Dr. Elisabeth V. Henn

Research Focus

  • European and German Environmental Law (conservation, biodiversity, forest, water and soil law)
  • Environmental constitional law
  • Access to justice
  • International Environmental Law and WTO law
  • Human Rights and the Environment
  • Local and Regional Planning Law

Curriculum Vitae

since 7/2019

Post-Doctoral Researcher, UFZ


Lawyer in planning and environmental law


PhD thesis „International Human Rights Law and Structural Discrimination“, supervised by Prof. Andreas Zimmermann and prize-awared by the University of Potsdam (Germany)

Second German State Examination in Law (Zweites Staatsexamen, Berlin)

2016 − 2018

Legal Trainee at the Court of Appeal in Berlin and at the Council of Europe, Directorate for Legal Advice and Public International Law, Straßburg


Member of the Center for Research at The Hague Academy for International Law

2013 − 2016

Co-founder and editorial member of the Völkerrechtsblog


Visiting Researcher, European University Institute Florence (Italy), with a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service

2012 − 2015

Research Associate, mainly at the Potsdam University (Prof. Andreas Zimmermann)


First German State Examination in Law (Erstes Staatsexamen, Land of Baden- Württemberg)

2008 − 2011

Research Assistant to Prof. Ralf Poscher, Albrechts-Ludwig-University Freiburg and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Section Africa) in Freiburg (Germany)

2006 − 2012

Studies of Law in Freiburg (Germany) and São Paulo (Brasil)

2005 − 2006

Studies of Agricultural Sciences in Rostock (Germany)


Since 7/2024  Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation (MERLIN)

10/2023-7/024 "Handlungsoptionen zum Erreichen des europäischen Flächensparziels Netto-Null" (Pathways to reaching the European objective of zero land take) funded by the German Environmental Agency (UBA)

12/2019-9/2023 Network of Competence on Future Challenges of Environmental Law (KomUR)