Thies Hamann

PhD student
Building 7.1, Office 211

PhD cohort nanoINHALE
Department Monitoring and Exploration Technologies


Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
+49 341 6025 3294

Thies Hamann

Research topics

  • Nanoplastics in the atmosphere
  • Finding sources of nanoplastic particles
  • Inverse modelling


since 05/2024

2020 - 2023

2016 - 2020

2018 - 2019

PhD student at the UFZ

Master of Science in Meteorology at Leipzig University

Thesis: "Modulation of air quality extremes due to vegetation in CMIP6 climate models" at the Institut of Meteorology (LIM)

Bachelor of Science in Physics at Free University of Berlin 

Participation in the Erasmus Programme at the University of Uppsala, Sweden