Multiphase Dynamics and Mass Transport at different Scales

Contact:  Prof. Dr. Helmut Geistlinger

The influence of pore structure and wettability (i) on the dynamics of the fluid-fluid pattern, (ii) on the geometry of gas-water interface and (iii) on the mass transfer kinetics (evaporation) is investigated at pore scale using X-ray microtomography (µ-CT) and micromodel experiments (high-resolution optics, fluorescence spectroscopy). This provides the experimental basis, to achieve a better understanding and description of multi-phase dynamics depending on pore structure and surface properties at a larger scale. Percolation theory and Universal Scaling laws are used to understand “slow” dynamics and mass transfer kinetics at pore scale. These results will help to quantify multi-phase dynamics at continuum scale (REV-scale) with respect to an effective description of material properties (pressure-saturation relationship, conductivities, phase continuity). The expected results will provide a significant contribution to improve modeling of multi-phase flow in porous media. This applies not only to the flow of water- and gas in soils, but also to gas storage processes for (geo-) technical operations (C-sequestration, soil and groundwater remediation) and to technical applications (e.g. multi-phase flow in fuel cells).

CT: Soil Pore structure
μ-CT: Soil Pore structure.
Micromodel of an irregular Pore Structure
Micromodel of an irregular Pore Structure

Research Objectives/Projects

1. DFG-Project Ge766/12-2 (2022 – 2025)
Researcher: MSc. Bilal Zulfiqar
Cooperation with Prof. M. Amro, Institute of Fluid Mining, TU Freiberg
Investigations on CO2 flow and transport processes during high-pressure gas injection (100 bar) into porous media using micro-CT and representative micromodels
2. DFG-Project Ge766/12-1 (2018 – 2022)
PhD-student: MSc. Saeed Golmohammadi
Cooperation with Prof. M. Amro, Institute of Fluid Mining, TU Freiberg
Investigations of the Universal Scaling Behavior of Residual Gas Phases using μ-CT


  • M.Sc. Bilal Zulfiqar
  • M.Sc. Saeed Golmohammadi


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  • Geistlinger, H. (2011):
    Vapor transport in soil: concepts and mathematical description
    In: Saponaro, S., Sezenna, E., Bonomo, L. (eds.)
    Vapor emission to outdoor air and enclosed spaces for human health risk assessment: site characterization, monitoring, and modeling
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2001 (2)

  • Geistlinger, H., Eisermann, D., Lazik, D., Krauss, G., Beckmann, A. (2001):
    Reaktive in situ Gaswände: Säulenexperimente, optische Visualisierung und Prozessmodellierung
    In: Fall, M. (Hrsg.)
    Kontamination aus der Nutzung von Ressourcen: Probleme und Lösungen. Proceedingsband des Geo-Umweltkolloquiums des Graduiertenkollegs "Geowissenschaftliche und Geotechnische Umweltforschung" an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Dezember 2001
    Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 18
    TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Geologie, Freiberg, 96 - 98
  • Lazik, D., Morgeneyer, B., Geistlinger, H., Betzl, N., Kuschk, P., Münch, C. (2001):
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2000 (4)

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1999 (2)

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1998 (1)

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1997 (1)

  • Geistlinger, H., Christoph, G., Liedl, R., Teutsch, G., Borkert, M. (1997):
    Modellierung und Simulation von Teilprozessen des SAFIRA-Projektes
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Publication Data:


Water Resources Research

Geophysical Research Letters

Geoenergy Science and Engineering