Department Biodiversity and People

Teaching and Supervision

‘Students are not customers of a university; they are its very soul.’

Colin Macilwain, Nature 2011

Our teaching philosophy is shaped by the fact that understanding biodiversity on earth requires the integration of different biological disciplines. Our department offers various teaching courses by Prof. Aletta Bonn and Team Members.

Teaching courses at the University of Jena

Bachelor of Science ‘Biology’
  • Practical field course ‘Basic Ecology’ with focus on biodiversity monitoring and citizen science using butterflies as case study
Master of Science ‘Evolution, Ecology and Systematics’ (MEES)
  • Contribution to Joint Lecture "Current Research in Biodiversity"
  • Lecture, seminar and field trip ‘Working at the Biodiversity Science-Policy Interface´

Teaching courses at UFZ

HIGRADE teaching with contributions to

  • CitizenScience@Helmholtz - Capacity building Citizen Science in sciences
  • Opportunity to join yDiv module ‘Working at the Biodiversity Science-Policy Interface´

Teaching courses at iDiv (yDiv graduate school)

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