Christian Neumann
Research associate/PhD candidate
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Department Computational Landscape Ecology
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)341 60251947
Research interests
- Impact of land use and climate change on biodiversity
- Global-scale scenario analysis
- Spatial biodiversity modelling
- Integrated assessment models
- Target-seeking/Policy-screening scenarios (Focus on bending the curve on biodiversity loss, climate change mitigation)
Current projects
Transformative Pathways (TRANSPATH, UFZ website)
Identifying leverage points and interventions for triggering transformative changes at consumer, producer and organisational levels
Past projects
Bioeconomy and the Sustainable Development Goals (BioSDG)
"Sustainable Development Goals" - What is the contribution of the bioeconomy?
Curriculum Vitae
Since Dec. 2023: |
PhD candidate Department Computational Landscape Ecology (UFZ), Leipzig
Since Jan. 2023: |
Research associate Department Computational Landscape Ecology (UFZ), Leipzig Work on the TRANSPATH project (UFZ website) |
Jun. 2022 - Dec. 2022: |
Research assistant Department Computational Landscape Ecology (UFZ), Leipzig Work on the BioSDG project |
2019 - 2022: |
M.Sc. in Natural Resource Management Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg
2014 - 2019: |
B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences Humboldt University, Berlin
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2024 (2)
- Neumann, C., Sritongchuay, T., Seppelt, R. (2024):
Model-based impact analysis of climate change and land-use intensification on trophic networks
Ecography 10.1111/ecog.07533 - Schneider, J.M., Delzeit, R., Neumann, C., Heimann, T., Seppelt, R., Schuenemann, F., Söder, M., Mauser, W., Zabel, F. (2024):
Effects of profit-driven cropland expansion and conservation policies
Nat. Sustain. 7 (10), 1335 - 1347 10.1038/s41893-024-01410-x
- Neumann, C., Alkemade, R., Van Vuuren, D., Seppelt, R. 2024. Global Scenarios:
Effectiveness of Biodiversity and Climate Change Interventions. In book of abstracts: World
Biodiversity Forum (WBF) 2024, 16-21 June 2024, Davos, Switzerland, Link Neumann, C., Sritongchuay, T., Seppelt, R. 2023. Model-based Impact Analysis of Climate
Change and Land-use Intensification on Trophic Networks. In book of abstracts: European
Conference on Ecological Modelling (ECEM) 2023, 4-8 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany,