Research Funding (FOR)

The department of Research Funding (FOR) is responsible for all matters concerning third-party funding and active support of all scientists at the UFZ during fund-raising and processing of projects or research orders.

This includes:

  • Information and consultation (both scientific as well as administrative) about funding opportunities and tenders of national and international funding agencies such as the German government, the European Union, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Environment Agency, the Federal States of Germany, and foundations.
  • Scientific and administrative support during preparation and submission of proposals (from outline to granting)
  • Supervision and administrative support of granted projects
  • Requests and preparation of research orders and invoicing

Further information

Scientific project supervision

Dr. Martina Kunz-Pirrung
Scientific supervision of third-party funded projects (excluding EU projects)
Phone +49 341 6025 1272

Annette Schmidt
Scientific supervision of EU-funded projects
Phone +49 341 6025 1663