Block course: Physical Limnology 2020

This course will be held in the Institute for Environmental Physics, Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, Heidelberg

during the time 30th March 9:30 to 3rd April 2020 13:00.

In 2020, we will put an emphasis on water movements and matter transport in lakes: for this purpose, we have invited Prof Marco Toffolon to complement the series of lectures.

- Stratification and circulation of lakes, Navier Stokes – eq.
– solutes, solubility, electrical conductivity
– density, stability and mixing, deep water renewal
– surface waves, seiche, interfacial waves
– internal waves
- properties of internal waves
- Permanent stratification, meromixis, climate sensitivity
- Turbulence I: Introduction to turbulence
- Turbulence II: Spectral characteristics and measurements
- Turbulence III: Momentum and mass transport in turbulent boundary layers
- Turbulence IV: Living in turbulence: biological – physical interactions 

- wind-driven circulation in lakes
– transport in lakes by turbulent diffusion and shear dispersion

- tracers in physical limnology

Dr. Bertram Boehrer: Lecturer at Uni-Heidelberg, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Magdeburg

Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke: Professor at University of Landau-Koblenz

Prof. Marco Toffolon: Professor at University of Trento, Italien

Maximilian Schmidt: Institute of Environmental Physics, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany

We offer this course FREE of charge also to external participants. Attendees must only fund their travel and accomodation by themselves. To enrol for the course, please write an email to Students and scientists interested in attending the course are requested to enrol by email by 1st Feb. 2020: stating name, scientific affiliation / university. Heidelberg students are also requested to send their student number. For any further information, please address . There will be more information closer to the course.

Thanks to our sponsors we can offer the course free of charge. Participants only need to fund their travel and accomodation themselves.


Sea and Sun Technology
Sea and Sun Technology, Trappenkamp