Dr. Santiago Moreira Martínez
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Department Seenforschung
Brückstr. 3a
39114 Magdeburg
Büro 413
Tel.: 0391 - 810 9442
Fax: 0391 - 810 9150
Lake Modelling, Programming and Geochemistry
Curriculum Vitae
Since April 2010 --- Working in the Group of Limnophysics of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ (Magdeburg), Department of Lake Research.
October 2005 - March 2010 --- Ph.D. at the University of A Coruña (Spain). Title of the Dissertation: "Coupled Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Models for Open Pit Lakes: Application to the As Pontes Pit Lake". Supervised by: Prof. Francisco Javier Samper Calvete.
October 1999 - March 2005 --- BSc and MSc in Chemical Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Title of the Master Thesis: "Environmental Optimization of the Energy and Recovery Section of a Pulp and Paper Factory using Kraft Process"
Moreira S., Boehrer B., Schultze M., Dietz S., Samper J. (submitted) Coupled hydrodynamic and geochemical model of the meromictic Waldsee in East Germany.
Lagauzère S, Moreira S, and Koschorreck M. (2010) Influence of bioturbation on the biogeochemistry of the sediment in the littoral zone of an acidic mine pit lake, Biogeosciences Discuss., 7, 7359-7390.
Samper J., Yang C., Zheng L., Montenegro L., Moreira S., Lu C. (in press). CORE2DV4: A Code for water flow, heat and solute transport, geochemical reactions and microbial processes. In: Mathematical Modeling of Reactive Transport in Groundwater (e-book). Ed: Bentham Open E-Books.
Moreira, S., Boehrer, B., Schultze, M., Samper, J. (2009). A coupled hydrodynamic-geochemical model of the meromictic Waldsee Lake.Proceedings of the International Mine Water Conference (Pretoria,
South Africa), pp 892-897. Proceedings ISBN Number: 978-0-980263-5-3.
Samper, J., Moreira, S., Montenegro, L., Lu, C., Aréchaga, F.,Gil, A., Menéndez, J.A., Valle-García, R.(2009). Modelos acoplados hidrodinámicos y geoquímicos para la calidad química de los lagos
mnieros: aplicación al lago de la mina de As Pontes. Conferencia Internacionalde Minería Sostenible. Santiago de Compostela (España).
Samper, J., Moreira, S., Alvares, D., Montenegro, L., Lu C., López, C., Bonilla, M., Ma, H., Li, Y., Pisani B., Arechaga F., Gil A., Menéndez J.A., Lucas T., Valle-García, R. (2008a). Model predictions
of water chemistry for the future pit lake in As Pontes, A Coruña (Spain). X International Mine Water Association Congress. Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic).
Samper, J., Moreira, S., Alvares, D., Montenegro, L., Lu C., López, C., Bonilla, M., Ma, H., Li, Y., Pisani B., Arechaga F., Gil A., Menéndez J.A., Lucas T., Valle-García, R. (2008b). Coupled hydrological
and chemical model of coal mine dumps at As Pontes, A Coruña (Spain). X International Mine Water Association Congress. Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic).
Samper, J., Montenegro, L., López, C., Moreira, S., Pisani B., Alvares, D., Bonilla, M., Yang, C., Rivas, F., Gil A., Menéndez J.A., Lucas T. (2006b) Modelo de flujo y calidad química del futuro lago del hueco minero de As Pontes. III Congreso Ingeniería Civil, Territorio y MedioAmbiente: Agua, Biodiversidad e Ingeniería. Zaragoza (España).