Paul Genz

Doctoral Researcher

Contact / Address

Paul Genz, Doctoral Researcher
Paul Genz, March 2022 (Photograph: Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ)

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Department Analytical Chemistry
Permoserstr. 15
DE-04318 Leipzig
Building 4.0, Room 407
Phone: +49 341 6025 2223

Current Research Project

The research within my PhD project focusses on the role of polar organic micropollutants in the field of wastewater reuse. With my work I support the development of the SUSKULT-process which is aiming at using the nutrients in wastewater to produce a nutrient solution for hydroponic cultivation of plants. Within the SUSKULT-process multiple treatment stages are combined to produce a nutrient solution beneficial to plant growth. My research will foster understanding of micropollutant dynamics in the source wastewater, along the treatment stages up and will elucidate potential uptake into the cultivated plants.

Investigating the centrate wastewater as the source medium for the process was the first part of my PhD project. Breaking ground for understanding micropollutant dynamics in centrate, my first study (not yet) published in the journal Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology sheds light on this rarely studied topic. The study was conducted on the wastewater treatment plant in Leipzig-Rosental and investigates the presence of potentially plant-available micropollutants in centrate and potential influencing factors on concentrations.

Moreover, I'm interested in the processes along the treatment stages that will influence micropollutant dynamics. My special focus is set on the process of electrodialysis, as it has the potential to increase nutrient concentrations in centrate while simultaneously removing micropollutants.

The project SUSKULT is funded by the BMBF in the program "Agrarsysteme der Zukunft" (FKz: 031B0728M).



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Curriculum Vitae


Since Apr 2019 Doctoral Researcher at Department of Analytical Chemistry Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Apr 2015 - Sep 2018 Master of Science Studies: Environmental Science & Technology

Technical University, Berlin
Okt 2011 - Sep 2015 Bachelor of Science Studies: Environmental Science & Technology

Technical University, Berlin

Practical Experience

Jan 2018 - Jun 2018 Master Thesis (Investigation of pharmaceutical removal in a biological groundwater treatment pilot-plant) Federal Environmental Agency UBA, Berlin
Jun 2017 - Dez 2017 Student Assistant at Division of Ecosystem Research Leibniz IGB, Berlin
Jan 2017 - Apr 2017 Intern at Divison of Technical Services OEWA Wasser und Abwasser GmbH, Leipzig
Sep 2016 - Dez 2016 Intern at Environmental Engineering Office AKUT Umweltschutz Ingenieure, Berlin
Aug 2014 - Apr 2015 Bachelor Thesis (life-cycle-assessment of EOL electronics)

Osram GmbH, Munich
Jun 2013 - Nov 2015 Student Assistant at Division of Environmental and Reliability Engineering Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin


Publication without UFZ-affiliation