Former Team Members
Dr. Philip Tafarte
Dr. Ing. Dipl- geographer
Guest Researcher
Department of Economics
Helmholtz Center
for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Professional experience
2017 -
Guest Researcher at the Department of Economics, UFZ
Scientific Staff at University of Liepzig
2012 - 2017
phd student at the Department of Bioenergy, UFZ
renewable energy project development at Sachsenkraft GmbH in Dresden
studies of Geography at TU Dresden / Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Junior Research Group MultiplEE (University of Leipzig)
Selected Publications
- Millinger, M., Tafarte, P., Jordan, M., Hahn, A., Meisel, K., Thrän, D., (2021): Electrofuels from excess renewable electricity at high variable renewable shares: cost, greenhouse gas abatement, carbon use and competition Sustain. Energ. Fuels 5 (3), 828 - 843
- Lehmann, P., Ammermann, K., Gawel, E., Geiger, C., Hauck, J., Heilmann, J., Meier, J.-N., Ponitka, J., Schicketanz, S., Stemmer, B., Tafarte, P., Thrän, D., Wolfram, E., (2021): Managing spatial sustainability trade-offs: The case of wind power Ecol. Econ. 185
- Tafarte, P., Kanngießer, A., Dotzauer, M., Meyer, B., Grevé, A., Millinger, M. (2020). „Interaction of Electrical Energy Storage, Flexible Bioenergy Plants and System-friendly Renewables in Wind- or Solar PV-dominated Regions “. Energies 13(5), 1133.
- Tafarte P, Eichhorn M, Thrän D. Capacity Expansion Pathways for a Wind and Solar Based Power Supply and the Impact of Advanced Technology - A Case Study for Germany. Energies. 2019;12(2):324.
- Eichhorn M, Tafarte P, Thran D. Towards energy landscapes - Pathfinder for sustainable wind power locations. Energy. 2017;
- Tafarte P, Hennig Ch, Dotzauer M, Thrän D. Impact of flexible bioenergy provision on residual load fluctuation: a case study for the TransnetBW transmission system in 2022 .Energy, Sustainability and Society. 2017.
- Tafarte, P., Das, S., Eichhorn, M., Dotzauer, M., Thrän, D., (2015): The potential of flexible power generation from biomass: a case study for a German region In: Thrän, D., (ed.) Smart bioenergy : technologies and concepts for a more flexible bioenergy provision in future energy systems, Springer, Cham, p. 141 - 159
- Tafarte, P.; Das, S.; Eichhorn M.; Thrän, D. (2014): “Small adaptations, big impacts: Options for an optimized mix of variable renewable energy sources”, Energy.
- Tafarte, P.; Klaus, W.; Olivieri, M.M.A.; Borges, E.L.P. Estimation of statistical electric energy demand profiles for rural electrification with photovoltaic systems in northern Brazil. 2010. III Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Solar; 21.-24. September 2010, Belém (Brazil).
- Tafarte, P. ; Klaus, W. ; Estimation of statistical electric energy demand profiles of non electrified regions in northern Brazil. 5th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference 29.–30. April 2010, Tarragona (Spain);