PD Dr. Steffen Schlüter

Senior Researcher


Tel.: +49 341 6025 4420

Steffen Schlüter UFZ

Professional Experience / Education


since 2018

2014 - 2018

2013 - 2014

2012 - 2013

2009 - 2012

2002 - 2008

Habilitation in "Soil Science" at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Title: Exploring the relationship between soil structure and soil functions via pore-scale imaging

Group leader "Soil structure and soil function" at UFZ, Dept. Soil System Science

Humboldt fellow and Postdoc at UFZ (hans-Jörg Vogel), Dept. Soil System Science                                                                

Humboldt fellow at Oregon State University (Dorthe Wildenschild) and Australian National University (Adrian Sheppard)

Post-Doc at UFZ (Hans-Jörg Vogel), Dept. Soil Physics                                                                     

PhD student at UFZ (Hans-Jörg Vogel) - PhD degree from Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Dissertation: Quantification of soil structural heterogeneity and its impact on flow and transport                      


Studies in Geography (diploma) - Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Germany
with focus on physical geography, soil science and hydrology
Thesis: Analysing structure dynamics in arable soils using X-ray microtomography (TUD & UFZ Soil Physics, in german)

Research interests

3D image processing, X-ray µCT, correlative imaging, pore scale fluid dynamics, quantitative structure analysis, modelling of structures and processes in soil, denitrification, tillage effects on soil structure, plant-soil interactions, carbon stabilization and turnover in soil, microhabitats in soil


GLIMPSE - Global change impacts on microbiota-plant-soil processes relevant for water and matter cycling in agricultural ecosystems - UFZ (Laufzeit: 2022 - 2025)

Heat dissipation and matter turnover in the course of microbial succession constrained by substrate and oxygen availability - DFG (Laufzeit 2021-2028)

New concepts for assessing soil structure turnover by structure labeling and analyses of biochemical gradients - DFG (Laufzeit 2019-2028)
Relevance of root growth and related soil structure formation for spatiotemporal patterns of chemical and biological properties and emergent system functions - DFG (Laufzeit 2018-2025)

Spatial organization of the liquid in the rhizosphere - DFG (Laufzeit 2018-2021)

Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated control and Modelling at various scales (DASIM) - DFG (Laufzeit 2016-2024)

Measuring changes in are and curvature of fluid interfaces in partially saturated porous media via tomographic imaging - Feodor-Lynen-Forschungsstipedium (Laufzeit: 2013-2015)

INVEST - Inverse Modelling of Terrestrial Systems - Helmholtz-Venetzungsfond (Laufzeit: 2009 - 2013)


see Google Scholar profile