Research group Ecosystem Service Change

ESuDis -

Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services

Fig. 1, Conceptual framework of ESuDis, indicating the linkages between the different work packages and the scientific objectives (SO) addressed in each (ES: ecosystem services)
Fig. 1, Conceptual framework of ESuDis, indicating the linkages between the different work packages and the scientific objectives (SO) addressed in each (ES: ecosystem services)
Contacts Partners Funding Publications

Short description

Ecosystem services are usually conceptualized as being supplied by nature alone; however, there is increasing evidence showing that most ecosystem services are jointly co-produced by different combinations of natural and anthropogenic inputs. These anthropogenic inputs are also known as capital assets, which include, human, social, technological and financial capitals.
The main goal of ESuDis is to understand the different pathways by which anthropogenic and natural capitals are combined to sustainably co-produce ecosystem services and contribute to the equitable distribution of these services (Fig. 1).
We will investigate how increasing land use intensity and the substitution of natural capital by human, social, technological and financial capitals affect (i) the supply of multiple ecosystem services (scientific objective 1), (ii) the distribution of those services across different stakeholders and multiple spatial scales, in terms of use and demand (scientific objective 2); and (iii) how supply and distribution relate to the governance of ecosystem services (scientific objective 3).

Work programme

WP1: Project conceptualization, organization and coordination

WP2: Causes and consequences of the substitution of natural capital by anthropogenic capital on the supply and distribution of ecosystem services.

WP3: Influence of the governance of the different capitals on ecosystem services supply and distribution




This project is funded by DFG and is a contributing project of the Biodiversity Exploratories.
