Project for strengthening diversity-sensitive recruitment
We apply to people for their commitment and competence for our common goals.
The world of work is changing. Many current reasons speak for a fair and inclusive corporate culture. This third-party funded project has the task of testing steps and measures towards this major goal. WAY TO UFZ focuses on strengthening diversity-sensitive recruitment and is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the President of the Helmholtz Association. The overarching goal is to attract people with their skills and commitment to the UFZ. Together we want to address the great challenges of the future in a perspective-rich and innovative way.
A collaboration project of the UFZ
WAY TO UFZ is a collaboration project involving many actors at the UFZ. The project acts as an impulse generator and catalyst for the targeted implementation of inclusive personnel selection, diversity-sensitive organisational development and the reflection of exclusion mechanisms in the science system. The project is divided into two phases: In a pilot phase, selected measures will be tested and, after an evaluation, permanently integrated into the structures of the UFZ in an implementation phase.
Project information at one glance
Implementation of diversity-sensitive HR processes in the phases 'attraction' and 'recruitment' of the Employee-Life-Cycle to increase employer attractiveness and sustainable belonging of expertise.
- Professionalisation of recruitment and sensitation with regard to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
- Improving knowledge and testing measures for strategic and inclusive personnel marketing and personnel recruiting.
- Target groups: female scientists in leadership positions, persons with disabilities, persons affected by racism, and international employees
Under the lead of Dr. Ines Thronicker and co-lead by Katharina Wille, it is in the Change Management unit, which is directed by Dr. Jula Zimmermann.
- 01.01.2023- 31.12.2026
- 2 years (pilot phase: testing and adapting measures and structures)
- External evaluation
- 2 years (consolidation of best practices through integration into existing structures)
Funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the President of the Helmholtz Association. The total funding amounts to 400KEURO.
Project content of WAY TO UFZ
We focus on target groups that are underrepresented at the UFZ, including female scientists in leadership positions, persons with disabilities, persons affected by racism, and international staff and scientists.
Diversity-sensitive personnel marketing
Our goal is to build knowledge and test different activities in the field of personnel marketing:
- Analyse the current status of UFZ and the state of the art.
- Increase and ensure expertise in UFZ
- Improve communication to DEI
- Increase the pool of applications for administrative and data science positions
Diversity-sensitive recruiting
Our goal is to test and implement measures for diversity-sensitive recruiting:
- Develop diversity competence of managers, counsellors, employees.
- Integrate DEI quality standards into e-recruiting and personnel selection processes
- Increase knowledge on specific needs of target groups
- A clear welcome and easier start at the UFZ
News from WAY TO UFZ
Participation in the herCareer Job Fair in Munich
As part of the WAY TO UFZ project (led by Dr. Ines Thronicker and co-led by Katharina Wille), the UFZ is taking part in the herCareer job fair in Munich on October 17 and 18, which is aimed specifically at women. This fair offers an excellent opportunity to reach one of the project's key target groups and attract potential applicants to the UFZ. With our own booth, visitors are offered insights into the career opportunities and work areas of the UFZ, so that they can find out about exciting positions and projects as well as the strategic goals of the UFZ. In addition, the focus on diversity and equal opportunities, especially with regard to women in science and administration, will be emphasized.
New guidelines on respectful treatment of trans, non-binary, intersex and queer people
As a learning organization, the UFZ is on a continuous journey towards greater diversity of people and perspectives and is committed to strengthening and protecting diversity in all its different facets. The Equal Opportunities Team, the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner and the WAY TO UFZ project are pleased to take a further step towards equal treatment and equal opportunities with the new guidelines on respectful treatment of trans, non-binary, intersex and queer people.
Guidelines on respectful treatment of trans, non-binary, intersex and queer people Leitfaden zum respektvollen Umgang mit trans-, nicht-binären, inter- und queeren Menschen
workshop "Diversity in Science: Embracing the Power of Inclusion" as a part of the Science Days
Workshop | 02.11.2023
The workshop "Diversity in Science: Embracing the Power of Inclusion", hosted by Dr. Ines Thronicker and Kerstin Schmitt, provided introductory answers to questions about promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and variety in science. Together with the participants, concrete steps and needs for the UFZ, the role of leadership, changes in relation to working groups and the personal commitment of each individual to more diversity and solidarity in science were discussed. "Diversity in Science" was taken by the participants as an opportunity to discuss the topic in detail and to emphasise the need for inclusive working structures. We would like to thank all participants for their contribution.
Podcast with Ines Thronicker at the Helmholtz Resonator on Change & Diversity
Podcast | 29.09.2023
Ines Thronicker is part of the CHANGE Management team at the UFZ and is also the UFZ's Equal Opportunities Officer. Ines approaches her role as Equal Opportunities Officer in a special way: she draws on insights from psychology to understand people's behaviour and sets targeted incentives to influence this behaviour in the interest of equality.
To learn more about Ines and her work, listen in to the exciting podcast!
- unfortunately only available in german language -
Hate Speech in the Context of Science: Platform Offers Support
Article by Kerstin Schmitt | 30.08.2023
The Scicomm-Support platform is the new contact point for online attacks and unobjective conflicts in science communication and is a joint service of the German Association for University Communication and Wissenschaft im Dialog.
In recent years, a disturbing development has emerged on social media: the increase in hostility towards science in general and the people behind it - the scientists*. Especially in research areas with socially controversial topics, such as climate change, genetic engineering, gender, migration and political extremism, attacks on scientists are increasing. Social media provide a platform for hate speech, disinformation and bullying, making it easy for actors and trolls to target researchers.