Kevin Rozario
Guest Scientist
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig
+49 341 97 33150
Research Interests
I am an environmental psychologist interested in human-nature interactions in the broader sense, and biodiversity-mental health linkages, underlying mechanistic pathways and how people perceive biodiversity in particular. During my PhD in the Dr. FOREST project (diversity of forests affecting human health and well-being) I (1) investigate how contact with visual and auditive stimuli that contain varying levels of forest diversity impacts mental health and well-being and (2) whether attention restoration as well stress recovery mediate this interplay. Methodologically, besides applying established questionnaires and cognitive tests, we operationalize stress and attention-related processes through analyzing brain activity patterns, measured via electroencephalography (EEG). By conducting controlled experiments in the laboratory and the field, we further elaborate on the dose of nature that is required to elicit wellbeing responses. Scientific Career
since 06/2020
PhD Candidate on Dr. FOREST – Diversity of FORESTs affecting human health and well-being.
Partnering institutions include:
- German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
- Universität Leipzig
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
- Funded by DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
10/2016 -
10/2012 - 05/2016
Universität Hamburg - Germany
Master of Science in Psychology
Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2025 (1)
- Cuentas Romero, A.G., Rozario, K., Marselle, M., Oh, R.R.Y., Müller, S., Becker, O.A., Schröger, E., Meemken, M.-T., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Bonn, A. (2025):
Sense of place matters: Mental well-being effects of acoustic diversity differ for local and non-local forest soundscapes
PsyArxiv 10.31234/
2024 (5)
- de Bell, S., Alejandre, J.C., Menzel, C., Sousa-Silva, R., Straka, T.M., Berzborn, S., Bürck-Gemassmer, M., Dallimer, M., Dayson, C., Fisher, J.C., Haywood, A., Herrmann, A., Immich, G., Keßler, C.S., Köhler, K., Lynch, M., Marx, V., Michalsen, A., Mudu, P., Napierala, H., Nawrath, M., Pfleger, S., Quitmann, C., Reeves, J.P., Rozario, K., Straff, W., Walter, K., Wendelboe-Nelson, C., Marselle, M.R., Oh, R.R.Y., Bonn, A. (2024):
Nature-based social prescribing programmes: opportunities, challenges, and facilitators for implementation
Environ. Int. 190 , art. 108801 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108801 - Gillerot, L., Rozario, K., De Frenne, P., Oh, R., Ponette, Q., Bonn, A., Chow, W., Godbold, D., Steinparzer, M., Haluza, D., Landuyt, D., Muys, B., Verheyen, K. (2024):
Forests are chill: The interplay between thermal comfort and mental wellbeing
Landsc. Urban Plan. 242 , art. 104933 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104933 - Oh, R.R.Y., Suarez-Castro, A.F., Fuller, R.A., Tervo, M., Rozario, K., Peters, B., Chowdhury, S., von Gönner, J., Friedrichs-Manthey, M., Berger, A., Schultz, T., Dean, A.J., Tulloch, A., Bonn, A. (2024):
Using nature-based citizen science initiatives to enhance nature connection and mental health
bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.07.14.603425 - Rozario, K., Oh, R.R.Y., Marselle, M., Schröger, E., Gillerot, L., Ponette, Q., Godbold, D., Haluza, D., Kilpi, K., Müller, D., Roeber, U., Verheyen, K., Muys, B., Müller, S., Shaw, T., Bonn, A. (2024):
The more the merrier? Perceived forest biodiversity promotes short-term mental health and well-being - A multicentre study
People Nat. 6 (1), 180 - 201 10.1002/pan3.10564 - Rozario, K., Shaw, T., Marselle, M.R., Oh, R.R.Y., Schröger, E., Botero, M.G., Frey, J., Ştefan, V., Ștefan, V., Müller, S., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Jaroszewicz, B., Verheyen, K., Bonn, A. (2024):
Perceived biodiversity: is what we measure also what we see and hear?
bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.04.03.587905
2023 (2)
- Gillerot, L., Rozario, K., De Frenne, P., Oh, R., Ponette, Q., Bonn, A., Chow, W., Godbold, D., Steinparzer, M., Haluza, D., Landuyt, D., Muys, B., Verheyen, K. (2023):
Dataset S1 used for the paper "Forests are chill: The interplay between thermal comfort and mental wellbeing"
figshare 10.6084/m9.figshare.24420487.v1 - Rozario, K., Gillerot, L. (2023):
Dr.Forest - Subjective well-being and saliva cortisol levels as part of a forest intervention study [Data set]
iDiv Data Repository 10.25829/idiv.3538-su6fj5