Lena Philipp
Contact / Address
Lena Philipp
PhD Student
Department of Soil Ecology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4 | D-06120 Halle/Saale
+49 345 558 5416
GLIMPSE PhD cohort

Research Project
My PhD project is part of the GLIMPSE PhD cohort at UFZ (project 2). My main focus is studying interacting global change effects on soil microorganisms and soil fauna, using the GCEF experimental platform. I aim to find out effects on the structural and functional biodiversity and the consequences for related ecosystem processes.
This work will contribute to built a systemic model that will analyze long term effects of global change on agricultural ecosystems.
GLIMPSE PhD cohort
GCEF - experimental platform
CV / Scientific Career
since 2022
PhD student at the department of soil ecology, UFZ Halle
M. Sc. Biochemistry at Leipzig University
Thesis: Adaptation of nematode nucleotidyltransferases to bizarre tRNA structures