Dr.-Ing. Stephan  Wagner

Guest scientist



Stephan Wagner

Research topics

  • Fate and transformation of nanomaterials and microplastics in the environment and technical systems
  • Nano- and microparticle metrology focusing on size fractionation, particle identification and surface characterization
  • Chemical mapping with LA-ICP-MS and Raman spectroscopy to investigate e.g. uptake and distribution of chemicals in zebrafish embryo

Curriculum Vitae

07/2015-now Postdoc at the Department of Analytics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Germany
01/2012-06/2015 Postdoc at the Department of Environmental Geosciences, University of Vienna, Austria
06/2005-07/2011 Dr.-Ing., Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
Dissertation: "Development of a multi-stage chemical and biological water treatment process for sulfate depletion and metal elimination in mining impacted groundwater"
06/2005-12/2011 Research staff at the Groundwater Center Dresden, Germany
10/1999-06/2005 Diplom-Ingenieur for „Waste and contaminated site management“, Dresden University of Technology, Germany