Katja Westphal
Contact / Address
Katja Westphal
PhD researcher
Department Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis and Management (ASAM)
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research - UFZ
Brückstr. 3a, 39114 Magdeburg, Germany
Tel: +49 391 810 9615
since 2015
PhD at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis, Magdeburg, Germany
Topic: Long-term trends of nutrients in riverine ecosystems - achievements in eutrophication abatement in Europe
Cohort member of International Research Training Group (IRTG) in the Centre for Advanced Water Research (CAWR) at Technical University, Dresden, Germany
2007 - 2014
Student of "Landuse and water Management", Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, focus on landuse strategies, river restoration and water mannagement
Master-Thesis: "Scenario development of a large-scale willow vegetation filter for the village of Khongor in Mongolia with focus on design and dimensioning"
2006 - 2007
Bsc. "Urban Planning and Management", Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus
Professional experiences
2008 - 2014
Student assistant at various scientific institutions (e.g. UFZ, BTU) in the field of soil and freshwater conservation and river restoration
Focus of work
- Long-term water quality changes in rivers as a response to political amelioration measures
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of microbiological contaminations (coliforms and antibiotic resistances) in the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia - MoMo Project: Integrated Water Resources Management, Mongolia
- Technical coordination of the water quality monitoring program along the Kharaa River, Mongolia– MoMo Project
- Support in establishing a water quality database for the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia – MoMo Project
- Professional advice on the preparation of the in Kharaa- Yeröö River Basin in water quality issues - MoMo Project
- European assessment of eutrophication abatement across land based sources in inland waters - survey commissioned by European Topic Centre (ETC)
List of publications
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2022 (1)
- Hildebrandt, S., Krüger, E.H., Westphal, K., Ruhl, A.S., Borchardt, D. (2022):
Efficacy of source-control, use-related and end-of-pipe regulations on river water quality in a large German river catchment: a 50-year trajectory
EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022
Copernicus Publications, EGU22-10129 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10129
2020 (2)
- Ochirbold, B-E., Tserendorj, A., Westphal, K., Karthe, D. (2020):
Hygienic condition of different water sources in the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia in the light of a rapid warming trend
Atmosphere 11 (10), art. 1113 10.3390/atmos11101113 - Westphal, K., Musolff, A., Graeber, D., Borchardt, D. (2020):
Controls of point and diffuse sources lowered riverine nutrient concentrations asynchronously, thereby warping molar N:P ratios
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (10), art. 104009 10.1088/1748-9326/ab98b6
2019 (1)
- Westphal, K., Graeber, D., Musolff, A., Fang, Y., Jawitz, J.W., Borchardt, D. (2019):
Multi-decadal trajectories of phosphorus loading, export, and instream retention along a catchment gradient
Sci. Total Environ. 667 , 769 - 779 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.428
2018 (1)
- Hofmann, J., Ibisch, R., Karthe, D., Scharaw, B., Schäffer, M., Hartwig, M., Theuring, P., Rode, M., Avlyush, S., Watson, V., Bremerich, V., Osor, G., Kaus, A., Westphal, K., Pfeiffer, M., Priess, J., Schweitzer, C., Krätz, D., Gröning, J., Hürdler, J., Batbayar, G., Heldt, S., Büttner, O., Borchardt, D. (2018):
Metadata describing the Kharaa Yeröö River Basin Water Quality Database
Freshwater Metadata Journal 36 , 1 - 10 10.15504/fmj.2018.36
2017 (6)
- Hofman, J., Westphal, K., Karthe, D., Saulyegul, A., Ibisch, R., Schäffer, M., Heldt, S. (2017):
Risk assessment of surface water bodies
In: Hofmann, J., Battogtokh, D., Borchardt, D., Dombrowsky, I., Galbadrakh, L., Jadambaa, N., Karthe, D., Oczipka, M., Paulsen, H., Pfeiffer, M., Saulyegul, A., Scharaw, B., Ulambadrakh, K. (eds.)
Kharaa - Yeröö River Basin Atlas. 2nd Edition
Kharaa-Yeröö River Basin Administration (KYRBA), Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IGG) [u.a.], Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, p. 7.6 - Karthe, D., Chalov, S., Moreido, V., Pashkina, M., Romanchenko, A., Batbayar, G., Kalugin, A., Westphal, K., Malsy, M., Flörke, M. (2017):
Assessment of runoff, water and sediment quality in the Selenga River basin aided by a web-based geoservice
Water Resour. 44 (3), 399 - 416 10.1134/S0097807817030113 - Karthe, D., Lin, P.-Y., Westphal, K. (2017):
Instream coliform gradients in the Holtemme, a small headwater stream in the Elbe River Basin, Northern Germany
Front. Earth Sci. 11 (3), 544 - 553 10.1007/s11707-017-0648-x - Karthe, D., Westphal, K. (2017):
Water and hygiene in the Kharaa River Basin Mongolia: current knowledge and research needs
Geography, Environment, Sustainability 11 (3), 44 - 53 10.24057/2071-9388-2017-11-3-44-53 - Karthe, D., Westphal, K., Saulyegul, A., Renchinbud, B. (2017):
Hygienic monitoring
In: Hofmann, J., Battogtokh, D., Borchardt, D., Dombrowsky, I., Galbadrakh, L., Jadambaa, N., Karthe, D., Oczipka, M., Paulsen, H., Pfeiffer, M., Saulyegul, A., Scharaw, B., Ulambadrakh, K. (eds.)
Kharaa - Yeröö River Basin Atlas. 2nd Edition
Kharaa-Yeröö River Basin Administration (KYRBA), Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IGG) [u.a.], Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, p. 6.9 - Westphal, K., Javzan, C., Hofman, J., Saulyegul, A., Renchinbud, B., Nergui, S. (2017):
Surface water quality monitoring
In: Hofmann, J., Battogtokh, D., Borchardt, D., Dombrowsky, I., Galbadrakh, L., Jadambaa, N., Karthe, D., Oczipka, M., Paulsen, H., Pfeiffer, M., Saulyegul, A., Scharaw, B., Ulambadrakh, K. (eds.)
Kharaa - Yeröö River Basin Atlas. 2nd Edition
Kharaa-Yeröö River Basin Administration (KYRBA), Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IGG) [u.a.], Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, p. 6.5
2016 (1)
- Ibisch, R., Westphal, K., Borchardt, D., Rouillard, J., Lukat, E., Boteler, B., Lyche Solheim, A., Austnes, K., Leujak, W., Schmedtje, U. (2016):
European assessment of eutrophication abatement measures across land-based sources, inland, coastal and marine waters
ETC/ICM Technical Report 2/2016
European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Magdeburg, 95 pp.
2015 (2)
- Karthe, D., Hofmann, J., Ibisch, R., Heldt, S., Westphal, K., Menzel, L., Avlyush, S., Malsy, M. (2015):
Science-based IWRM implementation in a data-scarce Central Asian region: experiences from a research and development project in the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia
Water 7 (7), 3486 - 3514 10.3390/w7073486 - Westphal, K., Sullivan, C., Gregersen, P., Karthe, D. (2015):
Potential and feasibility of willow vegetation filters in Mongolia
In: Karthe, D., Chalov, S.R., Kasimov, N.S., Kappas, M. (eds.)
Water and environment in the Selenga-Baikal Basin. International research cooperation for an ecoregion of global relevance
Earth View - Geography and Geoinformation 23
Ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart, p. 301 - 320
Master's Thesis
- Westphal, K. (2013): Scenario development of a large-scale willow based wastewater treatment for the village of Khongor in Mongolia with special focus on design and dimensioning. M.Sc. Thesis, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus.