Lake Microbiology
Third party funding
Funding | Title | Duration |
German Research Foundation | Gas bubbles in freshwater ecosystems: origin, fate, and bubble-mediated transport (Bubble) (DFG database). | 10.2019 - 9.2023 |
German Research Foundation | Meteorological Drivers of Mass and Energy Exchange between Inland Waters and the Atmosphere (MEDIWA) | 11.2020 - 11.2023 |
Further projects
Gleon Project GasHype
GHG emissions from river Elbe (Moses GHG)
greenhouse gas emissions from dry freshwater systems (dryflux): The role of terrestrial vegetation growing on dry aquatic systems on carbon cycling and CO2 emissions on a global scale.
greenhouse gas emissions from drinking water reservoirs (
Diurnal CO2 flux variation across latitudinal gradients (DC flux)
Methane production in oxic water (MetOx)
title | author | year | university |
Reaktionen von 'Plastisphere'-Bakterien gegenüber Auslaugungen und Additiven von Plastikprodukten | Nora Siegelt | 2024 | Fakutät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik der Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg |
Analysis of Polyamide Microplastics using Multispectral Imaging Flow Cytometry | Sara Arshad | 2023 | Technical University of Chemnitz |
Experimental evaluation of greenhouse gas concentrations and turnover in the freshwater surface micro layer | Hannah Sophie Mihm | 2022 | Uni Braunschweig (bachelor) |
Bakterienisolate von Plastik und ihre Fähigkeit zur Biofilmbildung auf Mikroplastik | Nora Siegelt | 2022 | Magdeburg University |
Interactions of microplastic fibers, freshwater bacteria and zooplankton | Arne Aljoscha Pfennig | 2022 | University of Potsdam |
Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Dry Sediments of the River Elbe | Lelaina Teichert | 2021 | Uni Münster (master) |
Biogeochemical processes governing microplastic transport in freshwater reservoirs | Rico Leiser | 2021 | Uni Potsdam (PhD) |
Sealing leaks in the plumbing: Gaseous carbon emissions from dry inland waters on global and local scales | Philipp Keller | 2021 | Uni Landau (PhD) |
Mikroplastik im Sediment des Muldestausees | Marina Weiss | 2019 | University of Leipzig (master) |
Partikel besiedelnde Mikroorganismen in einer Brauchwasser-Talsperre | Franziska Reggelin | 2019 | Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences (master) |
Kultivierung und Identifizierung aquatischer Mikroorganismen aus Plastik-Biofilmen | Tatjana Gaudl | (master) | |
Role of the sediments for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in drinking water reservoirs | Tallent Dadi | 2017 | Uni Halle (PhD) |
Microbial colonization and degradation of conventional and biodegradable polymers in lake water and sediment | Maria Riese | 2017 | Uni Trier (master) |
Finished projects
Funding | Title | Duration |
Ruhrverband | Greenhosuse gas emissions from two German reservoirs (TreMöBi) | 2023-2024 |
CAS-DAAD | Spatial heterogeneity of greenhouse gas emissions from lotic systems: scaling from site-specific to riverine continuum | 2021-2023 |
BMBF | MikroPlaTaS | 2018-2021 |
DFG | Greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs (TREGATa) | 2016-2020 |
BMBF | TALKO | 2012-2015 |
DFG | biogeochemical fluxes and turnover at pelagic redoxclines in lakes (RedoxFlux) | 2011-2015 |
HAI | sulfur cycle in oil sands tailings ponds | 2010-2015 |
LMBV | optimization of nitrification to eliminate ammonium from a neutralised pit lake (SeNi) | 2011-2013 |
CICYT | biogeochemistry of meromictic pit lakes in Spain | 2009-2012 |
DBU | Microbial in-situ-neutralisation of acidic mine pit lakes | 04/2002-11/2005 |
VW foundation | Limnology and biogeochemistry of volcanic acidic waters in the watershed of the Andean volcano Copahue (Argentina, Chile) | 02/2003-11/2005 |