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How to Write and Publish Scientific Papers:

Publishing papers in high ranked journals is gaining more and more importance in scientific society and is seen as one quality measure in science. Hence, it is important that students learn in an early stage how to successfully prepare papers and publish their work in scientific journals. Hence, at the iEMSs 2012 conference in Leipzig we (Sven Lautenbach and Martin Volk) organized a workshop about this topic. Based on our experiences as reviewers for scientific journals we provided tips and recommendations on how to structure a manuscript and how to write it well. We pointed the 10 biggest authors' mistakes that result in rejections of the submitted papers and answered related questions. 

Further reading:

Day, R.A., Gastel, B. (2006), How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Greenwood Pub Group.

Wallwork, A. (2011), English for Writing Research Papers. Springer Science + Business Media.

Link to the presentation