Running Projects


Large-scale derivation of crop trait parameters via inverse parameterised modelling for improved yield estimates

Runtime: 11/2022 - 10/2025
Lead: Dr. Daniel Doktor


Nature protection value of forest ecosystems via remote sensing (tree species, structure) and data science methods

Runtime: 11/2023 - 10/2026
Lead: Dr. Maximilian Lange

Forest Resilience

Forest owner based management effects on forest resilience

Runtime: 12/2024 - 11/2025
Lead: Dr. Daniel Doktor


Analysis and quantification of climate change induced extreme events on foreset via remote sensing and data science methods

Runtime: 05/2025 - 04/2027
Lead: Dr. Daniel Doktor

Past Projects

Helmholtz 'Forest Condition Monitor Germany' - 'Establishing a forest condition monitor using Sentinel-2 time-series to generate standardised products throughout Germany' (2021-2023)

Global Ground Heat Flux Estimated from Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
This project uses satellite remote sensing observations to derive a global, high resolution estimate of ground heat flux, in order to enhance our understanding of the surface energy balance and the land-atmosphere coupling. Furthermore, this estimate of ground heat flux may bridge the gap between paleoreconstructions of continental heat storage and current micrometeorological observations, expanding our knowledge about the mechanisms governing past and current climate change.


Improved derivation of biodiversity in forests via remote sensing time series, AI and citizen science data    

Runtime: 11/2023 - 10/2024
Lead: Dr. Daniel Doktor


Does grassland managment translate systematically into remotely sensed signals ?

Runtime: 10/2022 - 09/2024
Lead: Dr. Daniel Doktor