Current and Recently Finished Third-Party Funded Projects
HGF-Project P-LEACH 2022-2025
Theme: "Impacts on ecosystem functions and human health by environmental plastics and associated chemicals".
Principal investigators: A. Jahnke (UFZ), G. Gerdts (AWI).
Partners: Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI), Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.
Further information: P-LEACH homepage.
HGF Project EXPOSO-METER 2020-2026
Theme: "Chemometers to determine the environmental and human exposome by mixtures of pollutants".
Principal investigator: A. Jahnke.
Further information: EXPOSO-METER homepage.
EU Project (Horizon 2020) ERGO 2019-2023
Theme: "Breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters: EndocRine Guideline Optimisation".
16 Partners. Coordinator: Dr. Henrik Holbech, University of Southern Denmark Odense (DK), Group of Ecotoxicology within the Department of Biology.
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: ERGO homepage.
BMBF-Project MICRO-FATE 2019-2021
Theme: "Characterizing the fate and effects of microplastic particles between hotspots and remote regions in the Pacific Ocean".
3 Partners, 4 UFZ-Departments. Principal investigator: A. Jahnke.
Further UFZ-Departments: ANA, BIOTOX, SEEFO.
Partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde.
Further information: MICRO-FATE homepage.
ERC Project CHEMO-RISK 2017-2022
Theme: "Chemometers for in situ risk assessment of mixtures of pollutants".
Principal investigator: A. Jahnke.
Further information: CHEMO-RISK homepage.
Former Projects
BMBF Joint Research Project ProHapTox 2015-2018
Theme: "Development of a reactivity based testing strategy for detecting the skin sensitization potential of elektrophilic and pro-elektrophilic industrial chemicals within the framework of the chemical regulation REACH without animal tests".
2 Partners. Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann. UFZ principal investigator: A. Böhme.
Partner: Institute for Organic Chemistry at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg.
EU Project (7th Framework) SOLUTIONS 2013-2018
Theme: "Solutions for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management".
39 Partners. Coordinator: W. Brack (UFZ Department of Effect-Directed Analysis). 3 UFZ departments involved.
Further information: SOLUTIONS homepage.
UBA Project on Potential Endocrine Disruptors 2014-2017
Theme: "REACH - In silico screening for potential endocrine disruptors".
2 Partners. Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Partner: FIWI Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health at the University of Bern (Helmut Segner).
Work Order the University of Koblenz-Landau 2015-2016
Theme: "QSAR model for the toxicity of selected surfactant classes".
3 Partners. Principal investigator: R. Schulz.
UFZ principal investigator: R. Kühne.
Partners: University of Koblenz-Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences and Sasol Germany
BfR Grant CompuSens 2014-2016
Theme: "Development of a computer based consensus model for the predictive assessment of the dermal and respiratory sensitisation potential of organic chemicals in the framework of REACH – CompuSens".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
CEFIC-LRI Project NER 2014-2016
Theme: "Computer based prediction of the formation of Non-Extractable Residues (NER) of xenobiotics and their metabolites in soils and sediments with regard to their environmental hazard".
3 Partners. Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Partners: UFZ-Department Environmental Biotechnology (Matthias Kästner) and Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University (Andreas Schäffer).
Further information: Project description at CEFIC-LRI.
DBU Doctoral Scholarship KonsIstenS 2013-2016
Theme: "Construction of a computational consensus model for the in-silico toxicological assessment of the sensitization potential of organic chemicals within the context of REACH".
Scholar: M. Hillebrand.
Supervisor: G. Schüürmann.
ECHA Tender "FET for REACH" 2015
Theme: "Analysis of the relevance and adequateness of using Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity (FET) Test Guidance (OECD 236) to fulfil the information requirements and addressing concerns under REACH".
3 UFZ Departments. Principal investigator: S. Scholz (Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology)
Partners: UFZ-Departments of Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology (Stefan Scholz) and Cell Toxicology (Nils Klüver).
EU Project (7th Framework) MODERN 2013-2015
Theme: "Modeling the environmental and human health effects of nanomaterials".
7 Partners. Coordinator: Prof. Francesc Giralt (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Departament d'Enginyeria Química, BioCenit Research Lab, Tarragona, Spanien).
UFZ principal investigator:
G. Schüürmann.
Further information: MODERN homepage.
EU Coordination Action (7th Framework) HEROIC 2011-2014
Theme: "Health and Environmental Risks: Organisation, Integration and Crossfertilisation of Scientific Knowledge".
9 Partners. Coordinator: Dr. Martin Wilks (University of Basel, Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology, Switzerland).
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: HEROIC homepage.
AiF Project FORMULA 2011-2014
Theme: "Development of a software based method to ecotoxicologically optimize recipes for chemical products and plastics".
Cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology, Oberhausen, Germany (FhG UMSICHT), Contact: Dr.-Ing. Torsten Müller.
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
UBA Project on Biomagnification 2011-2014
Theme: "Advancements of the criteria for bioaccumulation under REACH".
3 Partners. UFZ is sub-contractor of the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Schmallenberg, Germany (FhG IME). Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Christian Schlechtriem (FhG IME).
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
UBA Project on Bioaccumulation 2011-2014
Theme: "Investigation of non-lipid based bioaccumulation behaviour of compounds".
4 Partners. UFZ is sub-contractor of the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Schmallenberg, Germany (FhG IME). Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Christian Schlechtriem (FhG IME) and Dr. Monika Nendza (Analytisches Laboratorium für Umweltuntersuchungen und Auftragsforschung, Luhnstedt, Germany).
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
CEFIC-LRI Project Inhalation 2010-2012
Theme: "Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for inhalation exposure: Improvement of the TTC concept for inhalation exposure and derivation of thresholds with the database RepDose".
2 Partners. UFZ is sub-contractor of the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Hannover, Germany (FhG ITEM). Principal investigator: Dr. Sylvia Escher (FhG ITEM).
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: Project summary B8-FRAU at CEFIC-LRI.
Finished within 2009-2011
EU Integrated Project (6th Framework) 2007-2011
Theme: "Optimized Strategies for Risk Assessment of Industrial Chemicals through Integration of Non-Test and Test Information".
31 Partners. Coordinator and UFZ principal investigator:
G. Schüürmann.
Further information:
Reach-related activities
OSIRIS homepage
EU Project (6th Framework) 2-FUN 2007-2011
Theme: "Full-chain and Uncertainty Approaches for Assessing Health Risks in Future Environmental Scenarios".
13 Partners. Coordinator: Dr. Frederic Bois (INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France).
UFZ principal investigator:
G. Schüürmann.
UBA Project Passive Sampling 2009-2011
Theme: "Testing and validation of the suitability of new passive sampling devices for monitoring of priority pollutants under WFD, MSRL, and within the frame of HELCOM and OSPAR".
UFZ is sub-contractor of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), Hamburg, Germany. Responsible: A. Paschke.
Final report (in German):
Kraus UR, Theobald N, Gunold R, Paschke A 2015. Prüfung und Validierung der Einsatzmöglichkeiten neuartiger Passivsammler für die Überwachung prioritärer Schadstoffe unter der WRRL, der MSRL und im Rahmen von HELCOM und OSPAR. Texte 25/2015, Umweltbundesamt (eds), Dessau-Roßlau, ISSN 1862-4804.
UBA Project Endokrin 2009-2010
Theme: "Review and Enhancement of New Risk Assessment Concepts under REACH".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
EU Project (6th Framework) CAESAR 2006-2009
Theme: "Computer Assisted Evaluation of Industrial Chemical Substances According to Regulations"
9 Partners. Coordinator: Emilio Benfenati (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Department Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Milan, Italy). UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: CAESAR homepage.
EU Integrated Project (6th Framework) NOMIRACLE 2004-2009
Theme: "Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in the Environment".
38 Partners. Coordinator: Hans Løkke (at this time National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), NERI is now DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, University of Aarhus, Denmark).
UFZ participation through the departments Exposure Research and Epidemiology (closed), Environmental Immunology, and Ecological Chemistry. Sub-coordinator for the Pillar "Exposure Assessment" and UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: NOMIRACLE homepage.
RIVM Project RIVM-QSAR 2009
Theme: "Structural Alerts for Tobacco-Disease Related Toxicants".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Co-operation with EDF (France) 2009
Theme: "QSARs Development and Parameterization of Multimedia Models for a Set of Substances of Concern for EDF".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Academic Research Collaboration 2007-2009
Theme: "Development of Passive Sampling Technologies for Monitoring Levels of Pharmaceuticals and Other Emerging Polar Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment".
Cooperation with University of Portsmouth, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science, and School of Biological Sciences, Portsmouth, UK, funded by Deutscher Akademischen Austauschdienst and British Council.
UFZ principal investigator: A. Paschke.
LHASA Limited Demo Project 2008
Theme: "Demonstration Project on the Prediction of Environmental Toxicity".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
EU Project (6th Framework) PROTECTOR 2005-2007
Theme: "Recycling and Upgrading of Bone Meal for Environmentally Friendly Crop Protection and Nutrition".
8 Partners. Coordinator: Edward Someus (TERRA HUMANA Clean Technology Development, Engineering and Manufacturing Ltd., Budapest, Hungary).
UFZ participation through the departments Analytics, Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, and Ecological Chemistry. UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: PROTECTOR homepage.
UBA Project REACH 2006-2007
Theme: "Use of Quantitative Structure-Activity-Relationships for Innovations in the Chemistry Sector".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
UBA Project QSAR 2006-2007
Theme: "New European legislation for chemicals". Project: "REACh: Implementation of a QSAR system (Part 2)".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
UBA Project QSAR 2005-2006
Theme: "New European legislation for chemicals". Project: "Implementation of a QSAR system for the new Chemicals Policy".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
UBA Project QSAR 2004-2005
Theme: "Global Approach for the Implementation of the New European Legislation". Project: "Development and implementation of a QSAR system to identify compounds with enhanced toxicity."
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
German-British Project 2004-2006
Theme: "Evaluation of two passive sampling technologies for monitoring levels of organic priority pollutants in the aquatic environment".
Cooperation with University of Portsmouth, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science and School of Biological Sciences, Portsmouth, UK, funded by Deutscher Akademischen Austauschdienst, and British Council.
UFZ principal investigator: A. Paschke.
German-Czech Project 2004-2006
Theme: "Henry’s Law Constants of Environmentally Relevant Organic Compounds in Water - Validated Determination Through Combination of Suitable Experimental Techniques".
Cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Department of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, funded by Deutscher Akademischen Austauschdienst and Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.
UFZ principal investigator: A. Paschke.
International Project ChemProp South Africa 2004-2006
Theme: "Application of the ChemProp Model for South Africa Conditions to Predict the Environmental Fate of Toxic Organic Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment".
Cooperation with company Rand Water (waterworks) in South Africa, funded by Water Research Commission of South Africa.
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
EU Training Network (5th Framework) IMAGETOX 2000-2004
Theme: "Intelligent Modelling Algorithms for the General Evaluation of Toxicities".
6 Partners. Coordinator: Emilio Benfenati (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Department Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Milan, Italy).
UFZ principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.
Further information: Résumé.
UBA Project Pesticide Application Miss-use - Pilot Study 2003-2004
Theme: "Identification of Miss-use in Pesticide Applications and Derivation of Procedures for the Future Pesticide Regulation". Pilot study: "Development of a Study Design".
Principal investigator: G. Schüürmann.