Dr. Ralf Gründling

Soil Scientist & Scientific Technician


Phone: +49 0341 6025 4431

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department of Soil System Science
(before: Dep. of Soil Physics)
Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4
D-06120 Halle(Saale) / Germany


Fields of research

   Soil genesis        Soil processes        Soil functions        Precision farming        

   Soil carbon dynamics        Remote sensing of soil properties        UAV       

   3D-Laser scanning        Modelling (CCB)        Spatial distribution of soils       

   Regionalization of soil properties        Periglacial slope deposits       


 Field of activities

•Soil mapping •Database management / Data quality control
•GNSS/GPS systems •Technical support of meteorological observatory
•UAV based remote sensing •Technical support of lysimeter station
•Computation & Programming •3D - Terrestrial laser scanning

Professional background

since 2015 Scientific Technician, Dept. Soil System Science
2013-2014 Post-doc at UFZ, working group on Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
Projects: Humrep & Austrian Carbon Calculator
2010-2013 Project Assistant – private industry: research and development of precision farming products
2010 Dissertation: “Interaction between pedodiversity and biodiversity in an extensive used grassland ecosystem” (in German)
2005-2010 Ph.D. Student at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen
2005 Diploma-Thesis: “Pleistozäne und holozäne Bodenentwicklung und Möglichkeiten der Bodennutzung (Weinbau) an den Hängen der Pińczówer Erhebung (Polen)“ (in German)
1998-2005 Studies of Geography (Diploma) at University of Leipzig


You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (1)

to index

2022 (4)

to index

2021 (1)

to index

2020 (1)

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2019 (1)

to index

2018 (3)

to index

2017 (1)

  • Schulz-Zunkel, C., Rast, G., Schrenner, H., Baborowski, M., Bauth, S., Bondar-Kunze, E., Brauns, M., Bromberger, S., Dziock, F., Gapinski, C., Gründling, R., von Haaren, C., Hein, T., Henle, K., Kamjunke, N., Kasperidus, H.D., Koll, K., Kretz, L., Krüger, F., Möws, R., Otte, M., Pucher, M., Schmidt, C., Schnauder, I., Scholz, M., Seele, C., Nogueira Tavares, C., von Tümpling, W., Vieweg, M., Warthemann, G., Weitere, M., Wirth, C. (2017):
    Wilde Mulde – Revitalisierung einer Wildflusslandschaft in Mitteldeutschland
    Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 54 , 46 - 65
to index

2016 (1)

to index