developed models

CANDY: simulates dynamics of C, N,temperature and water in soil on plot and regional scales
CIPS: simulates carbon turnover with measurable pools taking into account soil structure effects; runs inside CANDY
CCB: a strongly simplified carbon turnover model with the same theoretical background like CANDY but running in annual time steps for average climate conditions
SIWAPFLAN: a CANDY module for simulation of plant dynamics

Please note, model versions shown above are not up to date. Find latest versions here:>

an important feature of those models is the Biologic Active Time (BAT) that relates the microbial turnover activities to ebvironmental constraints

explore the BAT for different conditions

In our modelling we assume that all organic matter is divided into pools of different quality. Fresh organic matter (FOM) from roots, plant residues and other organic material is decombosed by microbes. These microbes produce soil organic matter

here you can watch the model results for the turnover of FOM consisting of two different pools

  • Zugriffe: 846
  • geändert: 20.07.2022
  • Inhalt: Bernd Herrmann
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