Prof. Dr. Klaus Henle

Head of the Department 1992-2020

Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research - UFZ
Department of Conservation Biology
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Phone: +49 341 6025 1270

Dr. Klaus Henle





  • 1983: MSc in biology, University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany. Thesis: Comparative ecology and demography of three Yugoslavian populations of the Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula campestris BETTA, 1857) (Reptilia: Lacertidae)
  • 1988: PhD, Australian National University, Canberra. Thesis: Population ecology and life history of a lizard community in arid Australia
  • 1998: Habilitation in Zoology, University of Mainz, Germany. Thesis: Contributions of animal ecology to methodological, conceptual, and theoretical advances in conservation biology
  • 2012: Professorship, University of Leipzig
  • 1989: Postdoc, Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology, University of Stuttgart
  • Since 1992: Head, Department Semi-natural Landscapes (renamed Department of Conservation Biology in 2003), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Germany

Other current Professional Activities (selection)

  • Editor-in-chief: Nature Conservation
  • Governing Board of Section Field Herpetology of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde
  • Founding and Honorary Member Australian Capital Territory Herpetological Association
  • Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Societas Europaea Herpetologica
  • Society for Conservation Biology
  • Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
  • International Reviewer, Earth Sciences and Engineering Program, Georgian National Science Foundation

Main research interests

  • Population ecology of vertebrates
  • Effects of habitat fragmentation, climate change and other drivers on biodiversity
  • Scaling and monitoring approaches in conservation biology
  • Herpetology
  • Floodplain ecology
  • Conservation biology of species