Dr. Eberhard Küster

Dr. Eberhard Küster
Photo: Sebastian Wiedling/UFZ

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Building: 6.0
Room: 325
Phone: +49 341 6025 1525
Dr. Eberhard Küster


Research Interests

  • Further development and utilisation of Daphnia for biological monitoring of water bodies & assessment of chronic effects on invertebrate populations;
  • Mixture toxicity, toxicokinetics and biotransformation of pesticides & drugs in aquatic organisms;
  • Adaptation of standard ecotoxicological tests to the special conditions of environmental monitoring

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2010

Research associate, Department Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig

2000 - 2010

several PostDoc positions, Department Chemical Ecotoxicology and Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ

research areas: groundwater remediation evaluation, biomarker development and hazard assessment with different aquatic bioassays

 1996 - 2000

PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat) at the University of Tübingen, Germany in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the year 2000 (Supervisor B. Mühlbauer), „Die Rolle des intrarenalen Dopamins und seiner Rezeptoren bei der Regulation der Nierenfunktion“

1989 - 1996

diploma in biology at the University of Rostock, Germany (Supervisor K. Jürß) after studying in Marburg, Germany, the Juniata College (Pennsylvania, USA) and the Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort (NC, USA), „Einfluss abiotischer Umweltparameter auf Proteine von Polychaeten“

1987 - 1989

Trained as a Biological-Technical Assistant, „Landesanstalt für Fischerei in Nordrhein-Westfalen“ (now „Landesanstalt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz, NRW, Fachbereich Fischereiökologie“)

Current Projects

PARC - European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals; 2021- 2027

ETC-ICM - European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters; 2019-2022
Development of an indicator for pesticides to be used for hazard assessment in EU waters

JPI Nature - Nature-based solutions to reduce antibiotics, pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in aquatic ecosystems; 2021-2024

Completed Projects

  • NeuroBox - Assessment of neurotoxic effects in the water cycle; BMBF financed, 2017-2020    
  • Kleingewässermonitoring (KGM) – German Monitoring of Plant Protection Products in Small Streams; UBA financed, 2018-2020; Link to UFZ site
  • DBU-MOE Postgraduiertenstipendium - Linking uptake and effects of environmental pollutants in the zebrafish embryo model; 2017-2018 (E. Jarosz)

  • ToxBox - Hazard based risk management for anthropogenic micro pollutants for the protection of drinking water, BMBF financed, 2011- 2015
  • ProDarT - „The zebrafish embryo as alternative to the acute fish test: determination of bioconcentration, effective dose and effect of lipophilic organic substances on the proteome“, BMBF financed, 2009- 2013
  • CITE-Cat – Chemicals in the Environment - Chemical active transport, financed by UFZ, 2011-2013


  • MODELPROBE - Model driven Soil Probing, Site Assessment and Evaluation; financed by EU, 2008- 2012
  • POLYCARBOXYLATES - Risk Analysis of Phosphate alternatives in washing detergents, financed by UBA, 2007
  • PROTECTOR - Recycling and upgrading of bone meal for environmentally friendly crop protection and nutrition; financed by EU, 2005-2008
  • SAFIRA - Remediation research in regional contaminated aquifers; financed by BMBF, 2000-2002



OECD Fellowship- Award (2013-2014), Topic: “Aquaculture- Toxicokinetics of co-substances in pesticide mixtures” at the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomarker Research, National Ocean Service (NOS) at the National Oceanographic and Athmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Charleston, South Carolina, USA


2023 (2)

2022 (1)

2021 (2)

2020 (2)

2019 (3)

2017 (2)

2016 (3)

2015 (3)

2014 (2)

2013 (4)

2012 (1)

2011 (1)

2010 (4)

2009 (1)

2008 (4)

2007 (2)

2006 (2)

2005 (5)

2004 (2)

2003 (4)

2001 (1)

2000 (1)

Student Projects

Students who wish to work here in the frame of their bachelor or master thesis (or other voluntary projects within their university education) are invited to ask for advise or in- deep information. Working topics would mainly be connected to the above current projects but that is not prerogatory. Own ideas will be accepted if I can supervise them in terms of content and needed machinery/ tools.
For brainstorming, here a list of student projects which were finalised within the last 5 years:

PDF file (25.8 KB)

Otherwise, simply browse through the latest publications, and you may find further starting points for a topic.