Current projects
- PARC Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals
- CHEMO-RISK - aims for a novel scientifically sound chemical risk assessment paradigm that integrates exposure and effect assessment of a broad range of chemicals into a single procedure and provides information relevant to ecosystem and human health.
- AromaTEX is a GACR-DFG cooperation project on accumulation in textiles and and release by laundry as an emission pathway for aromatic amines from indoor environments to waste- and river water.
- MICRO-FATE - Characterizing the fate and effects of microplastic particles between hotspots and remote regions in the Pacific Ocean.
- EXPOSO-METER - aims to establish novel chemometer technology to integrate the lifelong exposure of environmental creatures and humans to mixtures of pollutants and to strengthen the link between ecosystem health and human health.
- P-LEACH - assesses the impact of chemicals from globally increasing environmental plastic pollution on ecosystem functions and human health.
- nanoINHALE - Inhalation as the major uptake pathway for micro- and nanoplastics in air-breathing organism.
- NORMAN Association is a self-sustaining network, of reference laboratories, research centres and related organisations for the monitoring and biomonitoring of emerging environmental substances.
- MassBank Europe is a database with mass spectra of known, unknown and tentatavely identified compounds of environmental relevance.
- NFDI4Chem is an initiative to build an open and FAIR infrastructure for research data management in chemistry.
- Recycled plastics - weeding out the toxic chemicals
- RegioWasser is developing a nature-based technology for efficient decentralized wastewater recycling for irrigation in order to improve the resilience of urban and rural areas to increasing water scarcity.
- Joint Danube Survey 4
- Sentinel
Current projects within the UFZ
Finished projects
- SOLUTIONS wants to provide solutions for emerging pollutants in European water resources in close dialogue with stakeholders.
- MODELKEY - Models for Assessing and Forecasting the Impact of Environmental Key Pollutants on Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems and Biodiversity
- Neurobox - is a project that investigates the neurotoxic effects of anthropogenic trace substances in the water cycle.
- NaToxAq - this project will produce knowledge about natural toxins in aquatic environments.
- EDA-EMERGE is a 4 year Marie Curie ITN project focused on producing young scientists with the interdisciplinary skills required to meet the major challenges in the monitoring, assessment and management of toxic pollution in EU river basins
- Kleingewässermonitoring the nationwide monitoring of small streams provides a quantitative assessment of the influence of pesticides from diffuse agricultural sources on small and medium-sized watercourses.
- P3 will conduct ecological research and policy relevant actions on pollution, pathogens and anthropological impacts in mountain ecosystems, especially at the interface of aquatic and terrestrial habitats and in the socio-ecological system.
- Keybioeffects investigates the cause-effect relationships of the most important pollutants on the biodiversity of European rivers.
- Riskbase
- XTRACT was a project to develop a standard operation procedure for the solid phase extraction of waste water of the purpose of biotesting and chemical analysis (Umweltbundesamt FKZ37172632060). Contact: Dr. Tobias Schulze
- LVSPE-Event was a project to develop a new type of the LVSPE device (AIF ZF4315804CR7). Contact: Dr. Tobias Schulze