Research Topics

Ecological effect interrelations in surface waters

  • Structural and functional interrelations between ecosystem compartments and organismic communities
  • Analysis and quantification of matter transport and conversion processes with special emphasis on water sediment interactions and hyporheic zones
  • Quantification of natural attenuation processes and regulating mechanisms

Modelling and assessment of aquatic ecosystems

  • Development of assessment methods, indicators and monitoring strategies for ecological status and functions
  • Modelling of water quality, ecological processes and ecological states

Catchment hydrology

  • Investigation of water and nutrient transport (P, N, C, sediments) at the catchment scale using deterministic and data driven hydrological model
  • Interaction between terrestrial and in stream water and matter transport and transformation processes
  • Analysis of uncertainties in data, parameter and model structure of spatially distributed and river water quality models

Economy of aquatic ecosystem management and optimization of investments

  • Ecological efficiency of measures
  • Cost-efficiency analysis of emission control and structural measures
  • Optimization of external and internal protection strategies

Implementation of measures at different planning scales and decision levels

  • Transfer of scientific findings into technical guidelines and water management practice
  • Integrated management of aquatic ecosystems and catchments
  • Development of IWRM concepts and their adaptation to different climatic regions