Regional value chains in the context of biodiversity and ecosystem services

The example of a Czech-Polish-Saxon project cooperation


Dr. Christoph Schröter-Schlaack

(Overall project management: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kramer, TU Dresden und NETSCI GmbH, Zittau)



01.06.2015 − 31.11.2017


German Federal Foundation for the Environment
(Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt − DBU)


The project goal is the promotion of economic development capacity in the border triangle Czech Republic – Poland – Germany through an increased regionalization of value chains while taking into account ecosystem services. More regionalized value chains promise various economic advantages, not only for the individual cooperating enterprises but also for the region as a whole: local economic power and regional identity are strengthened, positive effects on the labor market are generated, purchasing power and financing capacity remain within the region. Moreover, it can be seen as a contribution to environmental and resource protection.

Against this backdrop, an indicator set will be developed and tested, which enables the mostly small and medium-sized enterprises to identify and assess the interactions between their economic activity within the cross-border area and the relevant ecosystem services. Further, measures adapted to the individual enterprise will be derived in order to strengthen positive or reduce negative impacts. Finally, instruments will be developed with the aim to communicate the added value of the thus optimized production and value chains to the customers. This improves competitiveness of the actors and contributes to sustainable development in the region.

Project partners

  • International Meeting Center St. Marienthal (IBZ)
  • Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)
  • J.E. Purkyne University Usti nad Labem
  • Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Environmental Planning (IUP)
  • Saxony State Foundation for Nature and the Environment (LANU)
  • Wrocław University of Economics