Research Groups / Hubs
Pflanze KlimaKultur!
There is significant evidence that exposure or contact with natural environments has human health and wellbeing benefits. In this working group, we aim to understand the impact of biodiversity on human health and well-being. We also investigate how people perceive, value and act on the environment in order to inform conservation. Collaboration across disciplines is of central importance for our research and we draw from environmental psychology, ecology, and geography for public health research designs.
Dr. Forest
In a context of continuous land use change and telecoupled relationships, we investigate the effects of land management on ecosystem services and their contribution to human well-being. We use different approaches to assess potential supply, use and demand, including people’s preferences and values. In turn, we look at how management is related to aspects of equity and the distribution of ecosystem services across different social groups, as well as the governance regimes that may contribute to a more equal access to ecosystem services.
Our group focuses on how agricultural and environmental policies affect both people and nature. We study how they influence farmers’ wellbeing and actions as well as biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. We want to understand how agricultural systems work at a societal and ecological level, and find out how they could be made more sustainable. Throughout, we want to deliver scientific knowledge that can have an impact on policies and practices.