Supervision and evaluation of theses


Wagner, P.D. (2022): Monitoring and Modeling of Changes in Land and Water Resources. Habilitation, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel (Reviewer).

Schmalz. B. (2015): Integrated ecohydrological modeling of aquatic ecosystems. Habilitation, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel (Reviewer).


a) in preparation

Derepasko, D.: Towards integrated e-flow assessment at multiple scales. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Witing, F.: Optimization of regional bioenergy production schemes regarding trade-offs with ecosystem services, water quality and biodiversity. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Schaffhauser, T.: Improved hydrological modelling for mountainous, glaciated catchments. TU Munich (second reviewer).

Diel, J.P.: Reliability of large-scale Soil Organic Matter Modeliing. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

b) finished

Gasser, S.A.A.: Assessing the Quality of Organic Amendments in Terms of Their Carbon-, Nitrogen- & Phosphorus-Dynamics on Arable Soil. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (first reviewer).

Kaden, U.S. (2024): Determining potential denitrification rates as an ecosystem function in floodplains. BOKU Vienna (Austria) (reviewer).

Tobian, A. (2024): Entering the dynamic risk space. Assessing planetary boundary interactions through process-based quantifications. University of Stockholm, Stockholm Resilience Center, Sweden (Opponent, Member of PhD commission).

Jasinavičiūtė, A. (2023): Impact of Anthropogenic Instability on Landscape’s Function of Ecological Compensation (by Example of the Territory of Lithuania). Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Physical Geography, N 006, Vilnius, Lithuania (reviewer).

Kamamia, A.W. (2023): Using hydrological models and digital soil mapping for the assessment and management of catchments: A case study of the Nyangores and Ruiru catchments in Kenya (East Afrika). TU Dresden (reviewer).

Martinez Domingo, D. (2023): Improved Targeting Technique and Parimonious Optimization as Synergistic Combination for Nitrate Hot Spots Identification and Best Management Implementation in a watershed of the Midwestern USA. TU Dresden (reviewer).

Kaim, A. (2022): Adressing land use allocation problems in German agricultural landscapes by combining multi-criteria optimization with stakeholder preferences. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (first reviewer).

Bennetsen, E. (2021): Modeling for decision support in integrated water management using an ecosystem approach. University of Ghent (Belgien) (external reviewer).

Heer, H. (2021): Mathematical models of species dispersal and the resilience of metapopulations against habitat loss. University of Koblenz-Landau (reviewer).

Cakir, R. (2020): Les fonctions ecologiques de regulation des nitrates au sein des bassins versants: des cours d'eau aux territoires. Universite de Toulouse (France) (member of PhD committee).

Schürz, C. (2020): Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Model Inputs in Eco-Hydrological Modeling. BOKU Vienna (Austria) (external reviewer).

Nguyen, V.T. (2020): Improving the Representation of Hydrological Connectivity in Conceptional Models. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (second reviewer).

Tavares Wahren, F. (2019): Analysis and model-based assessment of water quality under data-scarcity conditions in two rural watersheds. TU Dresden (reviewer).

Locher, K. (2019):Spatio-temporal landscape transformations in Southern Chile and its implications on ecosystem services supply and beneficiaries. Universität Bonn (second reviewer).

Karimi, S. (2019): Sustainable Land use planning for Environmental Flow Requirement based on Ecosystem Services (case study: Karaj River). Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Teheran, Iran (external reviewer).

Cerkasova, N. (2019): Nemunas River Watershed Input to the Curonian Lagoon: Discharge, Microbiological Pollution, Nutrient and Sediment Loads Under Changing Climate. Klaipeda University, Lithuania (external reviewer).

Hawtree, D. (2019): A Multi-Scale Assessment of Land-Use Impacts on Hydrologic Ecosystem Services in the Vouga Basin, North-Central Portugal. TU Dresden and Universita degli Studi di Padova (Italy) (reviewer).

Kay, S. (2018): Assessment of Ecosystem Services provided by Agroforestry Systems on the Landscape Scale. University of Zurich (Switzerland) (external reviewer).

Damanik Ambarita, M.N. (2018): Ecological impact assessment of land use on river systems. University of Ghent (Belgium) (external reviewer).

Mwangi, H.M. (2016): Impact of Land Use Change and Climate Variability on Watershed Hydrology in the Mara River Basin, East Africa. TU Dresden and Bangor University (UK) (external reviewer).

Maharjan, G. (2015): Integrated watershed modeling of mountainous landscapes: Assessing the environmental performance of an intensive farming system in South Korea. University of Bayreuth (reviewer).

Landuyt, D. (2015): Bayesian belief networks in ecosystem service modelling. University of Ghent (Belgium) (external reviewer)

Arshad, M. (2015): Assessing the Feasibility of Managed Aquifer Recharge Under Uncertainty. Australian National University (external reviewer).

Koschke, L. (2015): The multi-criteria assessment of ecosystem services at a landscape level to support decision-making in regional and landscape planning. TU Dresden (reviewer).

Strauch, M. (2014): Integrated watershed modeling to assess the impact of changes in management and climate on water supplies and water quality in the Federal District of Brasilia. TU Dresden (reviewer).

Guillaume, J.H.A. (2014): Managing uncertainty in modelling of wicked problems: theory and application to Sustainable Aquifer Yield. Australian National University (external reviewer).

Rathjens, H. (2014): Improving the spatial representation of basin hydrology and flow processes in the SWAT model. Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel (reviewer)

Scheuer, S. (2013): Semantic enhancement of multicriteria risk assessment: With reference to flooding. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (reviewer).

Rouholahnejad, E. (2013): Hydrological Modeling of the Black Sea Basin under Changing Climate and Landuse. EAWAG and ETH Zurich, Switzerland (external reviewer).

Wahren, A. (2013): Impact of forests on the generation of floods: From the assessment in hydrological models to implementation. Dresden University of Technology (reviewer).

Liersch, S. (2011): Development of a GIS-based monitoring and information system to support adaptive management. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittnberg. Supervision with Prof. Dr. Ralf Seppelt (UFZ).

Pause, M. (2011): Soil moisture retrieval using high spatial resolution Polarimetric L-Band Multibeam Radiometer (PLMR) data at the field scale. Supervision with Prof. Dr. Karsten Schulz, LMU-Munich and Angela Lausch, UFZ.

Willaarts, B. (2010): Landscape dynamics of Sierra Norte de Sevilla. Functional changes and implications for ecosystem services management. Universidad de Almeria, Spain.

Drewry, J.J. (2009): Modelling Water Quality in Eurobodalla Catchments. Australian National University (external reviewer).

Möller, M. (2008): Scale-specific derivation of thematic data for landscape analysis. Supervision with Prof. Dr. Volker Hochschild, Eberhardt-Karls-University Tübingen.

Diploma-, Master- and Bachelor theses

a) in preparation

b) finished

Stegmann, F. (2024): Potential for enhancing drought protection through the implementation of management measures in intensively used agricultural landscapes. An opportunity map approach for North-West Saxony. Masterarbeit. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

Engelhardt, H. (2023): Using SWIM to Simulate the Impact of Pine Forest on Groundwater Recharge Under Climate Change. Evaluating Three Mesoscale Watersheds in the Havel River Basin. Masterarbeit. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

Telle, N.-J. (2022): Hydrological Modelling of the Salza Catchment Using SWAT+. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (second reviewer).

Klemm, J. / Neuber, P. (2020): Remote sensing based analysis of soil moisture, vegetation and surface temperature in relation with land use changes and the hydrological parameters precipitation, groundwater and water levels in the Parthe catchment area. Bachelor thesis, TU Dresden (second reviewer).

Wenzel, J.L. (2019): Quantifying the baseflow of the Geisel River at gauge Frankleben – Options and limitations of baseflow separation methods and baseflow indices. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Dratwa, R. (2019): Morphological changes in the sea channels of the Norderney Seegat and the Otznumer Balje (North Sea). Bachelor thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

Olliges, E.T. (2017): Trend analyses of nutrent concentrations in the Ruhr river basin. Bachelor thesis University of Bonn (second reviewer).

Czaja, E.M. (2016): Ecosystem Services of Urban Green in the City of Halle. Bachelor thesist, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (second reviewer).

Artelt, F. (2016): Influence of different aggregation approaches for spatial geodata on SWAT model simulations. An example from the Salza catchment. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Supervision with Dr. M. Strauch (UFZ)).

Rosche, P. (2016): Simulating conservation tillage with SWAT and its influence on the water balance in the Salza catchment. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Supervision with Dr. M. Strauch (UFZ)).

Kasner, M. (2016): Calibration of Cosmic Ray neutron measurements related to vegetation and soil properties to estimate soil moisture. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Hochberger, H. (2015): Interactions of precipitation and soil moisture dynamics and their impact on runoff generation in a small catchment in Central Germany. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Supervision: Gerd Schmidt and Martin Volk.

Pohlmann, M. (2014): Characterization of the runoff conditions and sediment transport of the Kriebuschbach creek in the Salza catchment. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Supervision: Gerd Schmidt and Martin Volk.

Watzema, J. (2014): Estimation of suspended load by using different approaches. A case study from the Mulde River Basin. Bachelor thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Supervision: Felix Witing and Martin Volk.

Otto, R. (2014): Assessing the impact of HRU aggregation schemes on model performance in SWAT. Master thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Ledermüller, S. (2014): Analysis of the WEAP model sensitivity considering the water balance components on the example of the Striegis catchment. Diploma thesis, University of Cologne.

Köhler, M. (2013): Trends of nutrient concentrations and loads in the Saale and Elbe river basins. Bachelor thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Supervision: M. Strauch and M. Volk

Drigert, F. (2013): Trend analyses of hydrological and climatological time series in the catchments of the Zwickauer Mulde (Ore Mountains) and Bode (Harz). Diploma thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Knauer, J. (2012): Analysis of spatio-temporal LAI-modelling in SWAT and comparison with MODIS remote sensing data. Bachelor thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (supervision with Prof. K. Schulz).

Witing, F. (2011): Comparison of different calibration strategies for improved consideration of landscape characteristics in SWAT. Diploma thesis, TU Dresden.

Strauch, M. (2008): Influence of climate change and energy crop production on water balance and water quality using the SWAT model. Diploma thesis,TU  Dresden.

Feist, A. (2007): Delineation and classification of small-scale process units under consideration of nitrogen leaching in forested catchments in the State of Thuringia. Diploma thesis, University of Leipzig.

Steinert, M. (2006): Review of methods to evaluate the retention function of landscapes on the example of the Upper Ems River Basin. Diploma thesis, University of Leipzig.
Liersch, S. (2005): Impact of land use changes and agricultural managment practices on water balance and nutrient fluxes of the Ems river basin in the State of North Rhine Westphalia. Diploma thesis, University of Potsdam.

Gehrighausen, H. (2004): Object-based site characterization using remote sensing methods. - Diploma thesis, University of Potsdam.

Pfennig, Björn (2003): Comparison of two hydrologic models (PRMS und SWAT) in study areas with different landscape conditions. Diploma thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

Sonnabend, B. (2002): Digital terrain analysis for the derivation of the soil distribution on different scale levels. Diploma thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Benkenstein, K. (2002): Modelling of glacier ablation as a function of the altitudenal position on the glacier and time in relation to air temperature changes for two glaciers on Spitsbergen: Midre Lovenbreen and Austre Broggerbreen. Diploma thesis, University of Leipzig.

Morgenstern, S. (2001): Application of different methods for the estimation of erosion processes in the Mulde watershed. Diploma thesis, TU Dresden.

Gränitz, S. (2000): A hierarchical method for the mesoscale investigation of waterbound material fluxes using the TOP-DOWN-approach. Diploma thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Neubert, M. (2000): Impact of cultivation practices on the seeping water quality in the Torgau region. Modeling and assessment of the potential nitrate leaching in dependence of land use and cultivation intensity. Diploma thesis, TU Dresden.

Bannholzer, M. (1998): Mesoscale modeling of the water balance as a base for ecological landscape assessments in the region Bitterfeld-Dessau-Wittenberg. Diploma thesis, University of Applied Sciences,  Rhineland-Palatinate.

Link, J. (1998): ATKIS- und integration of geoinformation in environmental research on the example of the Dessau district. Diploma thesis, University of Trier.

Gatzsche, D. (1997): GIS-based analysis of remote sensing data for the determintation of land use in the Mulde River valley. University of Vechta