Material & Information
Please send hints and suggestions to
In order to implement gender equality in all areas of society, the federal government, the states and their institutions have been working for decades on a database and on appropriate measures to enable women to participate equally in education and science, among other things. Some of these are presented below.
Federal Report on Young Scientists
The Matilda-Effect: How women become invisible in science
RKI Report 2023: women´s health (german)
Podcast: women´s careers in science (Deutschlandfunk) - worth listening to. (german)
Podcast: Lost Women of Science
500 Women Scientists
Gender Gap in Science
VIDS (Video Interventions for Diversity in STEM)
"Twelve Principles Trainees, PIs, Departments, and Faculties Can Use to Reduce Bias and Discrimination in STEM"
(Science)awards - Selection of awards from science, business, society and innovation
Equal opportunities in science and research (GWK) (german)
Women in science (UNESCO)
Global Gender Gap Report 2022 (World Economic Forum)
V. Henn: International Human Rights Law and Structural Discrimination
All Male Panel - Recommended actions for men
Dr. Audine Laurian: Of course! Eight inspiring stories about becoming a scientist
Dr. Audine Laurian: Of course² Seven inspiring stories about becoming a scientist
Tool for calculating your Academic Age
All Male Panel - Recommended actions for men
Nature: Sexism in Academia as a waste of public funding
Reader Antifeminism
Diversity Monitoring
If scientific disciplines do not take the dimension of gender into account, this creates a research gap through which much innovation potential is lost. Therefore, in Guideline 9 on Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice, the DFG requires that scientists examine whether and to what extent gender and diversity can be significant for the research project.
DFG Guidelines - Good Scientific Practice
EIGE Article: Gender in Research
Stanford Article: Gendered Innovations
Article of the BMBF Gender aspects in research (german)
Training: Unconscious bias in peer reviews
Often, equality policies have been designed for non-migrant heterosexual family forms. If the focus is broadened, many everyday situations of e.g. LGBTI+ families or non-binary employees become visible.
Since 2020 the network: 'The International Society of Nonbinary Scientists' exists.
A comprehensive introduction to the topics of sex & gender is provided by maiLab. (german)
The Royal Society explains, what 'unconscious bias' means.
In the Vielfalt.Mediathek, you can find Information about Homo-trans and inter-hostility
Sexism and violence do not stop at the scientific community. Here you will find contact points, background information, as well as networks and projects against sexism and violence.
Help for those affected and Reporting
Victim support services in Germany
StandUp - digital training against harassment in public (German language only)
Contact points for those affected by sexualized discrimination and violence
Equal Opportunities at UFZ
Facts and Figures
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency - Sexual harassment at university
Gender & Society: Economic and Career Effects of Sexual Harassment (2017)
Journal of Business Ethics: Effects of Microaggressions for Women in STEM
The National Academies Press: Sexual Harassment of Women (2018)
ZDF-Documentary: Abuse of power at universities (German)
Guidelines and Laws
What to do in cases of sexual harassment at the work place? (German only)
General Act on Equal Treatment
Projects and Networks
bff-Project - "make it work - then make it better"
Common Declaration on Sexism in Academia
#metoo science - Online Portal
The equal pay principle states that employees must be paid equally for the same work or work of equal value, regardless of their gender. Here you will find an overview of applicable laws, examples of application and further information.
ILO - Transparency of Remuneration Act
Law application and reports
Simmons+Simmons: Federal Labour Court strengthens equal pay for all employees
Deloitte: More wage justice by law – dealing with the new draft law
Marital Splitting & Factor method
ifo Institute - On the Reform of the Marital Splitting System (2021) - On the Critique on the Marital Splitting System (2023)
How to Germany: Income tax calculator for Germany
How to apply for a change of tax bracket during marriage or civil partnerships
The Red Relocators - The Taxation of Couples & Tax Classes in Germany
Further information can be found in german language on our website.
Further information
Harvard Business Review: The Complicated Effects of Pay Transparency
Even more information can be found on this page under Diversity Lectures / Women and Money
The DEI-Lecture Climate Justice - Quo Vadis? Gender aspects of climate change - solutions in climate policy has taken place on September 6th, 2024. A lot of further information is listed below.
Related links
genanet. Gender Environment Sustainability
Sustainability Research Center (artec)
Examining the Impact of Climate Change Risks on Pregnancy.pdf
The DEI Lecture Sexualized Discrimination in the context of science took place on Dec. 1.
Further information can be found further up on this page under "Sexualized discrimination and violence".The DEI-Lecture Men and Masculinities - Change & Chance has taken place on May 22nd, 2023
Reader on the Topic of masculinities
A lot of further information is listed below.
very quick resources:
5 seemingly harmless things that are actually sexist
Plan International. What is a man's role in gender equality activism?
10 Things men can do to prevent gender violence
Free to READ online: E. Drew & S. Canavan, eds. The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms Routledge 2020.
Scambor, Wojnicka et al. Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality, European Commission, 2013
The 5th International Conference on Men and Equal Opportunities: Men who care.
GenPORT EU web portal on gender in science, technology and innovation
International Labour Organization, 2013. Men and Masculinities: Promoting Gender Equality in the World of Work
UniSAFE project (on gender-based violence in universities and research institutions)
D. Salin, E. Baillien & G. Notelaers, High-performance work practices and interpersonal relationships: laissez-faire leadership as a risk factor. Frontiers in Psychology 2022
ALLBright Foundation: 7 reasons why parental leave is good for fathers (german language)
EIGE. 2012, The Involvement of Men in Gender Equality Initiatives in the European Union
Jeff Hearn, Keynote ‘Men and gender equality: resistance, responsibilities, reaching out’, EU Conference on Men and Equality, Örebro, Sweden, March 2001.
Kopano, Ratele and Mbuyiselo Botha 2014. ‘Profeminist Black Men: Engaging Women Liberationists, Undermining Patriarchy’
Flood, Michael and D’arcy Ertel 2020. Concluding critical commentary: Men’s experiences as agents of feminist change
Egeberg Holmgren, Linn and Jeff Hearn 2009. ‘Framing ‘men in feminism’: Theoretical locations, local contexts and practical passings in men’s gender-conscious positionings on gender equality and feminism’, Journal of Gender Studies
Promundo, UNFPA, MenEngage 2010. Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health: A global toolkit for action.
MenEngage Alliance (multiple resources)
Men, masculinities and gender politics
All Male Panels (on homosociality)
Research websites (some with multiple resources):
GenPORT (portal, gender, science, technology & innovation): includes many documents and videos, e.g. Jeff Hearn video: Men and masculinities in Science, Technology and Innovation, 2017.
GENERA -Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area
Literature recommendations
Elad N. Sherf and Subra Tangirala. 2017. How to Get Men Involved with Gender Parity Initiatives. Harvard Business Review
Gonsalves, A., Danielsson, A. et al.2016. Masculinities and experimental practices in physics: The view from three case studies. Physical Review Physics Education Research
C. T. Begeny et al. 2020. In some professions, women have become well represented, yet gender bias persists. Science Advances
Edström, J., Hassink, A., et al. 2015. Engendering Men: A Collaborative Review of Evidence on Men and Boys in Social Change and Gender Equality, EMERGE, Promundo-US, Sonke Gender Justice, Institute of Development Studies.
Zwarteveen, M. 2008. Men, masculinities and water powers in irrigation. Water Alternatives
Pulé, P. and Hultman, M. eds. 2021. Men, Masculinities and the Earth: Contending with the (m)Anthropocene, Palgrave Macmillan.
Mellström, U. and Pease, B. eds. 2023. Posthumanism and the Man Question: Beyond Anthropocentric Masculinities, Routledge.
Enarson, E. and Pease, B. eds. 2016. Men, Masculinities and Disasters, Routledge.
Garlick, S. (2016) The Nature of Masculinity: Critical Theory, New Materialisms, and Technologies of Embodiment, University of British Columbia Press.
A Diversity Lecture on the topic "The Dependence of Women" with Dr. Meike Stoverock took place on 08.03.2023. A lot of further informations is listed below.
Related links
Diskriminierung von Frauen: Woher kommt das Patriarchat? (German only)
Die Entwicklung des Patriarchats und wo wir es heute noch finden können (German only)
Incels: A first Scan of the Phenomenon (in the EU) and its Relevance and Challenges for (P/CVE)
Feministische Außenpolitik - Leitlinien (German only)
Feministische Außenpolitik - Leitlinien (Youtube with sign language)
Meike Stoverock "Femaile Choice. Vom Anfang und Ende der männlichen Zivilisation" (German only)
A Diversity Lecture on the topic of racism in science with Nursemin Sönmez took place on 06.05.2022. A lot of further information is listed below.
Help for those affected
What to do after a racist attack? Help for those affected
Related links
Kick-off Study for the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa) (German only)
Working Paper on the Decolonization of Teaching
Study "Institutions & Racism" (German only)
Officer for the Critique of Racism
Afrocensus (German only)
"None of us are free" - Colson Whitehead tells the true story of American racism (German only)
White fragility - Why Whites so easily overlook racism (German only)
Halbe Katoffl (German only)
Argumentation aid
Arguments against racism (German only)
Foundation against racism (German only)
What do I reply on...? ( (German only)
"YOU'RE STILL ALLOWED TO SAY THAT...!" Dealing with right-wing populist arguments (German only)
Tupoka Ogette "Exit racism" (German only)
Reni Eddo-Lodge „Warum ich nicht länger mit Weissen über Hautfarbe spreche“ (German only)
Natasha A. Kelly „Rassismus. Strukturelle Probleme brauchen strukturelle Lösungen!“ (German only)
Mohamed Amjahid „Unter Weißen. Was es heißt privilegiert zu sein“ (German only)
Leah Carola Czollek/Gudrun Perko et al. "Praxishandbuch Social Justice und Diversity" (German only)
Emilia Rog "Why we matter" (German only)
Mithu Sanyal "Identitti" (German only)
Brochure: Racism in the context of business and work (German only)
Brochure: Anti-discrimination and equality data in conversation (German only)
Two distant strangers
Coded Bias (Doku)
They call us a team of foreigners (German only)
Less migration to Dresden: Right-wing protests scare young people! (German only)
Why politically motivated acts are not punished as such (MDR/Kripo live) (German only)
Get out of East Germany: When racism is unbearable (MDR) (German only)
Racism accusation against WDR program "Die letzte Instanz" (WDR Aktuelle Stunde) (German only)
On 07.03.2022 a Diversity Lecture with Ulrike Spangenberg on the topic "Women and Money" took place.
Related links
Equal pay for women and men (Hans Böckler Foundation) (German only)
Remuneration Check of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (German only)
Recommended literature - Financial Literacy
Bannier & Schwarz (2018) Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth. Journal of Economic Psychology 67
OECD/INFE 2020 International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy
Consulting - Financial Literacy
Unconscious bias at the workplace
What is Unconscious Bias?
Unconscious Bias at Work — Making the Unconscious Conscious
How Unconscious Bias affects who we choose as leaders
How to reduce bias in your workplace
4 steps for busting unconscious bias
10 Ways To Promote Anti-Racism In The Workplace
Example of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace
Centre On Dynamics of Ethnicity: The effects of racism at work
Gender Equality and Gender Bias
Gender Discrimination
Example of Gender Bias in the Workplace
How Women Can Overcome Bias at Work
Addressing unconscious bias
Equality Diversity & Inclusion in 2021 - WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT?
Diversity and Inclusion (in 2022)
Cultivating a culture of inclusion
Inclusion of people with disabilities
Top 5 - Mistakes dealing with disabled people
3 ways to be more inclusive
Like a lens, the social situation, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighted already existing inequalities. Thus, also for the topic of equality, situations arose which highlighted or re-emerged known problems. Starting with the representation in expert committees, the gendered division of labour and the effects on women's publication figures, a number of studies and articles on the topic of corona and gender are collected here.
The selection includes links and articles in german and english.
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development): Daten, Analysen und Empfehlungen zur Covid-19-Situation
Deutscher Frauenrat (Dossier): Covid-19 aus Geschlechterperspektive
UN Women (Collection): Gender Equality matters in Covid-19 response
Aktuelle Beiträge zum Gleichstellungsrecht (Artikel): Corona und Arbeitszeit: Lücke zwischen den Geschlechtern bleibt
Policy Report on “COVID-19 impact on gender equality in research & innovation” (2023)
Nature (Article): The pandemic and the female academic
Nature (Study): Are women publishing less during the pandemic? Here’s what the data say
Nature (Article): The career cost of COVID-19 to female researchers, and how science should respond
Nature human behaviour (Article): Unequal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on scienrists
The Guardian (Article): Womens’s research plummets during lockdown – but articles from men increase
FAZ (Artikel): Corona bedroht die Karrieren junger Forscherinnen
Deutschlandfunk (Artikel): Wissenschaftliche Karriereambitionen werden „mit Männlichkeit verknüpft“
Deutschlandfunk (Artikel): Warum vor allem Männer uns das Virus erklären
MaLisa (Studie): Wer wird in Krisenzeiten gefragt? Zusammenfassung der zentralen Ergebnisse
Spiegel (Artikel): Wissenschaftler kritisieren Benachteiligung von Jüngeren
Der Tagesspiegel (Artikel): „Das Wohlergehen der Frauen wird nicht adressiert“ (Jutta Allmendinger) (Artikel): Leopoldina: Warum Expert*innenteams zu homogen sind
Pro Quote: Corona-Expertinnenliste
Critical Infrastructure
Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv (Artikel): Systemrelevant – aber selten anerkannt
taz (Artikel): Corona ist weiblich – eine Krise der Frauen
Facts and figures
GWK: Equal opportunities in science and research (german)
UFZ internal diversity monitoring
Further Collections
CEWS journal: Materialsammlung zum Thema Covid-19 und Geschlecht (S. 12-26)
As part of an assignment for religion class to identify and present grievances in Leipzig, Gustav Hertz School student Anni Grusa (grade 8 at the time), selected the topic of "Equal Rights for Men and Women" among others to work on.
To this end, she also conducted an interview with the UFZ's gender equality officer on the following questions: Unfortunately the interview only exists in german language.
Nobody wants to be restricted by gender roles. Yet they persist. How can this be explained?
Gender roles have an enormous influence on a person's opportunities. What are the differences between men and women?
In a family, all members are relatively dependent on each other and gender roles affect the whole system. What does that do to children, for example?
How do we move on? What possibilities do I have to live nevertheless, as self-determined as possible?