Completed Projects in the Department
Innovative and sustainable groundwater management in the Mediterranean (InTheMED)
European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC-ICM)
Center for Advanced Water Research (CAWR) - Safe Water for Human and Environment
The World Water Quality Assessment
Preliminary study: Nutrient Balance Model in the river basin Elbe
MIRACLE Mediating integrated actions for sustainable ecosystem services in a changing climate
Integrated Water Ressource Management (IWRM) in Central Asia: Modellregion Mongolia (MoMo) – Phase III.
Continuous monitoring of algal community traits and functions
The "good ecological condition" of streams - a planable or accidental result of water management activities - Example of quality componente fish fauna in the lower Eder (Hessen)
Integrated Water Ressource Management (IWRM) in Central Asia: Modellregion Mongolia (MoMo) – Phase II. Implementation if IWRM Elements in the Kharaa-Catchment
Eutrophication related deficits in lowland rivers - causes and interrelation effects
IWAS II - International Water Research Alliance Saxony / Q2 - Capacity Development
Networking and Supporting Activities for the Funding Programme IWRM of the German Ministry of Education and Research
Emissions of particulate matter from urban areas and their fate in the receiving water
IWAS - International Water Research Alliance Saxony / RV Mongolia & Q2
Status of Waterbodies: Management Plans and Activity Programs of the Water Framework Directive and the Demand for Actions for the German Federation
Freshwater-ecological research und Assessment of the plant components (Diatomeea and Phytobenthos) in relation to the loss-making fish-fauna in the Lenne (NRW)
International Development Project South Theiss (STIRD)
Decision support system for an integrated river Basin management by the example Weiße Elster
Long term protection of drinking water supply in the Volga basin by characterizing transformation and transport processes of DOC especially for winter conditions
FLOODsite, Subproject Task 21 - Pilot Study "River Elbe Basin"
Modelling of the Distribution of Pollutants in the Bitterfeld Floodplain during Extreme Floods
Fuzzy rule based nitrate transport (Only in English)
The Balance of Uncertainties between Input Data and Models in Distributed Hydrological Modelling
Marie Curie European ToK Project on uncertainty analysis in water quality and quantity modelling, Part 1 (Only in English)
Marie Curie European ToK Project on uncertainty analysis in water quality and quantity modelling, Part 2 (Only in English)
Nitrogen transport and turnover in the hyporheic zone in small catchment in the pleistocene lowlands of Northern Germany
Development of a new adaptive flood prediction model for the Weiße Elster (in German)
Quantification of erosive nutrient yields from river catchment areas and development of sustainable land use concepts
The spatial heterogeneity of nutrient yields into the Volga and development of strategies to reduce them by application of models
Nitrogen transport and turnover during soil and groundwater transport and its modelling
Investigation of processes of nitrogen transport and nitrogen retention and its modelling in small streams in the Pleistocene lowlands of Northern Germany
Sediment and phophorous delivery from an agricultural watershed
Harmonised Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management (HarmoniRiB)