Work Safety and Environmental Protection
Work should not pose a risk to one’s health. The staff unit Work Safety and Environmental Protection is the main contact for the following:
- Occupational safety
- Fire prevention
- X-ray Ordinance and the Radiation Protection Ordinance
- Environmental Protection
- Occupational health management
We aim to create a healthy and hazard-free working environment for our employees and to assist managers and employees in the fields of work safety and health protection in an advisory capacity. Together, we look for solutions to eliminate hazards or to minimise them as much as possible in fields where they cannot be eliminated.
Through our continuous improvement of safety in the workplace, we are able to recognise existing hazards and suggest measures to avoid or minimise them.
Preventing the use of hazardous substances is also paramount. It is not only about handling such hazardous substances; our focus will be more and more on whether we can do without certain hazardous substances. For this purpose, the use of non-hazardous alternatives among other things are being tested.
Health protection – Operational Health Management (BGM)
Health and safety in the workplace depends very much on the wellbeing of our employees.
The staff unit Work Safety and Environmental Protection is the contact for the implementation of health measures, health care and and health promotion in the workplace. Together with the steering committee, the staff unit coordinates preventive and health-promoting measures, prepares and ascertains key performance indicators and incorporates all subsections of individual health-promoting measures into a uniform structure.
It is the goal of our occupational health management system to systematically work towards the specific goal of creating links among individual health-promoting measures and to incorporate them into a meaningful and effective uniform structure, whereby their effects on employee health can be measured. We support ergonomically-designed workplaces, assist in organising massages, courses or the founding of in-house sports activities and organise topic-related days such as „water day“ or „health day“.