Dr. Daniel Graeber
Kontakt/ Adresse
Dr. Daniel Graeber
Gruppenleiter "Hydrologisch-Ökologische Prozesse"
Department Aquatische Ökosystemanalyse und Management (ASAM)
für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Brückstr. 3a, 39114 Magdeburg
Tel: 0391 810 9103
Fax: 0341 235 459103

Makronährstoffstöchiometrie auf Landschaftsebene
Ich erforsche die großskaligen Muster der Verhältnisse von Kohlenstoff : Stickstoff : Phosphor als zentrale stöchiometrische Steuergrößen für den Stickstoff- und Phosphorrückhalt, sowie deren Effekte auf den Zustand von Bach-, Fluss- und Seenökosystemen.
Hier ist die Eutrophierung von Flachseen zentral durch Stickstoff und Phosphor gesteuert, wobei das Verhältnis von Stickstoff zu Phosphor für den jeweils limitierenden Nährstoff entscheidend ist. Es ist also entscheidend zu wissen, ob nun die Konzentration von Stickstoff, Phosphor oder gar die Konzentration beider Nährstoffe limitierend auf das Algenwachstum, also die Eutrophierung von Flachseen wirkt.
Für die Wirkung dieser Makronährstoffe ist nicht nur deren Konzentration und -verhältnis, sondern auch die Molekularzusammensetzung der Makronährstoffe entscheidend. Denn es gibt wenig biologisch reaktive Molekularformen, aber auch hochreaktive Molekularformen. Es ist deshalb zentraler Teil meiner Forschung die Molekularform und Reaktivität der Makronährstoffe mit deren Verhältnissen zu verknüpfen.
Ich verbinde Einzugsgebietsforschung und ökosystemare Forschung in Fließgewässern und Seen, denn nur wenn die Eintragsquellen und -pfade von Makronährstoffen verstanden und in Verbindung mit deren Wirkung gebracht werden, kann sinnvolles Management von Makronährstoffen auf Landschaftsebene erfolgen.
- Davidson, T.A., Sayer, C.D., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Johansson, L.S., Baker, A., Graeber, D., 2023. Bimodality and alternative equilibria do not help explain long-term patterns in shallow lake chlorophyll-a. Nat Commun 14, 398. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36043-9
- Graeber, D., McCarthy, M.J., Shatwell, T., Borchardt, D., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Davidson, T.A., 2024. Consistent stoichiometric long-term relationships between nutrients and chlorophyll-a across shallow lakes. Nat Commun 15, 809. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45115-3
- Graeber, D., Tenzin, Y., Stutter, M., Weigelhofer, G., Shatwell, T., von Tümpling, W., Tittel, J., Wachholz, A., Borchardt, D., 2021. Bioavailable DOC: reactive nutrient ratios control heterotrophic nutrient assimilation—An experimental proof of the macronutrient-access hypothesis. Biogeochemistry 155, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-021-00809-4
- Stutter, M.I., Graeber, D., Evans, C.D., Wade, A.J., Withers, P.J.A., 2018. Balancing macronutrient stoichiometry to alleviate eutrophication. Science of The Total Environment 634, 439–447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.298
- Wachholz, A., Dehaspe, J., Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Saavedra, F., Winter, C., Yang, S., Graeber, D., 2023. Stoichiometry on the edge - Humans induce strong imbalances of reactive C:N:P ratios in streams. Environ. Res. Lett. 18. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acc3b1
Spektroskopische Analyse gelösten organischen Materials in R - staRdom
Hier finden Sie unser freies, open-access R Paket "staRdom", mit welchem spektroskopische Daten von gelöstem organischen Material schnell und vielseitig analysiert werden können:

Publikation (open access): Pucher, M., Wünsch, U., Weigelhofer, G., Murphy, K., Hein, T., Graeber, D., 2019. staRdom: Versatile Software for Analyzing Spectroscopic Data of Dissolved Organic Matter in R. Water 11, 2366. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11112366
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) link: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=staRdom
ResearchGate Projekt für Fragen.
Curriculum vitae
seit Oktober 2018
Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Hydrologisch-Ökologische Prozesse, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, Department Aquatische Ökosystemanalyse
Juni 2017 - September 2018
Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, Department Aquatische Ökosystemanalyse
2014 - 2017
Postdoc zwei Projekten: "Quellen, Qualität, Prozesse, Transport und Effekte von gelöstem organischem Material und gelösten organischen Nährstoffen vom Boden bis zum Ästuar" und "Verwalten von aquatischen Ökosystemen und Wasserressourcen unter multiplem Stress (EU-Projekt MARS)", Department of Bioscience, Aarhus Universität
Teilnahme an verschiedenen Projekten, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus Universität
2010 - 2014
PhD Projekt, Graduate School of Science and Technologies, Aarhus Universität
Titel der Doktorarbeit: "Landwirtschaft und Klima als Modifikatoren von gelöstem organischen Material in Bächen"
2007 - 2009
Teilnahme an verschiedenen Projekten, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Master of Science in Biodiversität, Ökologie und Evolution, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Titel der Arbeit: “Struktur und Nahrungsquellen des Makrozoobenthos im Flussabschnitt der Krummen Spree“
Bachelor of Science in Biologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Titel der Arbeit: “Untersuchung der saprophagen Makroarthopodenfauna einer biologischen Kläranlage”
- Landschafts- und Ökosystemstöchiometrie von Makronährstoffen (Kohlenstoff, Stickstoff, Phosphor) im Zusammenspiel von Einzugsgebieten, Bächen und Seen
- Interaktion von Makronährstoffverhältnissen und anderen lokalen und einzugsgebietsweiten Treibern von Ökosystemstruktur und -funktion in Bächen und Seen
- Quellen, ökologische Funktionen und Schicksal von gelöstem organischen Material in aquatischen Ökosystemen, insbesondere mit Bezug auf die Wirkung dieses Materials auf stöchiometrisch kontrollierte Nährstoffumsetzung
Publikationen am UFZ
Weiterführende Recherchen können Sie in unserem Publikationsverzeichnis durchführen.
2025 (1)
- Rasmussen, J.J., Bundschuh, M., Jensen, T.M., Wiberg-Larsen, P., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Friberg, N., Graeber, D. (2025):
Multiple stressor effects act primarily on microbial leaf decomposers in stream mesocosms
Sci. Total Environ. 958 , art. 178065 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.178065
2024 (3)
- Graeber, D., McCarthy, M.J., Shatwell, T., Borchardt, D., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Davidson, T.A. (2024):
Consistent stoichiometric long-term relationships between nutrients and chlorophyll-a across shallow lakes
Nat. Commun. 15 , art. 809 10.1038/s41467-024-45115-3 - Pasqualini, J., Graeber, D., Bartusch, A., Kümmel, S., Duran Hernandez, Z.L., Musat, N., Sunjidmaa, N., Weitere, M., Brauns, M. (2024):
Disentangling effects of multiple agricultural stressors on benthic and hyporheic nitrate uptake
Biogeochemistry 167 (3), 287 - 299 10.1007/s10533-024-01130-6 - Reyes-Aldana, H.E., Risse-Buhl, U., Graeber, D. (2024):
Furry engineers: How beavers can change an entire ecosystem
Front. Young Minds 12 , art. 1209980 10.3389/frym.2023.1209980
2023 (4)
- Davidson, T.A., Sayer, C.D., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Johansson, L.S., Baker, A., Graeber, D. (2023):
Author Correction: Bimodality and alternative equilibria do not help explain long-term patterns in shallow lake chlorophyll-a
Nat. Commun. 14 , art. 546 10.1038/s41467-023-36343-0 - Davidson, T.A., Sayer, C.D., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Johansson, L.S., Baker, A., Graeber, D. (2023):
Bimodality and alternative equilibria do not help explain long-term patterns in shallow lake chlorophyll-a
Nat. Commun. 14 , art. 398 10.1038/s41467-023-36043-9 - Wachholz, A., Dehaspe, J., Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Saavedra, F., Winter, C., Yang, S., Graeber, D. (2023):
Stoichiometry on the edge - humans induce strong imbalances of reactive C:N:P ratios in streams
Environ. Res. Lett. 18 (4), art. 044016 10.1088/1748-9326/acc3b1 - Yang, X., Zhang, X., Graeber, D., Hensley, R., Jarvie, H., Lorke, A., Borchardt, D., Li, Q., Rode, M. (2023):
Large-stream nitrate retention patterns shift during droughts: seasonal to sub-daily insights from high-frequency data-model fusion
Water Res. 243 , art. 120347 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120347
2022 (7)
- Brauns, M., Allen, C.D., Boëchat, I.G., Cross, W.F., Ferreira, V., Graeber, D., Patrick, C.J., Peipoch, M., von Schiller, D., Gücker, B. (2022):
Dataset: A global synthesis of human impacts on the multifunctionality of streams and rivers
Dryad 10.5061/dryad.8pk0p2nqh - Brauns, M., Allen, C.D., Boëchat, I.G., Cross, W.F., Ferreira, V., Graeber, D., Patrick, C.J., Peipoch, M., von Schiller, D., Gücker, B. (2022):
A global synthesis of human impacts on the multifunctionality of streams and rivers
Glob. Change Biol. 28 (16), 4783 - 4793 10.1111/gcb.16210 - Fonseca, B.M., Levi, E.E., Westphalen Jensen, L., Graeber, D., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Davidson, T.A. (2022):
Effects of DOC addition from different sources on phytoplankton community in a temperate eutrophic lake: An experimental study exploring lake compartments
Sci. Total Environ. 803 , art. 150049 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150049 - Jähkel, A., Graeber, D., Fleckenstein, J.H., Schmidt, C. (2022):
Hydrologic turnover matters – gross gains and losses of six first‐order streams across contrasting landscapes and flow regimes
Water Resour. Res. 58 (7), e2022WR032129 10.1029/2022WR032129 - Perujo, N., Neuert, L., Fink, P., Kamjunke, N., Sunjidmaa, N., Weitere, M., Graeber, D. (2022):
Labile DOC increases P removal efficiencies in the benthic zone and shifts P thresholds towards higher P concentrations
EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022
Copernicus Publications, EGU22-5521 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5521 - Ryan, K.A., Palacios, L.C., Encina, F., Graeber, D., Osorio, S., Stubbins, A., Woelfl, S., Nimptsch, J. (2022):
Assessing inputs of aquaculture-derived nutrients to streams using dissolved organic matter fluorescence
Sci. Total Environ. 807, Part 2 , art. 150785 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150785 - Sunjidmaa, N., Mendoza-Lera, C., Hille, S., Schmidt, C., Borchardt, D., Graeber, D. (2022):
Carbon limitation may override fine-sediment induced alterations of hyporheic nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics
Sci. Total Environ. 837 , art. 155689 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155689
2021 (4)
- Graeber, D., Tenzin, Y., Stutter, M., Weigelhofer, G., Shatwell, T., von Tümpling, W., Tittel, J., Wachholz, A., Borchardt, D. (2021):
Bioavailable DOC: reactive nutrient ratios control heterotrophic nutrient assimilation—An experimental proof of the macronutrient-access hypothesis
Biogeochemistry 155 (1), 1 - 20 10.1007/s10533-021-00809-4 - Nogueira, G.E.H., Schmidt, C., Brunner, P., Graeber, D., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2021):
Transit-time and temperature control the spatial patterns of aerobic respiration and denitrification in the riparian zone
Water Resour. Res. 57 (12), e2021WR030117 10.1029/2021WR030117 - Pucher, M., Flödl, P., Graeber, D., Felsenstein, K., Hein, T., Weigelhofer, G. (2021):
Complex interactions of in-stream dissolved organic matter and nutrient spiralling unravelled by Bayesian regression analysis
Biogeosciences 18 (10), 3103 - 3122 10.5194/bg-18-3103-2021 - Weitere, M., Altenburger, R., Anlanger, C., Baborowski, M., Bärlund, I., Beckers, L.-M., Borchardt, D., Brack, W., Brase, L., Busch, W., Chatzinotas, A., Deutschmann, B., Eligehausen, J., Frank, K., Graeber, D., Griebler, C., Hagemann, J., Herzsprung, P., Hollert, H., Inostroza, P.A., Jäger, C.G., Kallies, R., Kamjunke, N., Karrasch, B., Kaschuba, S., Kaus, A., Klauer, B., Knöller, K., Koschorreck, M., Krauss, M., Kunz, J.V., Kurz, M.J., Liess, M., Mages, M., Müller, C., Muschket, M., Musolff, A., Norf, H., Pöhlein, F., Reiber, L., Risse-Buhl, U., Schramm, K.-W., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Schmitz, M., Strachauer, U., von Tümpling, W., Weber, N., Wild, R., Wolf, C., Brauns, M. (2021):
Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach
Sci. Total Environ. 769 , art. 144324 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144324
2020 (5)
- Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Graeber, D., Kallestrup, H., Guo, K., Rasmussen, J.J., Larsen, S.E., Riis, T. (2020):
Effects of low flow and co-occurring stressors on structural and functional characteristics of the benthic biofilm in small streams
Sci. Total Environ. 733 , art. 139331 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139331 - Birk, S., Chapman, D., Carvalho, L., Spears, B.M., Andersen, H.E., Argillier, C., Auer, S., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Banin, L., Beklioğlu, M., Bondar-Kunze, E., Borja, A., Branco, P., Bucak, T., Buijse, A.D., Cardoso, A.C., Couture, R.-M., Cremona, F., de Zwart, D., Feld, C.K., Ferreira, M.T., Feuchtmayr, H., Gessner, M.O., Gieswein, A., Globevnik, L., Graeber, D., Graf, W., Gutiérrez-Cánovas, C., Hanganu, J., Işkın, U., Järvinen, M., Jeppesen, E., Kotamäki, N., Kuijper, M., Lemm, J.U., Lu, S., Lyche Solheim, A., Mischke, U., Moe, S.J., Nõges, P., Nõges, T., Ormerod, S.J., Panagopoulos, Y., Phillips, G., Posthuma, L., Pouso, S., Prudhomme, C., Rankinen, K., Rasmussen, J.J., Richardson, J., Sagouis, A., Santos, J.M., Schäfer, R.B., Schinegger, R., Schmutz, S., Schneider, S.C., Schülting, L., Segurado, P., Stefanidis, K., Sures, B., Thackeray, S.J., Turunen, J., Uyarra, M.C., Venohr, M., von der Ohe, P.C., Willby, N., Hering, D. (2020):
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems
Nat. Ecol. Evol. 4 (8), 1060 - 1068 10.1038/s41559-020-1216-4 - Goyenola, G., Graeber, D., Meerhoff, M., Jeppesen, E., Teixeira-de Mello, F., Vidal, N., Fosalba, C., Ovesen, N.B., Gelbrecht, J., Mazzeo, N., Kronvang, B. (2020):
Influence of farming intensity and climate on lowland stream nitrogen
Water 12 , art. 1021 10.3390/w12041021 - Stutter, M., Graeber, D., Weigelhofer, G. (2020):
Available dissolved organic carbon alters uptake and recycling of phosphorus and nitrogen from river sediments
Water 12 (12), art. 3321 10.3390/w12123321 - Westphal, K., Musolff, A., Graeber, D., Borchardt, D. (2020):
Controls of point and diffuse sources lowered riverine nutrient concentrations asynchronously, thereby warping molar N:P ratios
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (10), art. 104009 10.1088/1748-9326/ab98b6
2019 (5)
- Graeber, D., Gücker, B., Wild, R., Wells, N.S., Anlanger, C., Kamjunke, N., Norf, H., Schmidt, C., Brauns, M. (2019):
Biofilm-specific uptake does not explain differences in whole-stream DOC tracer uptake between a forest and an agricultural stream
Biogeochemistry 144 (1), 85 - 101 10.1007/s10533-019-00573-6 - Hille, S., Graeber, D., Kronvang, B., Rubæk, G.H., Onnen, N., Molina-Navarro, E., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Heckrath, G.J., Stutter, M.I. (2019):
Management options to reduce phosphorus leaching from vegetated buffer strips
J. Environ. Qual. 48 (2), 322 - 329 10.2134/jeq2018.01.0042 - Pucher, M., Wünsch, U., Weigelhofer, G., Murphy, K., Hein, T., Graeber, D. (2019):
staRdom: Versatile software for analyzing spectroscopic data of dissolved organic matter in R
Water 11 , art. 2366 10.3390/w11112366 - Thieme, L., Graeber, D., Hofmann, D., Bischoff, S., Schwarz, M.T., Steffen, B., Meyer, U.-N., Kaupenjohann, M., Wilcke, W., Michalzik, B., Siemens, J. (2019):
Dissolved organic matter characteristics of deciduous and coniferous forests with variable management: different at the source, aligned in the soil
Biogeosciences 16 (7), 1411 - 1432 10.5194/bg-16-1411-2019 - Westphal, K., Graeber, D., Musolff, A., Fang, Y., Jawitz, J.W., Borchardt, D. (2019):
Multi-decadal trajectories of phosphorus loading, export, and instream retention along a catchment gradient
Sci. Total Environ. 667 , 769 - 779 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.428
2018 (4)
- Brauns, M., Boëchat, I.G., de Carvalho, A.P.C., Graeber, D., Gücker, B., Mehner, T., von Schiller, D. (2018):
Consumer-resource stoichiometry as a predictor of trophic discrimination (Δ13C, Δ15N) in aquatic invertebrates
Freshw. Biol. 63 (10), 1240 - 1249 10.1111/fwb.13129 - Graeber, D., Lorenz, S., Rosenstand Poulsen, J., Heinz, M., von Schiller, D., Gücker, B., Gelbrecht, J., Kronvang, B. (2018):
Assessing net-uptake of nitrate and natural dissolved organic matter fractions in a revitalized lowland stream reach
Limnologica 68 , 82 - 91 10.1016/j.limno.2017.10.003 - Graeber, D., Rosenstand Poulsen, J., Heinz, M., Rasmussen, J.J., Zak, D., Gücker, B., Kronvang, B., Kamjunke, N. (2018):
Going with the flow: Planktonic processing of dissolved organic carbon in streams
Sci. Total Environ. 625 , 519 - 530 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.285 - Stutter, M.I., Graeber, D., Evans, C.D., Wade, A.J., Withers, P.J.A. (2018):
Balancing macronutrient stoichiometry to alleviate eutrophication
Sci. Total Environ. 634 , 439 - 447 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.298
2017 (1)
- Alnor, T.H., Kristiansen, S.M., Graeber, D., Kronvang, B. (2017):
Dyrkning sender fortidens kulstof fra jord til fjord
Vand & Jord 24 (4), 132 - 136
Peer-reviewed vor UFZ
Andere Publikationen
Präsentationen und Poster bei Meetings und Workshops
- Graeber D., Jensen T.M., Rasmussen J.J., Riis T., Wiberg-Larsen P. & Baattrup-Pedersen A. 2017: Multiple stress response of lowland stream benthic macroinvertebrates depends on habitat type. Science of The Total Environment, 599–600, 1517–1523.
- Kamjunke, N., Nimptsch, J., Harir, M., Herzsprung, P., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Neu, T.R., Graeber, D., Osorio, S., Valenzuela, J., Reyes, J.C., Woelfl, S., Hertkorn, N., 2017. Land-based salmon aquacultures change the quality and bacterial degradation of riverine dissolved organic matter. Scientific Reports 7, srep43739. doi:10.1038/srep43739.
- Neif É.M., Graeber D., Rodrigues L., Rosenhøj-Leth S., Jensen T.M., Wiberg-Larsen P., et al. 2017: Responses of benthic algal communities and their traits to experimental changes in fine sediments, nutrients and flow. Freshwater Biology, 62, 1539–1550.
- Göthe E., Baattrup-Pedersen A., Wiberg-Larsen P., Graeber D., Kristensen E.A. & Friberg N. Environmental and spatial controls of taxonomic versus trait composition of stream biota. Freshwater Biology, 2017, 62, 397–413.
- Thieme, L., Graeber, D., Kaupenjohann, M., Siemens, J. Fast-freezing with liquid nitrogen preserves bulk dissolved organic matter concentrations, but not its composition. Biogeosciences, 2016, 13, 4697 - 4705.
- Lorenz, S., Leszinski, M. & Graeber, D. Meander reconnection method determines restoration success for macroinvertebrate communities in a German lowland river. International Review of Hydrobiology, 2016, 101, 123 - 131.
- Wiberg-Larsen, P., Graeber, D., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Astrup Kristensen, E., Friberg, N. & Rasmussen J. Trait characteristics determine pyrethroid sensitivity in non-standard test species of freshwater macroinvertebrates – A reality check. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50, 4971 - 4978.
- Amaral, V., Graeber, D., Calliari, D. & Alonso, C. Strong linkages between DOM optical properties and main clades of aquatic bacteria. Limnology and Oceanography, 2016, 61, 906 - 918.
- Gücker, B., Silva, R. C. S., Graeber, D., Monteiro, J. A. F., Brookshire, E. N. J., Chavez, R. C. & Boëchat, I. G. Dissolved nutrient exports from natural and human-impacted Neotropical catchments. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2016, 25, 378 - 390.
- Gücker, B., Silva, R. C. S., Graeber, D., Monteiro, J. & Boëchat, I. Urbanization and agriculture increase exports and differentially alter elemental stoichiometry of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from tropical catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 550, 785 - 792.
- Nimptsch, J., Woelfl, S., Osorio, S., Ebersbach, P., von Tümpling, W., Palma, R., Encina, F., Figueroa, D., Kamjunke, N. & Graeber, D. Tracing dissolved organic matter (DOM) from land-based aquaculture systems in North Patagonian streams. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 537, 129 - 138.
- Graeber, D., Boëchat, I., Encina, F., Esse, C., Gelbrecht, J., Goyenola, G., Gücker, B., Heinz, M., Kronvang, B., Meerhoff, M., Nimptsch, J., Pusch, M. T., Silva, R. C. S., von Schiller, D. & Zwirnmann, E. Global effects of agriculture on fluvial dissolved organic matter. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 16328.
- Goyenola, G., Meerhoff, M., Teixeira-de Mello, F., Gonzalez Bergonzoni, I., Graeber, D., Fosalba, C., Vidal, N., Mazzeo, N., Ovesen, N. B., Jeppesen, E. & Kronvang, B. Monitoring strategies of stream phosphorus under contrasting climate-driven flow regimes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015, 19, 4099 - 4111.
- Fiedler, D., Graeber, D., Badrian, M. & Köhler, J. Growth response of four freshwater algal species to dissolved organic nitrogen of different concentration and complexity. Freshwater Biology, 2015, 60, 8, 1613 - 1621.
- Heinz, M., Graeber, D., Zak, D., Zwirnmann, E., Gelbrecht, J. & Pusch, M. T. Comparison of Organic Matter Composition in Agricultural versus Forest Affected Headwaters with Special Emphasis on Organic Nitrogen, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49, 4, 2081 - 2090.
- von Schiller, D., Graeber, D., Ribot, M., Timoner, X., Acuña, V., Marti, E., Sabater, S. & Tockner, K. Hydrological transitions drive dissolved organic matter quantity and composition in a temporary Mediterranean stream, Biogeochemistry, 2015, 123, 3, 429 - 446.
- Graeber, D., Goyenola, G., Meerhoff, M., Zwirnmann, E., Ovesen, N. B., Glendell, M., Gelbrecht, J., Teixeira de Mello, F., Gonzalez-Bergonzoni, I., Jeppesen, E. & Kronvang, B. Interacting effects of climate and agriculture on fluvial DOM in temperate and subtropical catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015, 19, 2377 - 2394.
- Nimptsch, J.; Woelfl, S.; Kronvang, B.; Giesecke, R.; Gonzalez, H. E.; Caputo, L.; Gelbrecht, J.; von Tümpling, W. & Graeber, D. Does filter type and pore size influence spectroscopic analysis of freshwater chromophoric DOM composition? Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2014, 48, 57 – 64.
- Hille, S.; Kristensen, E. A.; Graeber, D.; Riis, T.; Jørgensen, N. K. & Baattrup-Pedersen, A. Fast reaction of macroinvertebrate communities to stagnation and drought in streams with contrasting nutrient availability. Freshwater Science, 2014, 33, 847-859.
- Boëchat, I.; Krüger, A.; Chaves, R.; Graeber, D. & Gücker, B. Land-use impacts on fatty acid profiles of suspended particulate organic matter along a larger tropical river. Science of The Total Environment, 2014, 482, 62-70.
- Murphy, K. R.; Stedmon, C. A.; Graeber, D. & Bro, R. Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques: PARAFAC. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5, 6557-6566.
- Graeber, D.; Pusch, M.; Lorenz, S. & Brauns, M. Cascading effects of flow reduction on the benthic invertebrate community in a lowland river. Hydrobiologia, 2013, 717, 147-159.
- Graeber, D.; Gelbrecht, J.; Pusch, M.; Anlanger, C. & von Schiller, D.: Agriculture has changed the amount and composition of dissolved organic matter in Central European headwater streams. Science of The Total Environment, 2012, 438, 435-446.
- Graeber, D.; Gelbrecht, J.; Kronvang, B.; Gücker, B.; Pusch, M. T. & Zwirnmann, E.: Technical note: Comparison between a direct and the standard, indirect method for dissolved organic nitrogen determination in freshwater environments with high dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Biogeosciences, 2012, 9, 4873-4884.
- Graeber, D.; Gücker, B.; Zwirnmann, E.; Kronvang, B.; Weih, C. & Gelbrecht, J.: Dialysis is superior to anion exchange for removal of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from freshwater samples prior to dissolved organic nitrogen determination. Environmental Chemistry, 2012, 9, 529-536.
- von Schiller, D.; Acuna, V.; Graeber, D.; Marti, E.; Ribot, M.; Sabater, S.; Timoner, X. & Tockner, K. Contraction, fragmentation and expansion dynamics determine nutrient availability in a Mediterranean forest stream. Aquatic Sciences, 2011, 73, 485-497.
- Graeber, D.; Wiberg-Larsen, P.; Bøgestrand, J.; Baattrup-Pedersen, A. Vurdering af effekten af vandindvinding på vandløbs økologiske tilstand. Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, 2014.
- Graeber, D.: Agriculture and climate as modifiers of stream dissolved organic matter. Ph.D. thesis, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2013.
- Graeber, D.; Martin, J.; Pusch, M.: Ermittlung von Grundlagen zur Erstellung eines Managementplans für die Kleine Flussmuschel (Unio crassus) im Spree-Einzugsgebiet (original title)/ Determination of the basis for generating a management plan for Unio crassus in the catchment of the Spree river. Report for the Environmental Protection Agency of the Federal state of Brandenburg, 82 pp., 2010
- Graeber, D.: Book Review: Stream Ecology, 2nd Version. - International Review of Hydrobiology 2009, 94, 244
- Graeber, D. & Pusch, M.: Reaktion des Makrozoobenthos der Spree auf Durchflussverringerung in Trockenjahren (original title)/ Reaction of the macroinvertebrate fauna of the Spree river on discharge reduction in dry years. Conference Proceedings of the German Society of Limnology, 2008
- Graeber, D. & Pusch, M.: Wenn ein Fluss nicht mehr fließt: Wirkungen verringerten Durchflusses auf die Wirbellosenfauna der Krummen Spree (original title)/ Effects of reduced discharge on the invertebrate fauna of the “Krumme Spree”-river section. Annual Report of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), 2007
- Graeber, D.: Structure and food resources of the macroinvertebrate community in the "Krumme Spree"-river section. Master thesis, University of Göttingen, 2007.
- Graeber, D.: Untersuchungen zur Fauna einer Schilfkläranlage – saprophage Makroarthropoden (original title)/ Investigation of the saprophagous macroinvertebrate fauna of a biological water treatment plant. Bachelor thesis, University of Göttingen, 2005.
- Graeber, D., Poulsen J.R., Heinz, M., Rasmussen, J.J., Zak, D., Gücker, B., Kronvang, B., Kamjunke, N. Are planktonic bacteria key organisms for DOC processing in small streams? ASLO Meeting 2017, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
- Graeber, D. Aquatic DOM – a global journal in human impacts, UFZ seminar, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany, presentation, 2016.
- Graeber, D.; Lorenz, S.; Poulsen, J. R.; Heinz, M.; von Schiller, D.; Gücker, B.; Kronvang, B. Contrasting effects of a lowland stream re-vitalization on inorganic nutrient and dissolved organic matter net-uptake, International Workshop on Temporal High Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis, Aarhus University, Sandbjerg, Denmark, presentation, 2016.
- Riis, T.; Graeber, D.; Jeppesen, K.; Rosenhøj-Leth, S.; Mia Jensen, T.; Neif, E. M.; Rasmussen, J.; Baattrup-Pedersen, A. Hvad betyder reduceret vandføring for vandløbets økologiske funktioner? Ferskvandssymposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, presentation, 2016.
- Mia Jensen, T.; Rasmussen, J.; Graeber, D.; Riis, T.; Baattrup-Pedersen, A. Invertebraters fødevalg i landbrugspåvirkede vandløb. Ferskvandssymposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, poster, 2016.
- Graeber, D.; Poulsen, J. R.; Rasmussen, J.; Kronvang, B.; Zak, D.; Kamjunke, N. Bacterial production in the water column of small streams highly dependent on terrestrial dissolved organic carbon. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, presentation, 2016.
- Graeber, D.; Heinz, M.; Kronvang, B. Dependence of amount and composition of stream dissolved organic matter on catchment land use. 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Göttingen, Germany, presentation, 2015.
- Graeber, D.; Rosenhøj-Leth, S.; Neif, E. M.; Mia Jensen, T.; Riis, T.; Baattrup-Pedersen, A. Benthic primary and secondary producers: Structural and functional responses under multiple stress in experimental stream flumes. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 9, Geneva, Switzerland, presentation, 2015.
- Goyenola, G.; Meerhoff, M.; Teixeira de Mello, F.; González-Bergonzoni, I.; Graeber, D.; Vidal, N.; Mazzeo, N. Ovesen, N. B.; Jeppesen, E.; Thodsen, H.; Kronvang, B.: Monitoring the effects of climate and agriculture intensity on nutrient fluxes in lowland streams: a comparison between temperate Denmark and subtropical Uruguay, EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, poster, 2014.
- Graeber, D.; Goyenola, G.; Meerhoff, M.; Zwirnmann, E.; Ovesen, N. B.; Gelbrecht, J.; Teixeira de Mello, F.; González-Bergonzoni, I.; Jeppesen, E.; Kronvang, B.: Amount, composition and seasonality of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen export from agriculture in contrasting climates, EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, poster, 2014.
- Graeber, D.; Goyenola, G.; Meerhoff, M.; Zwirnmann, E.; Ovesen, N. B.; Gelbrecht, J.; Teixeira de Mello, F.; González-Bergonzoni, I.; Jeppesen, E.; Kronvang, B.: Amount, composition and seasonality of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen export from agriculture in contrasting climates. Land use and Water quality meeting, Den Haag, Netherlands, presentation, 2013.
- Graeber, D.; Boëchat, I; Encina, F.; Esse, C.; Gelbrecht, J.; Goyenola, G.; Gücker, B.; Kronvang, B.; Meerhoff, M.; Nimptsch, J.; Pusch, M. T.; Silva, R. C. S.; von Schiller, D.; Wolf, M.; Zwirnmann, E.: Inter-biome comparison of dissolved organic matter composition and concentration in streams of agricultural catchments. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS), Münster, Germany, presentation, 2013.
- Wolf, M.; Graeber, D.; Zwirnmann, E.; Gelbrecht, J.; Pusch, M.: The effect of agricultural land use on quality, quantity and seasonal fluctuations of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen export through headwater streams. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS), Münster, Germany, presentation, 2013.
- Graeber, D.: Direkte Messung von gelöstem organischen Stickstoff mittels LC-OND (original title)/ Direct measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen by size-exclusion chromatography. Biogeochemistry group seminar, IGB, Berlin, Germany, 2013.
- Graeber, D.: Project concept: Long-term effects of wetland restorations on dissolved organic carbon and nutrient emissions. Workshop on ecosystem services of wetlands and river valleys, Kiel, Germany, 2013.
- Gücker, B.; Silva, R. C. S.; Graeber, D.; Boëchat, I. G.: Analisis de incertidumbre de variables limnologicas: Limites de deteccion de impactos antropicos (original title)/ Analysis of uncertainty for limnological variables: limits of human impact detection. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Limnologia, Valdivia, presentation, 2011.
- von Schiller, D.; Graeber, D.; Britto, D.; García-Roger, E.; Gelbrecht, J.; Karaouzas, I.; Koutsikos, N.; Prat, N.; Steward, A.; Tockner, K.: Terrestrial invertebrate communities of temporary Mediterranean streams. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS), Girona, Spain, presentation, 2011.
- Graeber, D.; Gelbrecht, J.; Zwirnmann E.; Gücker, B.; Kronvang, B.: Improving dissolved organic nitrogen measurements in freshwater systems with high inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS), Girona, Spain, presentation, 2011.
- Graeber, D.; von Schiller, D.; Pusch M. T.; Gelbrecht, J.: Zeitliche Variabilität des Austrags von gelöstem organischen C und N in Oberflächengewässer aus Einzugsgebieten mit unterschiedlichen Landnutzungsformen (original title)/ Temporal variability of the export of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in catchments with different land use types. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology, Bayreuth, presentation, 2010.
- Friese, M.; Graeber, D.; von Schiller, D.; Gaedke, U.; Brauns, M.: Trophische Fraktionierungsfaktoren (Δ15N und Δ13C) des Makrozoobenthos in Abhängigkeit der Nahrungsqualität (original title)/ Trophic fraction factors (Δ15N und Δ13C) of benthic macroinvertebrates in dependence on food quality. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology, Bayreuth, presentation, 2010.
- Graeber, D.: The Unio crassus -monitoring in the fluvial system of the River Spree: Results and prognoses. Müggelspree Workshop, IGB, presentation, 2010.
- Graeber, D.; Brauns, M.; Pusch M. Integrating Consumer Biomass and Production into Stable Isotope Analysis of Freshwater Food Webs. ASLO-Meeting, Nice, presentation, 2009.
- Graeber, D.; Brauns, M.; Pusch M. Reaktion des Makrozoobenthos der Spree auf Durchflussverringerung in Trockenjahren (original title)/ Reaction of the macroinvertebrate fauna of the River Spree on discharge reduction in dry years. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology, Constance, presentation, 2009.