Chao Lei

Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig


Research topics

  • Stream-groundwater interaction
  • Gauged stream networks
  • Catchment hydrology

Academic backgrounds

since 05/2022

PhD student at Department of Hydrogeology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

10/2023 - 12/2023

Visiting PhD at Ecohydrology Lab, University of Florida

09/2019 - 09/2021

M. Sc. in Environmental Sciences, Utrecht University

09/2015 - 06/2019

B. Eng. in Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University



You could use our publication index for further requests.

2023 (1)

to index

Conference activities

AGU Fall Meeting 2023: How to Pinpoint Losing Streams across Scales using Stream Gauges? (H23D - Challenges and Solutions for Hydrologic Scaling Across Multiple Processes and Scales II Oral)


2019: Outstanding Graduate from Northeastern University

2014: 3rd Prize in the Chinese High School Mathematics League (Chinese Mathematical Society)