieback alters nutrient pathways in a temperate headwater catchment
Hydrol. Process. 38 (10), e15308 10.1002/hyp.15308 - Saavedra, F., Musolff, A., von Freyberg, J., Merz, R., Knöller, K., Müller, C., Brunner, M., Tarasova, L. (2024):
Winter post-droughts amplify extreme nitrate concentrations in German rivers
Environ. Res. Lett. 19 (2), art. 024007 10.1088/1748-9326/ad19ed - Winter, C., Jawitz, J.W., Ebeling, P., Cohen, M.J., Musolff, A. (2024):
Divergence between long-term and event-scale nitrate export patterns
Geophys. Res. Lett. 51 (10), e2024GL108437 10.1029/2024GL108437 - Zacharias, S., Loescher, H.W., Bogena, H., Kiese, R., Schrön, M., Attinger, S., Blume, T., Borchardt, D., Borg, E., Bumberger, J., Chwala, C., Dietrich, P., Fersch, B., Frenzel, M., Gaillardet, J., Groh, J., Hajnsek, I., Itzerott, S., Kunkel, R., Kunstmann, H., Kunz, M., Liebner, S., Mirtl, M., Montzka, C., Musolff, A., Pütz, T., Rebmann, C., Rinke, K., Rode, M., Sachs, T., Samaniego, L., Schmid, H.P., Vogel, H.-J., Weber, U., Wollschläger, U., Vereecken, H. (2024):
Fifteen years of integrated Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) in Germany: Functions, services and lessons learned
Earth Future 12 (6), e2024EF004510 10.1029/2024ef004510
2023 (7)
- Determann, M., Musolff, A., Frassl, M.A., Rinke, K., Shatwell, T. (2023):
Nutrient retention in a small reservoir under changed variability of inflow nutrient concentration
Inland Waters 13 (4), 560 - 575 10.1080/20442041.2024.2305105 - Möck, C., Musolff, A. (2023):
Grundwasser und Landwirtschaft – besser miteinander als gegeneinander. Groundwater and agriculture - better together than against each other
Grundwasser 28 (1), 1 - 2 10.1007/s00767-022-00539-w - Musolff, A., Möck, C. (2023):
Mit Sicherheit unsicher: Grundwasserbewirtschaftung und Landwirtschaft im Zuge des Klimawandels. Certainly uncertain: groundwater management and agriculture in the wake of climate change
Grundwasser 28 (2), 119 - 120 10.1007/s00767-023-00546-5 - Rode, M., Tittel, J., Reinstorf, F., Schubert, M., Knöller, K., Gilfedder, B., Merensky-Pöhlein, F., Musolff, A. (2023):
Seasonal variation and release of soluble reactive phosphorus in an agricultural upland headwater in central Germany
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 27 (6), 1261 - 1277 10.5194/hess-27-1261-2023 - Stutter, M., Baggaley, N.J., Davies, J., Gagkas, Z., Janes-Bassett, V., Laudon, H., Lilly, A., Lupon, A., Musolff, A., Trojahn, S., Haygarth, P.M. (2023):
The riparian reactive interface: a climate-sensitive gatekeeper of global nutrient cycles
Front. Environ. Sci. 11 , art. 1213175 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1213175 - Wachholz, A., Dehaspe, J., Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Saavedra, F., Winter, C., Yang, S., Graeber, D. (2023):
Stoichiometry on the edge - humans induce strong imbalances of reactive C:N:P ratios in streams
Environ. Res. Lett. 18 (4), art. 044016 10.1088/1748-9326/acc3b1 - Winter, C., Nguyen, V.T., Musolff, A., Lutz, S.R., Rode, M., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2023):
Droughts can reduce the nitrogen retention capacity of catchments
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 27 (1), 303 - 318 10.5194/hess-27-303-2023
2022 (14)
- Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Lutz, S.R., Nguyen, V.T., Sarrazin, F., Weber, M., Büttner, O., Attinger, S., Musolff, A. (2022):
QUADICA: water QUAlity, DIscharge and Catchment Attributes for large-sample studies in Germany
Earth Syst. Sci. Data 14 (8), 3715 - 3741 10.5194/essd-14-3715-2022 - Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Musolff, A. (2022):
CCDB - catchment characteristics data base Germany
HydroShare 10.4211/hs.88254bd930d1466c85992a7dea6947a4 - Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Weber, M., Musolff, A. (2022):
QUADICA - water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany
HydroShare 10.4211/hs.0ec5f43e43c349ff818a8d57699c0fe1 - Knapp, J.L.A., Li, L., Musolff, A. (2022):
Hydrologic connectivity and source heterogeneity control concentration-discharge relationships
Hydrol. Process. 36 (9), e14683 10.1002/hyp.14683 - Lutz, S.R., Ebeling, P., Musolff, A., Nguyen, V.T., Sarrazin, F., Van Meter, K.J., Basu, N.B., Fleckenstein, J.H., Attinger, S., Kumar, R. (2022):
Pulling the rabbit out of the hat: Unravelling hidden nitrogen legacies in catchment-scale water quality models
Hydrol. Process. 36 (10), e14682 10.1002/hyp.14682 - Nguyen, V.T., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Lutz, S.R., Sarrazin, F., Attinger, S., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2022):
Disparate seasonal nitrate export from nested heterogeneous subcatchments revealed with StorAge Selection functions
Water Resour. Res. 58 (3), e2021WR030797 10.1029/2021WR030797 - Nguyen, V.T., Sarrazin, F.J., Ebeling, P., Musolff, A., Fleckenstein, J.H., Kumar, R. (2022):
Toward understanding of long-term nitrogen transport and retention dynamics across German catchments
Geophys. Res. Lett. 49 (24), e2022GL100278 10.1029/2022GL100278 - Olaka, L.A., Kasemann, S.A., Sültenfuß, J., Wilke, F.D.H., Olago, D.O., Mulch, A., Musolff, A. (2022):
Tectonic control of groundwater recharge and flow in faulted volcanic aquifers
Water Resour. Res. 58 (7), e2022WR032016 10.1029/2022WR032016 - Saavedra, F.A., Musolff, A., von Freyberg, J., Merz, R., Basso, S., Tarasova, L. (2022):
Disentangling scatter in long-term concentration–discharge relationships: the role of event types
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 26 (23), 6227 - 6245 10.5194/hess-26-6227-2022 - Sarrazin, F.J., Kumar, R., Basu, N.B., Musolff, A., Weber, M., Van Meter, K.J., Attinger, S. (2022):
Characterizing catchment-scale nitrogen legacies and constraining their uncertainties
Water Resour. Res. 58 (4), e2021WR031587 10.1029/2021WR031587 - Tittel, J., Büttner, O., Friese, K., Lechtenfeld, O.J., Schuth, S., von Tümpling, W., Musolff, A. (2022):
Iron exports from catchments are constrained by redox status and topography
Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 36 (1), e2021GB007056 10.1029/2021GB007056 - Tittel, J., Musolff, A., Rinke, K., Büttner, O. (2022):
Anthropogenic transformation disconnects a lowland river from contemporary carbon stores in its catchment
Ecosystems 25 (3), 618 - 632 10.1007/s10021-021-00675-z - Winter, C., Tarasova, L., Lutz, S.R., Musolff, A., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2022):
Explaining the variability in high-frequency nitrate export patterns using long-term hydrological event classification
Water Resour. Res. 58 (1), e2021WR030938 10.1029/2021WR030938 - Yang, J., Wang, Q., Heidbüchel, I., Lu, C., Xie, Y., Musolff, A., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2022):
Effect of topographic slope on the export of nitrate in humid catchments: a 3D model study
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 26 (19), 5051 - 5068 10.5194/hess-26-5051-2022
2021 (10)
- Dehaspe, J., Sarrazin, F., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.H., Musolff, A. (2021):
Bending of the concentration discharge relationship can inform about in-stream nitrate removal
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 25 (12), 6437 - 6463 10.5194/hess-25-6437-2021 - Ebeling, P., Dupas, R., Abbott, B., Kumar, R., Ehrhardt, S., Fleckenstein, J.H., Musolff, A. (2021):
Long-term nitrate trajectories vary by season in Western European catchments
Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 35 (9), e2021GB007050 10.1029/2021GB007050 - Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Weber, M., Knoll, L., Fleckenstein, J.H., Musolff, A. (2021):
Archetypes and controls of riverine nutrient export across German catchments
Water Resour. Res. 57 (4), e2020WR028134 10.1029/2020WR028134 - Ehrhardt, S., Ebeling, P., Dupas, R., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.H., Musolff, A. (2021):
Nitrate transport and retention in Western European catchments are shaped by hydroclimate and subsurface properties
Water Resour. Res. 57 (10), e2020WR029469 10.1029/2020WR029469 - Musolff, A., Zhan, Q., Dupas, R., Minaudo, C., Fleckenstein, J.H., Rode, M., Dehaspe, J., Rinke, K. (2021):
Spatial and temporal variability in concentration-discharge relationships at the event scale
Water Resour. Res. 57 (10), e2020WR029442 10.1029/2020WR029442 - Nguyen, V.T., Kumar, R., Lutz, S.R., Musolff, A., Yang, J., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2021):
Modeling nitrate export from a mesoscale catchment using StorAge selection functions
Water Resour. Res. 57 (2), e2020WR028490 10.1029/2020WR028490 - Weitere, M., Altenburger, R., Anlanger, C., Baborowski, M., Bärlund, I., Beckers, L.-M., Borchardt, D., Brack, W., Brase, L., Busch, W., Chatzinotas, A., Deutschmann, B., Eligehausen, J., Frank, K., Graeber, D., Griebler, C., Hagemann, J., Herzsprung, P., Hollert, H., Inostroza, P.A., Jäger, C.G., Kallies, R., Kamjunke, N., Karrasch, B., Kaschuba, S., Kaus, A., Klauer, B., Knöller, K., Koschorreck, M., Krauss, M., Kunz, J.V., Kurz, M.J., Liess, M., Mages, M., Müller, C., Muschket, M., Musolff, A., Norf, H., Pöhlein, F., Reiber, L., Risse-Buhl, U., Schramm, K.-W., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Schmitz, M., Strachauer, U., von Tümpling, W., Weber, N., Wild, R., Wolf, C., Brauns, M. (2021):
Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach
Sci. Total Environ. 769 , art. 144324 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144324 - Werner, B.J., Lechtenfeld, O.J., Musolff, A., de Rooij, G.H., Yang, J., Gründling, R., Werban, U., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2021):
Small-scale topography explains patterns and dynamics of dissolved organic carbon exports from the riparian zone of a temperate, forested catchment
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 25 (12), 6067 - 6086 10.5194/hess-25-6067-2021 - Winter, C., Lutz, S.R., Musolff, A., Kumar, R., Weber, M., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2021):
Disentangling the impact of catchment heterogeneity on nitrate export dynamics from event to long-term time scales
Water Resour. Res. 57 (1), e2020WR027992 10.1029/2020WR027992 - Yang, J., Heidbüchel, I., Musolff, A., Xie, Y., Lu, C., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2021):
Using nitrate as a tracer to constrain age selection preferences in catchments with strong seasonality
J. Hydrol. 603 , art. 126889 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126889
2020 (5)
- Dupas, R., Ehrhardt, S., Musolff, A., Fovet, O., Durand, P. (2020):
Long-term nitrogen retention and transit time distribution in agricultural catchments in western France
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (11), art. 115011 10.1088/1748-9326/abbe47 - Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., Musolff, A., Troch, P., Ferré, T., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2020):
On the shape of forward transit time distributions in low-order catchments
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24 (6), 2895 - 2920 10.5194/hess-24-2895-2020 - Kumar, R., Heße, F., Rao, P.S.C., Musolff, A., Jawitz, J.W., Sarrazin, F., Samaniego, L., Fleckenstein, J.H., Rakovec, O., Thober, S., Attinger, S. (2020):
Strong hydroclimatic controls on vulnerability to subsurface nitrate contamination across Europe
Nat. Commun. 11 , art. 6302 10.1038/s41467-020-19955-8 - Lutz, S.R., Trauth, N., Musolff, A., van Breukelen, B.M., Knöller, K., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2020):
How important is denitrification in riparian zones? Combining end-member mixing and isotope modeling to quantify nitrate removal from riparian groundwater
Water Resour. Res. 56 (1), e2019WR025528 10.1029/2019WR025528 - Westphal, K., Musolff, A., Graeber, D., Borchardt, D. (2020):
Controls of point and diffuse sources lowered riverine nutrient concentrations asynchronously, thereby warping molar N:P ratios
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (10), art. 104009 10.1088/1748-9326/ab98b6
2019 (3)
- Ehrhardt, S., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.H., Attinger, S., Musolff, A. (2019):
Trajectories of nitrate input and output in three nested catchments along a land use gradient
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 23 (9), 3503 - 3524 10.5194/hess-23-3503-2019 - Werner, B.J., Musolff, A., Lechtenfeld, O.J., de Rooij, G.H., Oosterwoud, M.R., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2019):
High-frequency measurements explain quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon mobilization in a headwater catchment
Biogeosciences 16 , 4497 - 4516 10.5194/bg-16-4497-2019 - Westphal, K., Graeber, D., Musolff, A., Fang, Y., Jawitz, J.W., Borchardt, D. (2019):
Multi-decadal trajectories of phosphorus loading, export, and instream retention along a catchment gradient
Sci. Total Environ. 667 , 769 - 779 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.428
2018 (6)
- Dupas, R., Tittel, J., Jordan, P., Musolff, A., Rode, M. (2018):
Non-domestic phosphorus release in rivers during low-flow: Mechanisms and implications for sources identification
J. Hydrol. 560 , 141 - 149 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.03.023 - Müller, C., Musolff, A., Strachauer, U., Brauns, M., Tarasova, L., Merz, R., Knöller, K. (2018):
Tomography of anthropogenic nitrate contribution along a mesoscale river
Sci. Total Environ. 615 , 773 - 783 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.297 - Musolff, A., Fleckenstein, J.H., Opitz, M., Büttner, O., Kumar, R., Tittel, J. (2018):
Spatio-temporal controls of dissolved organic carbon stream water concentrations
J. Hydrol. 566 , 205 - 215 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.09.011 - Schubert, M., Musolff, A., Weiss, H. (2018):
Influences of meteorological parameters on indoor radon concentrations (222Rn) excluding the effects of forced ventilation and radon exhalation from soil and building materials
J. Environ. Radioact. 192 , 81 - 85 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.06.011 - Trauth, N., Musolff, A., Knöller, K., Kaden, U.S., Keller, T., Werban, U., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2018):
River water infiltration enhances denitrification efficiency in riparian groundwater
Water Res. 130 , 185 - 199 10.1016/j.watres.2017.11.058 - Yang, J., Heidbüchel, I., Musolff, A., Reinstorf, F., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2018):
Exploring the dynamics of transit times and subsurface mixing in a small agricultural catchment
Water Resour. Res. 54 (3), 2317 - 2335 10.1002/2017WR021896
2017 (6)
- Dupas, R., Musolff, A., Jawitz, J.W., Rao, P.S.C., Jäger, C.G., Fleckenstein, J.H., Rode, M., Borchardt, D. (2017):
Carbon and nutrient export regimes from headwater catchments to downstream reaches
Biogeosciences 14 (18), 4391 - 4407 10.5194/bg-14-4391-2017 - Martini, E., Wollschläger, U., Musolff, A., Werban, U., Zacharias, S. (2017):
Principal component analysis of the spatiotemporal pattern of soil moisture and apparent electrical conductivity
Vadose Zone J. 16 (10) 10.2136/vzj2016.12.0129 - Musolff, A., Fleckenstein, J.H., Rao, P.S.C., Jawitz, J.W. (2017):
Emergent archetype patterns of coupled hydrologic and biogeochemical responses in catchments
Geophys. Res. Lett. 44 (9), 4143 - 4151 10.1002/2017GL072630 - Musolff, A., Selle, B., Büttner, O., Opitz, M., Knorr, K.-H., Fleckenstein, J.H., Reemtsma, T., Tittel, J. (2017):
Does iron reduction control the release of dissolved organic carbon and phosphate at catchment scales? Need for a joint research effort
Glob. Change Biol. 23 (9), e5 - e6 10.1111/gcb.13758 - Musolff, A., Selle, B., Büttner, O., Opitz, M., Tittel, J. (2017):
Unexpected release of phosphate and organic carbon to streams linked to declining nitrogen depositions
Glob. Change Biol. 23 (5), 1891 - 1901 10.1111/gcb.13498 - Wollschläger, U., Attinger, S., Borchardt, D., Brauns, M., Cuntz, M., Dietrich, P., Fleckenstein, J.H., Friese, K., Friesen, J., Harpke, A., Hildebrandt, A., Jäckel, G., Kamjunke, N., Knöller, K., Kögler, S., Kolditz, O., Krieg, R., Kumar, R., Lausch, A., Liess, M., Marx, A., Merz, R., Mueller, C., Musolff, A., Norf, H., Oswald, S.E., Rebmann, C., Reinstorf, F., Rode, M., Rink, K., Rinke, K., Samaniego, L., Vieweg, M., Vogel, H.-J., Weitere, M., Werban, U., Zink, M., Zacharias, S. (2017):
The Bode hydrological observatory: a platform for integrated, interdisciplinary hydro-ecological research within the TERENO Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory
Environ. Earth Sci. 76 (1), art. 29 10.1007/s12665-016-6327-5
2016 (4)
- Dupas, R., Jomaa, S., Musolff, A., Borchardt, D., Rode, M. (2016):
Disentangling the influence of hydroclimatic patterns and agricultural management on river nitrate dynamics from sub-hourly to decadal time scales
Sci. Total Environ. 571 , 791 - 800 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.053 - Musolff, A., Schmidt, C., Rode, M., Lischeid, G., Weise, S.M., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2016):
Groundwater head controls nitrate export from an agricultural lowland catchment
Adv. Water Resour. 96 , 95 - 107 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.07.003 - Olaka, L.A., Wilke, F.D.H., Olago, D.O., Odada, E.O., Mulch, A., Musolff, A. (2016):
Groundwater fluoride enrichment in an active rift setting: Central Kenya Rift case study
Sci. Total Environ. 545–546 , 641 - 653 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.161 - Vieweg, M., Kurz, M.J., Trauth, N., Fleckenstein, J.H., Musolff, A., Schmidt, C. (2016):
Estimating time-variable aerobic respiration in the streambed by combining electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen time series
J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeosci. 121 (8), 2199 - 2215 10.1002/2016JG003345
2015 (2)
- Musolff, A., Schmidt, C., Selle, B., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2015):
Catchment controls on solute export
Adv. Water Resour. 86 (Part A), 133 - 146 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.09.026 - Tittel, J., Müller, C., Schultze, M., Musolff, A., Knöller, K. (2015):
Fluvial radiocarbon and its temporal variability during contrasting hydrological conditions
Biogeochemistry 126 (1), 57 - 69 10.1007/s10533-015-0137-9
2014 (1)
- Schmidt, C., Büttner, O., Musolff, A., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2014):
A method for automated, daily, temperature-based vertical streambed water-fluxes
Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 184 (3), 173 - 181 10.1127/1863-9135/2014/0548
2013 (1)
- Schirmer, M., Leschik, S., Musolff, A. (2013):
Current research in urban hydrogeology – a review
Adv. Water Resour. 51 , 280 - 291 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.06.015
2012 (2)
- Kalbacher, T., Delfs, J.-O., Shao, H., Wang, W., Walther, M., Samaniego, L., Schneider, C., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Centler, F., Sun, F., Hildebrandt, A., Liedl, R., Borchardt, D., Krebs, P., Kolditz, O. (2012):
The IWAS-ToolBox: software coupling for an integrated water resources management
Environ. Earth Sci. 65 (5), 1367 - 1380 10.1007/s12665-011-1270-y - Schmidt, C., Musolff, A., Trauth, N., Vieweg, M., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2012):
Transient analysis of fluctuations of electrical conductivity as tracer in the stream bed
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 16 (10), 3689 - 3697 10.5194/hess-16-3689-2012
2011 (2)
- Leschik, S., Bayer-Raich, M., Musolff, A., Schirmer, M. (2011):
Towards optimal sampling schedules for integral pumping tests
J. Contam. Hydrol. 124 (1-4), 25 - 34 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.01.004 - Schirmer, M., Reinstorf, F., Leschik, S., Musolff, A., Krieg, R., Strauch, G., Molson, J.W., Martienssen, M., Schirmer, K. (2011):
Mass fluxes of xenobiotics below cities: challenges in urban hydrogeology
Environ. Earth Sci. 64 (3), 607 - 617 10.1007/s12665-010-0880-0
2010 (2)
- Musolff, A., Leschik, S., Reinstorf, F., Strauch, G., Schirmer, M. (2010):
Micropollutant loads in the urban water cycle
Environ. Sci. Technol. 44 (13), 4877 - 4883 10.1021/es903823a - Musolff, A., Leschik, S., Schafmeister, M.-T., Reinstorf, F., Strauch, G., Krieg, R., Schirmer, M. (2010):
Evaluation of xenobiotic impact on urban receiving waters by means of statistical methods
Water Sci. Technol. 62 (3), 684 - 692 10.2166/wst.2010.930
2009 (5)
- Leschik, S., Musolff, A., Krieg, R., Martinssen, M., Bayer-Raich, M., Reinstorf, F., Strauch, G., Schirmer, M. (2009):
Application of integral pumping tests to investigate the influence of a losing stream on groundwater quality
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