
- Introduction to Ecosystem Modelling (teaching materials see stuid.ip of the Martin Luther University)
- Project development and project evaluation
- Soil Erosion – Drivers, Effects, Measures, and Modelling
Teaching (Lecture/Seminar):
- Datascience in Geoecology (German), winter semester, 2 SWS (MSc level)
- SS24: "Grundlagen der physischen Geographie und Geoökologie" (Geoökologie V)
- WS24/25: "Einführung in die multikriterielle Landnutzungsoptimierung" (Land System Science 6)

Teaching (Lecture/Seminar):
- Musteranalyse, Maschinelles Lernen und Fernerkundung (German), winter semester, 4 SWS (MSc level)

Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Erasmus program with MLU Halle)
Teaching (Lecture/Seminar):
- Pattern recognition and machine learning for geo- and environmental sciences (English), 1 Block week/year (MSc, PhD level)