Dipl.-Biol. Claudia Nogueira Tavares
Dipl.-Biol. Claudia Nogueira Tavares
research associate
Department Conservation Biology & Social-Ecological Systems
Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: 0341 6025 1682
Research interests
Research projects
SPRING - Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitoring WILDE MULDE - Restoring a wild river landscape in Central Germany (WilMu)
BIOACID - Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification
Web presence
Scientific Career
since 2012 |
Helmholtz Centre for Envinronmental Research (UFZ), Department of Conservation Biology & Department of River Ecology |
2006-2012 |
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Diploma Thesis “Long-term effects of Ocean Acidification on different life stages of the Norway Lobster, Nephrops norvegicus” |
2011 |
University Marine Biological Station Millport, Scotland PROMOS-stipend for research abroad |
Conference Participation
2019 |
Symposium of the International Society For River Science ISRS Oral presentation: Invasion dynamics of non-native gobies along the Elbe River in Germany |
2018 |
Museum of Natural History and prehistory Oral presentation: Die Fischfauna der Unteren Mulde |
2014-2018 | Floodplain Ecology Workshop |
2011 |
Annual Meeting; Society for Experimental Biology, Glasgow Oral presentation: Long-term effects of Ocean Acidification on the Norway Lobster, Nephrops norvegicus |
2010 |
International Scientific Conference “Ocean Acidification“, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Germany Oral presentation: Physiological responses of the Norway Lobster, Nephrops norvegicus to Ocean Acidification |
Work Experience
since 2012 | Department of Conservation Biology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig |
since 2013 | freelance journalist, copywriter in the area of biology |
07/2011 | Teaching assistant „Marine biology II“, Scotland |
10/2009 | Teaching assistant “Botany I”, Düsseldorf |
Department River Ecology (UFZ, Magdeburg) Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and
Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Further qualifications
fishing licence, electrofishing licence, certified Youth Leader, design and implementation of educational projects
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2022 (4)
- Anlanger, C., Attermeyer, K., Hille, S., Kamjunke, N., Koll, K., König, M., Schnauder, I., Nogueira Tavares, C., Weitere, M., Brauns, M. (2022):
Large wood in river restoration: a case study on the effects on hydromorphology, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning
Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 107 (1-2), 34 - 45 10.1002/iroh.202102089 - Nogueira Tavares, C., Weitere, M., Borcherding, J., Gerngroß, P., Krenek, S., Worischka, S., Brauns, M. (2022):
Diet composition and trophic niche differentiation of Neogobius melanostomus along an invasion gradient in a large lowland river
Limnologica 95 , art. 125996 10.1016/j.limno.2022.125996 - Schulz-Zunkel, C., Seele-Dilbat, C., Anlanger, C., Baborowski, M., Bondar-Kunze, E., Brauns, M., Gapinski, C., Gründling, R., von Haaren, C., Hein, T., Henle, K., Junge, F., Kasperidus, H.D., Koll, K., Kretz, L., Rast, G., Schnauder, I., Scholz, M., Schrenner, H., Sendek, A., Sprößig, C., Nogueira Tavares, C., Vieweg, M., von Tümpling, W., Weitere, M., Wirth, C., Wunsch, T., Dziock, F. (2022):
Effective restoration measures in river-floodplain ecosystems: lessons learned from the ‘Wilde Mulde’ project
Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 107 (1-2), 9 - 21 10.1002/iroh.202102086 - Wernicke, T., Rojo-Nieto, E., Paschke, A., Nogueira Tavares, C., Brauns, M., Jahnke, A. (2022):
Exploring the partitioning of hydrophobic organic compounds between water, suspended particulate matter and diverse fish species in a German river ecosystem
Environ. Sci. Eur. 34 , art. 66 10.1186/s12302-022-00644-w
2020 (2)
- Nogueira Tavares, C., Brauns, M., Hille, S., Krenek, S., Borcherding, J., Weitere, M. (2020):
Tracing the colonization process of non-native gobies into a large river: the relevance of different dispersal modes
Biol. Invasions 22 (8), 2421 - 2429 10.1007/s10530-020-02281-x - Schrenner, H., Schulz-Zunkel, C., Rast, G., Gapinski, C., Anlanger, C., Bondar-Kunze, E., Brauns, M., Dziock, F., von Haaren, C., Hein, T., Henle, K., Kasperidus, H.D., Klimmer, N., Koll, K., König, M., Kretz, L., Krummhaar, B., Sprössig, C., Schnauder, I., Sendek, A., Scholz, M., Seele-Dilbat, C., Nogueira Tavares, C., Vieweg, M., Weitere, M., Wirth, C. (2020):
Reflexion des Naturschutz-, Forschungs- und Umweltbildungsprojekts „Wilde Mulde“
Auenmagazin (17), 22 - 27
2017 (3)
- Nogueira Tavares, C., Schulz-Zunkel, C., Kasperidus, H.D., Scholz, M., Bauns, M., Weitere, M. (2017):
Effekte von fließgewässerinternen Renaturierungsmaßnahmen auf die Diversität und Fitness von Fischen
In: Horchler, P., Scholz, M. (Hrsg.)
Daten und Modelle: Anwendungen in der Praxis. 7. Auenökologischer Workshop, 16.-18.5.2017 Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Koblenz
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG), Koblenz ; Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Leipzig, S. 73 - Schrenner, H., Schulz-Zunkel, C., Baborowski, M., Brauns, M., Cebrián-Piqueras, M., Dziock, F., Gapinski, C., Hein, T., Henle, K., Kasper, V., Kasperidus, H.D., Koll, K., Bondar-Kunze, E., Kretz, L., Krüger, F., Möws, R., Perfilyeva, O., Pinto, R., Pitzl, B., Pucher, M., Rast, G., Seele, C., Schmidt, C., Schnauder, I., Scholkofsky, A., Scholz, M., Nogueira Tavares, C., von Haaren, C., von Tümpling, W., Wirth, C., Warthemann, G., Weitere, M. (2017):
Wilde Mulde – Revitalisierung einer Wildflusslandschaft in Mitteldeutschland
In: Horchler, P., Scholz, M. (Hrsg.)
Daten und Modelle: Anwendungen in der Praxis. 7. Auenökologischer Workshop, 16.-18.5.2017 Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Koblenz
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG), Koblenz ; Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Leipzig, S. 44 - 45 - Schulz-Zunkel, C., Rast, G., Schrenner, H., Baborowski, M., Bauth, S., Bondar-Kunze, E., Brauns, M., Bromberger, S., Dziock, F., Gapinski, C., Gründling, R., von Haaren, C., Hein, T., Henle, K., Kamjunke, N., Kasperidus, H.D., Koll, K., Kretz, L., Krüger, F., Möws, R., Otte, M., Pucher, M., Schmidt, C., Schnauder, I., Scholz, M., Seele, C., Nogueira Tavares, C., von Tümpling, W., Vieweg, M., Warthemann, G., Weitere, M., Wirth, C. (2017):
Wilde Mulde – Revitalisierung einer Wildflusslandschaft in Mitteldeutschland
Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 54 , 46 - 65