Dr. Matthias Bernt
Bioinformatics Service
Building 4.1 Room 237
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department of Computational Biology and Chemistry
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2024 (6)
- Abueg, L.A.L., Afgan, E., Allart, O., Awan, A.H., Bacon, W.A., Baker, D., Bassetti, M., Batut, B., Bernt, M., Blankenberg, D., Bombarely, A., Bretaudeau, A., Bromhead, C.J., Burke, M.L., Capon, P.K., Čech, M., Chavero-Díez, M., Chilton, J.M., Collins, T.J., Coppens, F., Coraor, N., Cuccuru, G., Cumbo, F., Davis, J., De Geest, P.F., de Koning, W., Demko, M., DeSanto, A., Domínguez Begines, J.M., Doyle, M.A., Droesbeke, B., Erxleben-Eggenhofer, A., Föll, M.C., Formenti, G., Fouilloux, A., Gangazhe, R., Genthon, T., Goecks, J., Gonzalez Beltran, A.N., Goonasekera, N.A., Goué, N., Griffin, T.J., Grüning, B.A., Guerler, A., Gundersen, S., Gustafsson, O.J.R., Hall, C., Harrop, T.W., Hecht, H., Heidari, A., Heisner, T., Heyl, F., Hiltemann, S., Hotz, H.-R., Hyde, C.J., Jagtap, P.D., Jakiela, J., Johnson, J.E., Joshi, J., Jossé, M., Jum’ah, K., Kalaš, M., Kamieniecka, K., Kayikcioglu, T., Konkol, M., Kostrykin, L., Kucher, N., Kumar, A., Kuntz, M., Lariviere, D., Lazarus, R., Le Bras, Y., Le Corguillé, G., Lee, J., Leo, S., Liborio, L., Libouban, R., López Tabernero, D., Lopez-Delisle, L., Los, L.S., Mahmoud, A., Makunin, I., Marin, P., Mehta, S., Mok, W., Moreno, P.A., Morier-Genoud, F., Mosher, S., Müller, T., Nasr, E., Nekrutenko, A., Nelson T.M., , Oba, A.J., Ostrovsky, A., Polunina, P.V., Poterlowicz, K., Price, E.J., Price, G.R., Rasche, H., Raubenolt, B., Royaux, C., Sargent, L., Savage, M.T., Savchenko, V., Savchenko, D., Schatz, M.C., Seguineau, P., Serrano-Solano, B., Soranzo, N., Kumar Srikakulam, S., Suderman, K., Syme, A.E., Tangaro, M.A., Tedds, J.A., Tekman, M., Thang, W.C.M., Thanki, A.S., Uhl, M., van den Beek, M., Varshney, D., Vessio, J., Videm, P., Von Kuster, G., Watson, G.R., Whitaker-Allen, N., Winter, U., Wolstencroft, M., Zambelli, F., Zierep, P., Zoabi, R., The Galaxy Community (2024):
The Galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible, and collaborative data analyses: 2024 update
Nucleic Acids Res. 52 (W1), W83 - W94 10.1093/nar/gkae410 - Batut, B., Bacon, W., Zierep, P., Bernt, M., Soranzo, N., Gustafsson, J. (2024):
Galaxy CoDex for finding tools, workflows, and training [version 1]
Galaxy Community Conference 2024
F1000Research 13
F1000 Research Ltd, London, 705 (slides) 10.7490/f1000research.1119764.1 - Batut, B., Bernt, M., Hojat Ansari, M., Kalaš, M., Klemm, P., Libouban, R., Nasr, E., Rioualen, C., Thang, W.C., Zoabi, R., Zierep, P. (2024):
How to improve the annotation of Galaxy resources? Outcomes of an online hackathon for improving the annotation of Galaxy resources for microbial data resources
BioHackrXiv Preprints 10.37044/osf.io/s7tru - Fiedler, L., Bernt, M., Middendorf, M. (2024):
DeGeCI 1.1: a web platform for gene annotation of mitochondrial genomes
Bioinform. Adv. 4 (1), vbae072 10.1093/bioadv/vbae072 - Hartmann, T., Middendorf, M., Bernt, M. (2024):
Genome rearrangement analysis: Cut and join genome rearrangements and gene cluster preserving approaches
In: Setubal, J.C., Stadler, P.F., Stoye, J. (eds.)
Comparative genomics: Methods and protocols
Methods in Molecular Biology 2802
Springer Nature, p. 215 - 245 10.1007/978-1-0716-3838-5_9 - Pfeuffer, J., Bielow, C., Wein, S., Jeong, K., Netz, E., Walter, A., Alka, O., Nilse, L., Colaianni, P.D., McCloskey, D., Kim, J., Rosenberger, G., Bichmann, L., Walzer, M., Veit, J., Boudaud, B., Bernt, M., Patikas, N., Pilz, M., Startek, M.P., Kutuzova, S., Heumos, L., Charkow, J., Sing, J.C., Feroz, A., Siraj, A., Weisser, H., Dijkstra, T.M.H., Perez-Riverol, Y., Röst, H., Kohlbacher, O., Sachsenberg, T. (2024):
OpenMS 3 enables reproducible analysis of large-scale mass spectrometry data
Nat. Methods 21 (3), 365 - 367 10.1038/s41592-024-02197-7
2023 (6)
- Bray, S., Chilton, J., Bernt, M., Soranzo, N., van den Beek, M., Batut, B., Rasche, H., Čech, M., Cock, P.J.A., Grüning, B., Nekrutenko, A. (2023):
The Planemo toolkit for developing, deploying, and executing scientific data analyses in Galaxy and beyond
Genome Res. 33 , 261 - 268 10.1101/gr.276963.122 - Fiedler, L., Bernt, M., Middendorf, M., Stadler, P.F. (2023):
Detecting gene breakpoints in noisy genome sequences using position-annotated colored de-Bruijn graphs
BMC Bioinformatics 24 , art. 235 10.1186/s12859-023-05371-4 - Fiedler, L., Middendorf, M., Bernt, M. (2023):
Fully automated annotation of mitochondrial genomes using a cluster-based approach with de Bruijn graphs
Front. Genet. 14 , art. 1250907 10.3389/fgene.2023.1250907 - Mehta, S., Bernt, M., Chambers, M., Fahrner, M., Föll, M.C., Gruening, B., Horro, C., Johnson, J.E., Loux, V., Rajczewski, A.T., Schilling, O., Vandenbrouck, Y., Gustafsson, O.J.R., Thang, W.C.M., Hyde, C., Price, G., Jagtap, P.D., Griffin, T.J. (2023):
A Galaxy of informatics resources for MS-based proteomics
Expert Rev. Proteomics 20 (11), 251 - 266 10.1080/14789450.2023.2265062 - Soulios, K., Scheibe, P., Bernt, M., Hackermüller, J., Schor, J. (2023):
deepFPlearn+: enhancing toxicity prediction across the chemical universe using graph neural networks
Bioinformatics 39 (12), btad713 10.1093/bioinformatics/btad713 - Soulios, K., Scheibe, P., Bernt, M., Hackermüller, J., Schor, J. (2023):
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8146252
2022 (4)
- Fahrner, M., Föll, M.C., Grüning, B.A., Bernt, M., Röst, H., Schilling, O. (2022):
Democratizing data-independent acquisition proteomics analysis on public cloud infrastructures via the Galaxy framework
GigaScience 11 , giac005 10.1093/gigascience/giac005 - Ostrovsky, A.E., Mahmoud, A., Lonie, A., Syme, A., Fouilloux, A., Bretaudeau, A., Nekrutenko, A., Kumar, A., Eschenlauer, A.C., DeSanto, A.D., Guerler, A., Serrano-Solano, B., Batut, B., Grüning, B.A., Langhorst, B.W., Carr, B., Blankenberg, D., Goecks, J., Bernt, M., Schatz, M.C., The Galaxy Community (2022):
The Galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible and collaborative biomedical analyses: 2022 update
Nucleic Acids Res. 50 (W1), W345 - W351 10.1093/nar/gkac247 - Schor, J., Scheibe, P., Bernt, M., Busch, W., Lai, C., Hackermüller, J. (2022):
AI for predicting chemical-effect associations at the chemical universe level — deepFPlearn
Brief. Bioinform. 23 (5), bbac257 10.1093/bib/bbac257 - VijayKrishna, N., Joshi, J., Coraor, N., Hillman-Jackson, J., Bouvier, D., van den Beek, M., Eguinoa, I., Coppens, F., Davis, J., Stolarczyk, M., Sheffield, N.C., Gladman, S., Cuccuru, G., Grüning, B., Soranzo, N., Rasche, H., Langhorst, B.W., Bernt, M., Fornika, D., de Lima Morais, D.A., Barrette, M., van Heusden, P., Petrillo, M., Puertas-Gallardo, A., Patak, A., Hotz, H.-R., Blankenberg, D. (2022):
Expanding the Galaxy’s reference data
Bioinform. Adv. 2 (1), vbac030 10.1093/bioadv/vbac030
2019 (3)
- Donath, A., Jühling, F., Al-Arab, M., Bernhart, S.H., Reinhardt, F., Stadler, P.F., Middendorf, M., Bernt, M. (2019):
Improved annotation of protein-coding genes boundaries in metazoan mitochondrial genomes
Nucleic Acids Res. 47 (20), 10543 - 10552 10.1093/nar/gkz833 - Hartmann, T., Bernt, M., Middendorf, M. (2019):
An exact algorithm for sorting by weighted preserving genome rearrangements
IEEE-ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 16 (1), 52 - 62 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2831661 - Li, Y., Kocot, K.M., Tassia, M.G., Cannon, J.T., Bernt, M., Halanych, K.M. (2019):
Mitogenomics reveals a novel genetic code in Hemichordata
Genome Biol. Evol. 11 (1), 29 - 40 10.1093/gbe/evy254
2018 (1)
- Hartmann, T., Bernt, M., Middendorf, M. (2018):
EqualTDRL: illustrating equivalent tandem duplication random loss rearrangements
BMC Bioinformatics 19 , art. 192 10.1186/s12859-018-2170-x
2017 (1)
- Al Arab, M., Bernt, M., Höner zu Siederdissen, C., Tout, K., Stadler, P.F. (2017):
Partially local three-way alignments and the sequence signatures of mitochondrial genome rearrangements
Algorithms Mol. Biol. 12 , art. 22 10.1186/s13015-017-0113-0
A complete list of publications is listed on: