Dr. Christoph Schürz
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
Department Computational Landscape Ecology
Working Group Integrated Modelling and Optimization
Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig - Germany
Research interests
My research focuses on the representation of agricultural landscapes in eco-hydrological catchment scale model applications (mainly with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool - SWAT). I am currently exploring new approaches to represent the hydrological connectivity of landscape objects in the simulation of runoff processes with SWAT. I am also developing workflows to improve the representation of agricultural practices in model applications and concepts for model setup and uncertainty and sensitivity analysis.
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2021 | Department of Computational Landscape Ecology, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig: Academic Staff |
2014 - 2021 | Institute for Hydrology und Water Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria: Academic Staff |
2018 | Austrian Marshall Plan Scholarship, Research stay at the Blackland Research & Extension Center, Texas A&M University, Temple, TX, USA |
2014 - 2020 |
Doctoral program "Bodenkultur" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria. Dissertation: "Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Model Inputs in Eco-Hydrological Modeling" (Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dipl.Geoökol. Dr.rer.nat. Karsten Schulz) |
2011 - 2014 | Master's program "Environmental Engineering and Water Management" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria. Master's thesis: "Spatial and Temporal Impacts of Stone Bunds on Soil Physical Properties - A Case Study in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands" (Supervisor: Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Andreas Klik) |
2009 | Semester abroad within the Erasmus program at the Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany |
2007 - 2011 | Bachelor's program "Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria |
Peer-reviewed publications
Ghimire U., T. Akhtar, S. Shrestha, P. Paul, C. Schürz, R. Srinivasan, P. Daggupati (in review). A Long-term Global Comparison of IMERG and CFSR with Surface Precipitation Stations, Water Resources Management, doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1650617/v1
Schürz C., K. Schulz (2022). Reply to STOTEN 802 (2022) 149713: The fallacy in the use of the “best-fit” solution in hydrologic modeling, Sci. Total Environ., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153402
Wang, C., C. Schürz, O. Zoboli, M. Zessner, K. Schulz, A. Watzinger, G. Bodner, and B. Mehdi-Schulz (2022). N2O Emissions from Two Austrian Agricultural Catchments Simulated with an N2O Submodule Developed for the SWAT Model. Atmosphere, 13(1), 50, doi: 10.3390/atmos13010050
López-Ramírez, S. M., A. Mayer, L. Sáenz, L. E. Muñoz-Villers, F. Holwerda, N. Looker, C. Schürz, Z. C. Berry, R. Manson, H. Asbjornsen, R. Kolka, D. Geissert, and C. Lezama (2021). A comprehensive calibration and validation of SWAT-T using local datasets, evapotranspiration and streamflow in a tropical montane cloud forest area with permeable substrate in central Veracruz, Mexico. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 12678, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126781
Amann, A., M. Herrnegger, J. Karungi, A. J. Komakech, H. Mwanake, L. Schneider, C. Schürz, G. Stecher, A. Turinawe, M. Zessner, and J. Lederer (2021). Can local nutrient-circularity and erosion control increase yields of resource-constraint smallholder farmers? A case study in Kenya and Uganda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 318, 128510, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128510
Mehdi B., C. Schürz, B. Grath, and K. Schulz (2021) Storm event impacts on in-stream nitrate concentration and discharge dynamics: A comparison of high resolution in-situ measured data with model simulations, Sci. Total Environ., 755, 143406, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143406
Schürz, C., B. Mehdi, J. Kiesel, K. Schulz, and M. Herrnegger (2020) A systematic assessment of uncertainties in large-scale soil loss estimation from different representations of USLE input factors – a case study for Kenya and Uganda, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 4463–4489, doi: 10.5194/hess-24-4463-2020
Schürz, C., B. Hollosi, C. Matulla, A. Pressl, T. Ertl, K. Schulz, and B. Mehdi (2019) A comprehensive sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for discharge and nitrate-nitrogen loads involving multiple discrete model inputs under future changing conditions, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1211–1244, doi: 10.5194/hess-23-1211-2019
Odusanya, A. E., B. Mehdi, C. Schürz, A. O. Oke, O. S. Awokola, J. A. Awomeso, J. O. Adejuwon, and K. Schulz (2019) Multi-site calibration and validation of SWAT with satellite-based evapotranspiration in a data-sparse catchment in southwestern Nigeria, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1113–1144, doi: 10.5194/hess-23-1113-2019, 2019
Klik, A., C. Schürz, S. Strohmeier, N. Demelash Melaku, F. Ziadat, A. Schwen, and C. Zucca (2018) Impact of stone bunds on temporal and spatial variability of soil physical properties: A field study from northern Ethiopia. Land Degradation & Development, 29(3), 585-595, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2893
Knowledge transfer
HIGRADE-course, UFZ Leipzig: "Handling spatial data using R" (UFZ Leipzig 2022)
Workshop “SWATplusR: Running SWAT projects in R“ (International SWAT Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019)
Workshop “Soil Erosion Risk Modeling with R“ (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 2019)
Workshop “Soil Erosion Risk Modeling with R“ (Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenia, 2019)