PATH − Participatory Approaches in Science and Technology
Co-ordination Action funded by the European Commission
04/2004 − 12/2006
The project objectives of PATH are to:
- Facilitate the exchange of information and experience in developing participatory science-based policy via interdisciplinary project meetings, international workshops and a well focused and interactive conference at the end of the project;
- Examine and further develop state-of-the-art methods that bring together policy-makers, experts and civil society in deliberating science-based issues through focused discussion, and the writing of policy briefs and scientific papers;
- Examine the issues of scale and representation in participatory decision-making and devise innovative solutions to addressing these challenges in science-based deliberation through an international workshop and the writing of policy briefs;
- Illustrate the state-of-the-art and develop innovative strategies to improve science-based decision-making by co-ordinating work and writing scientific papers in the four illustrative case studies areas of GMOs in agriculture, water management, biodiversity conservation, and nanotechnology.
A special responsibility taken over by the UFZ team is the case study on advances in public participation in policy deliberation in biodiversity conservation.