Department Conservation Biology & Social-Ecological Systems
Teaching and supervision of theses
Our department currently offers teaching courses at two universities. More information can be found below.
TU of Munich – Dipl.-Ing. (Univ) Hans Kasperidus

Teaching courses at the University of Leipzig, Prof. Dr. Klaus Henle
Material for teaching
Supervision of internships, Bachelor, Master, and PhD theses
We offer supervision of theses within the frame of our research projects to high motivated, high qualified students and PhD candidates. Free positions are usually announced at the Website of the staff department. We further offer the opportunity to develop own topics and support such projects in acquiring funding.
Since we get many enquiries, we would kindly ask you to consider the information provided about our research at our webpages and specify your interest inrelation to our research topics. Please feel free to contact the responsible person directly. Further topics can only be supported if they are of exceptional high quality and independence. If you are interested, please send a short overview about your education and qualifications to Ines Höhne.
Further information on internships can be found here.
Interested students who would like to complete an internship at our research facility should apply via the following link: Application via E-Recruiting Portal