Julia Palliwoda
Foto: Sebastian Wiedling/ UFZ

Dr. Julia Palliwoda


Department of Computational Landscape Ecology (CLE)

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Department Computational Landscape Ecology
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

P: +49 341 6025 1035


Research interests

    • Urban ecology
    • Ecosystem Services
    • Interdisciplinary research

    Curriculum Vitae

    since 01/ 2023: Researcher at CLE, SolaRegio

    07/ 2020 – 05/2021:  Researcher at CLE, Bioshare

    03/ 2017 – 05/2021:  PhD candidate at Computational Landscape Ecology (CLE), UrbanGaia

    04/ 2016 – 12/ 2016: Teaching assignment and Reserach assistant at Technical University Berlin

    10/ 2012 – 09/ 2015:  M.Sc. Urban Ecosystem Science/ Urban ecology at Technical University Berlin, Master thesis: "People interacting with biodiversity in urban parks"

    10/ 2007 – 09/ 2011: B.A. Geography at Humboldt University Berlin, Minor Subject: Social Science, Bachelor thesis: "Urban gardening – Gärtnern in Berlin zwischen Kleingärten und Gemeinschaftsgärten"

    08/ 2009 – 01/ 2010: Erasmus at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (Department of Geography, Planning and International Development)


    Leone, M., Misiune, I., Pinto, L.V., Palliwoda, J. Carmen, R., Jacobs, S. & Priess, J.A. 2023. Lost in implementation? A field study of the uptake of the ‘green infrastructure’ term and concept in urban policies. Ecosystems and People 19 (1), 10.1080/26395916.2023.2220831

    Wellmann, T., Andersson, E., Knapp, S., Lausch, A., Palliwoda, J. Priess, J.A., Scheuer, S. & Haase, D. 2023. Reinforcing nature-based solutions through tools providing social-ecological-technological integration. Ambio 52: 489–507 (2023). 10.1007/s13280-022-01801-4.

    Palliwoda, J., Haase, A., Suppee, C, Rink, D., Priess, J.A. 2022. Visions for development and management of urban green and blue infrastructure: a citizen's perspective. Ecology and Society 27 (2):8. 10.5751/ES-13129-270208

    Palliwoda, J., Fischer, J., Felipe-Lucia, M.R., Palomo, I., Neugarten, R., Büerman, A., Price, M.F., Torralba, M., Eigenbrod, F., Mitchell, M.G.E., Beckmann, M, Seppelt, R. & Matthias Schröter. 2021. Ecosystem service coproduction across the zones of biosphere reserves in Europe. Ecosystems and People 17 (1): 491-506. 10.1080/26395916.2021.1968501.

    Palliwoda, J., and J. A. Priess. 2021. What do people value in urban green? Linking characteristics of urban green spaces to users’ perceptions of nature benefits, disturbances, and disservices. Ecology and Society 26 (1):28. 10.5751/ES-12204-260128

    Priess, J., Pinto, L. V., Misiune, I. and J. Palliwoda. 2021. Ecosystem Service Use and the Motivations for Use in Central Parks in Three European Cities. Land 10(2). 10.3390/land10020154.

    Gosal, A.S., Giannichi, M.L., Beckmann, M., Comber, A., Massenberg, J.R., Palliwoda, J., Roddis, P., Schägner, J.P., Wilson, J. and G. Ziv. 2021. Do drivers of nature visitation vary spatially? The importance of context for understanding visitation of nature areas in Europe and North America. Science of the Total environment 776 (145190). 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145190

    Palliwoda, J., E. Banzhaf, and J. A. Priess. 2020. How do the green components of Urban Green Infrastructure influence the use of Ecosystem Services? Examples from Leipzig, Germany. Landscape Ecology 35:1127–1142. 10.1007/s10980-020-01004-w.

    Carmen, R., Jacobs, S., Leone, M., Palliwoda, J., Pinto, L.V., Misiune, I., Priess, J.A., Pereira, P., Wanner, S., Ferreira, C.S. and A. Ferreira. 2020. Keep it real: selecting realistic sets of urban green space indicators. Environmental Research Letters 15(9). 10.1088/1748-9326/ab9465.

    Schröter, M., Crouzat, E., Hölting, L., Massenberg, J., Rode, J., Hanisch, M., Kabisch, N., Palliwoda, J., Priess, J.A., Seppelt, R. and M. Beckmann. 2020: Assumptions in ecosystem service assessments: increasing transparency for conservation. Ambio. 10.1007/s13280-020-01379-9.

    Palliwoda, J., Kowarik, I. and M. von der Lippe. 2017. Human-biodiversity interactions in urban parks: The species level matters. Landscape and Urban Planning 157: 394 – 406. 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.09.003